Jaguar [new age] drivers. <rant>


Registered User
Aug 22, 2013
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The 'carse of Gowrie.
Ok Firstly I must explain by what I meant by new age. By this I mean those drivers who can afford the latest models from jaguar. The really smart, powerful good looking cars.

Pity the smart bit doesn't refer to the drivers as well.

Over the last 3 weeks, locally, I've been cut up, blocked and treated to very discourteous driving by greying, middle aged men in the driving seats of various Jaguars.

Which is a shame as the cars are great period.

But the drivers are using them like penis extensions.

Whether it's jumping on the forecourts, accelerating to close a gap to prevent you pulling out to pass slower traffic, or just blocking you in behind a train of slower traffic their poor driving is becoming more prevalent.

Perhaps they are subconsciously reacting to the companies megga advertising campaign???
Assholes come in all shapes and sizes and drive all sorts of cars.
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Reactions: kwistof and warren_S5
I think there is a tendency for people who get a foothold into a perceived high end brand car to get more arrogant in their driving styles, but on the whole I have to agree with Smeds, too many drivers of all shapes and sizes are just w*****s. Being a bike-ist I get to experience this first hand every weekend when f*****s in cars worth less money than my pedal bike exert their flex on me at traffic islands and road narrowings. On the whole British drivers have s**t driving standards. Spend any time in France (not Paris!) or Germany and you'll see better road discipline. Coming back to UK after a road trip to Europe really brings home how bad.
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I see rich idiots all the time. At least these ones are buying British built cars. I noticed more people blocking me off now I drive an Audi though, not that my old non vtec Civic did much overtaking. Do people hate us that much?
Do people hate us that much?

Yes, even my father in law hates the fact we drive an Audi and constantly discusses how he read about a car that is better/faster/more efficient in the paper. As he drives a Fabia I just zone out.
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We had a big meet down the southwest in February, a few hundred cars in total, quite a few of us cruised from Plymouth up to Exeter for it, as we were getting close to service station that the meet was being held at some knobhead in a 63 plate merc decided to undertake loads of us (bearing in mind we were overtaking slower traffic including some aircooled dubs, and there was a 3rd lane he could have used to overtake us) after getting most of the way up the pack we pretty much ended up boxing him in and then slowing down to the speed of the aircooled (probably topping out at 55) he was going bright red and screaming and shouting, was definitely a **** move from us but so damn funny.
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I do love seeing people get boxed in for undertaking.

I get that too warren, its usually something like "you should have got something reliable like a Volkswagen". I usually roll my eyes and move on.
I actually think that all the *****, or should that be small ***** have moved from BMW to Audi...

and almost mostly either an A4 tdi, or A5 tdi...

and someone, somewhere told them it's fast...

although in true knob styleeee... I did have a "gansta" in his "murdered out" X5 yesterday stuck to my rear bumper.... almost no space between my rear one painted with hammerrite and his fake halfrauds \\\\MMMMMMMM bodges... or is that badges... not sure...

Anyway, long and short of it is... I had to emergency brake... and his mega expensive X5 can't stop as quick as my £500 Cherokee...

nor is his chavmobile good enough to cause me any damage... his looked ******** mind you...

Just a lesson if any you knobs with Diesel A4/5 try to tail gate me too... this guy stamps on his brakes... you want to tailgate and live dangerously... I can play too...

Oh, and the fox that ran out in front of me was unharmed... you'll all be glad to hear....

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Has a tendancy to rush around > gives the impression of being "busy and productive" > gets promotion into a company car position > 4 door exec diesel saloons are the top of the list for non directors > people who tend to set off too late, make rash short term driving decisions, schedule doesn't tolerate delays and drive executive cars they don't actually have to look after.

Sums up this demographic. You don't see many people in RS6s and other huge powered PETROL cars driving like idiots. They tend to be quite reasonable. Because they actually have to be reasonable to attain that kind of funding.
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Has a tendancy to rush around > gives the impression of being "busy and productive" > gets promotion into a company car position > 4 door exec diesel saloons are the top of the list for non directors > people who tend to set off too late, make rash short term driving decisions, schedule doesn't tolerate delays and drive executive cars they don't actually have to look after.

Sums up this demographic. You don't see many people in RS6s and other huge powered PETROL cars driving like idiots. They tend to be quite reasonable. Because they actually have to be reasonable to attain that kind of funding.

Correct; when people have earned an RS they don't have anything to prove to anyone. It's tends to be people with inferior badge credential (often supplemented by additional fake badging) that feel the unbridled urge to make up for the shortfall in badge.
I actually think that all the *****, or should that be small ***** have moved from BMW to Audi...

and almost mostly either an A4 tdi, or A5 tdi...

and someone, somewhere told them it's fast...

although in true knob styleeee... I did have a "gansta" in his "murdered out" X5 yesterday stuck to my rear bumper.... almost no space between my rear one painted with hammerrite and his fake halfrauds \\\\MMMMMMMM bodges... or is that badges... not sure...

Anyway, long and short of it is... I had to emergency brake... and his mega expensive X5 can't stop as quick as my £500 Cherokee...

nor is his chavmobile good enough to cause me any damage... his looked ******** mind you...

Just a lesson if any you knobs with Diesel A4/5 try to tail gate me too... this guy stamps on his brakes... you want to tailgate and live dangerously... I can play too...

Oh, and the fox that ran out in front of me was unharmed... you'll all be glad to hear....



The next time you see that guy he'll be driving an A4 or A5 TDI:)

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