Modifications and insurance.


Registered User
Dec 19, 2011
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Morning all. This could be quite a worrying subject for us all.

I called insurance yesterday to add on tinted windows to my avant. Rear doors back to be one more shade darker than factory, just for my toddler/baby really. They told me that modification would be £62 (isg) extra!!

I kicked up a fuss and they said 'any mod to the car could make your insurance void if we aren't told about it'

Where does this stop!!

Window shades for kids, silver dust caps on wheels, white fog lamps, mud flaps, mods to software, mod to engine (understandable), interior light pack, just a few but where/what is allowed and what is not ???
I modded everything in my signature and the cost was only about a £50 increase for everything, it just depends on the insurance company you are with. Try looking around and find better deals.
Why is there a premium for tints ?

The removable fitted sun shades are very good these days .

Looks like if your adding mid term they will sting you rather than stating from the start of new quotes.
As the others have said, shop around. Websites like let you add mods and you can see what the premiums are from different insurers.
I am paying quite a big price for the original owner of my car fitting a Milltek exhaust, to be expected I suppose, but what I'd like to find out is, just what and how much else can I do before my insurance gets hiked again. I'd doubt if I'd ever find that out!

Checked up on using Audi Insurance, that is a big NO NO if you have an alternative exhaust - so that was that idea dismissed.
Try UV Car Shades on EBay
I bought a set for the Corsa. Good value, excellent quality and fit.
Can't add tints as they will hit my eldest hard on premium when he passes his test.
One insurance company would not quote when I mentioned tints.
Please explain what is the reasoning behind an increased
insurance premium with tints.
Please explain what is the reasoning behind an increased
insurance premium with tints.

I was told it leads to a higher risk of being broken into.
Thieving toerags can't see what's left in the car or think something is hidden from site with the tint so could break in just to have a look, kinda like leaving a bag on view in the car even though there is nothing worth stealing in it.
I think insurance companies make up some bs reasons.

They break in cause they think something is in there they can't see, come on .

Tea Leafs are thick , they only steal from cars what they can see, most of the time.

I think tints should qualify for a discount as tea leafs can't see what's on the back seat.
And the fact that tints (film) help protect occupants from glass shatter should the worst happen!! They are safer than shades as shades leave a blind spot for the driver. That bit about thieves made me laugh!! Why a thief would smash a window to look inside when the next car has no tints is beyond me. You can see inside with tints if you get close enough....less chance of getting caught that way!!
Depends in the quality of the tint I guess, as in the dark it may cause visibility issues and run a higher risk of reversing into something?
Or it just makes the car more attractive to people to steal....
Try Adrian Flux insurance on here, all my engine mods and tints declared for about £100 more than other companies without them declared.
It was like that when i got it sir! I dont know anything about cars :undwech:
Hi guys,

If anyone is struggling with insurance & mods then feel free to PM me some details & I can arrange a quote for you. We have plenty of modified car schemes that don't increase for cosmetic modifications.

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Hi guys,

If anyone is struggling with insurance & mods then feel free to PM me some details & I can arrange a quote for you. We have plenty of modified car schemes that don't increase for cosmetic modifications.


Trouble is though Dan, when I got a quote from you for my totally standard car you were much more expensive than the competition. I've had my bike insured with you (Bikesure) for years but you're just not competitive for me (clean licence, no claims, no convictions, no modifications, low risk post code, etc) on car insurance and I really can't see why.
I am all mods declared with Adrian Flux, which includes window tints. Never had any issues with them whatsoever. Excellent renewal quote this year as well.

Trouble is though Dan, when I got a quote from you for my totally standard car you were much more expensive than the competition. I've had my bike insured with you (Bikesure) for years but you're just not competitive for me (clean licence, no claims, no convictions, no modifications, low risk post code, etc) on car insurance and I really can't see why.

Its not that hard to understand to be honest. They specialise in modified vehicles. If you have a modified vehicle they will most likely be competitive. If you have a "totally standard" car then why are you even ringing them in the first place!
Tints can increase premiums because they make the car look more gangster, so the thieves are more attracted to them, because they themselves are gangster.

There is also the risk of teenage girls trying to sneak a peek of Justin Bieber in the back seat. So obviously the premiums will hike up.

You're actually best to check BEFORE you get the mods done, for obvious reasons, and if they are going to hike up your premiums significantly, then it's up to you if you want to swap insurer mid term, or wait until renewal, do all the mods you're planning, and getting your policy based on a completed car.

I have had my insurance voided in the past just for coilovers, after the company previous having no issues with me fitting them in the near future (as in I checked first). In the end, it was only 4 weeks from the end of the policy, so I parked my car up, let the policy run out, then changed insurer. It was funny as they didn't seem to care about the extra 90 BHP (from 150 BHP) I was running through all the performance mods, but adjustable ride height? Forget it.
Its not that hard to understand to be honest. They specialise in modified vehicles. If you have a modified vehicle they will most likely be competitive. If you have a "totally standard" car then why are you even ringing them in the first place!


Although we do cater for standard cars & we're competitive on many occasions in that sector - where we specialise is in modified cars. Our markets for modified cars will not cover standard cars, it's not what they are designed for.

I hope that explains :)

Tints can increase premiums because they make the car look more gangster, so the thieves are more attracted to them, because they themselves are gangster.

There is also the risk of teenage girls trying to sneak a peek of Justin Bieber in the back seat. So obviously the premiums will hike up.

You're actually best to check BEFORE you get the mods done, for obvious reasons, and if they are going to hike up your premiums significantly, then it's up to you if you want to swap insurer mid term, or wait until renewal, do all the mods you're planning, and getting your policy based on a completed car.

I have had my insurance voided in the past just for coilovers, after the company previous having no issues with me fitting them in the near future (as in I checked first). In the end, it was only 4 weeks from the end of the policy, so I parked my car up, let the policy run out, then changed insurer. It was funny as they didn't seem to care about the extra 90 BHP (from 150 BHP) I was running through all the performance mods, but adjustable ride height? Forget it.

Indeed I just don't get insurance companies logic. I guess most cars are stolen at night in poorly lit areas which would be extremely hard to determine if the windows are tinted or not .Top load the young blood fair enough.

I've had incredible experience over the years, 20 years or so ago I used Performance Direct a modified specialist, providing them with a list on a mear Nova 1.3 SR , 3 or so months later they wanted to VOID the policy because the car was modified, HELLO, HELLO.

I can't remember the outcome but it was completely bonkers.

I still don't get the tints, only positive in the way of lack of visibility to a tea leaf and in the event of an accident the lack of glass in the rear passengers eyes.
I am all mods declared with Adrian Flux, which includes window tints. Never had any issues with them whatsoever. Excellent renewal quote this year as well.

Its not that hard to understand to be honest. They specialise in modified vehicles. If you have a modified vehicle they will most likely be competitive. If you have a "totally standard" car then why are you even ringing them in the first place!

For what it's worth, A, I called them because I'm an existing customer, & B, because if you bothered to read their adverts & website, you'll see they quote standard vehicles too. So maybe it is hard to understand, "to be honest".

Although we do cater for standard cars & we're competitive on many occasions in that sector - where we specialise is in modified cars. Our markets for modified cars will not cover standard cars, it's not what they are designed for.

I hope that explains :)


Thanks for chucking in the snotty quote above as an explanation, maybe I'll remember that when my bike insurance renewal is due.
Trouble is though Dan...

For what it's worth...because if you bothered to read their adverts...So maybe it is hard to understand, "to be honest".

snotty quote

Only one person making "snotty" quotes in this thread. If you are already insured with them for your bike then I can understand you ringing them about your car as well, and although they do cover normal cars, Adrian Flux are best known to specialise in the modified. So it doesn't take a brain surgeon to work out they may not be as good with normal stuff. I have been with them now for a few years (with no problems at all), so I can assure you I have indeed
bothered to read their adverts & website

If you do decide to leave them completely, I don't think Dan is going to miss you "to be honest".
Thanks for chucking in the snotty quote above as an explanation, maybe I'll remember that when my bike insurance renewal is due.

And this was a perfectly friendly and suitable response to you. How do you react? Being a ****.
And this was a perfectly friendly and suitable response to you. How do you react? Being a ****.

Why the **** remark **** head, I merely commented that they aren't competetive, I didn't ask for your stupid response as in why did you bother ringing them, and I didn't expect Dan to use your stupid quote in his reply, which was the snotty quote I was referring to, so if anyone's being a **** It's you.
No doubt you'll come back some other ****e remark as you obviously get off on it, but as far as I'm concerned this thread is finished with.
Wow. I can only imagine what kind of customer you would be! Better off without you by the looks of it! Also, its not your thread to finish anything.

S.line, apologies for derailing your thread.
I can't see why window tints would effect a premium. They never effected my premiums on any other car I had fitted with them in the past. I mean you can spec tinted glass on the car as new, so what's the difference?!!! Window tints actually improve security as the stop the window being smashed!!!
I wonder if a Genuine Audi spoiler and 19" Audi alloys would affect premiums? After all they were optional extras on the car when it was new!
On another note, has anybody that has fitted the RS4 Grilles noticed an increase in their premiums?
I had a 2.0 tdi Scirocco before changing to the A4, I tinted the rear sides and hatch with legal tints thinking nothing of it, when i told my insurance company they would not approve at any cost, and told me to either take them off or my insurance would be declined. I changed my Insurance eventually but had real problems try to find an Insurance company that would accept tinted windows.

On the current A4 S Line, I have changed the alloys from standard, 18" to 19" Le Mans and thought I'd better let the insurance company know, knowing what they are like, they charged me an extra £42 on my premium for this mod and told me i had done the right thing in letting them know as my insurance would have been classed as null and void.

My advice here is check before you mod, no matter how small the mod is, let the insurance company know every detail and get a letter from them confirming all the mods covered on your policy, I have done this recently just to have peace of mind if or when I need to use my policy.

With more & more insurance companies clamping down on modifications, failure to do the above, you just might find your insurance company will not support you.
I got quotes for my optional extra 'mods' and the quotes went from £200 for standard to £1500 with mods!!!!!! I mean get real! The car still looks like a standard car with genuine Audi optional extras!!!!
Talking about mods, if its genuine audi parts then how can it be a mod?

For example. If I change the glass to Audi dark glass instead of adding a film tint then surely its not a mod, as it could have been a factory fit. Or do they chase up the car's factory history and realise it appeared later…..

I've had insurance companies telling me it costs more to tint because my visibility is affected. Thats rubbish as i can see just as well…. I mean, if i put on a pair of sun glasses, would the slightly darker tone affect my visibility and cause my insurance to go up?!
Any changes to the spec that the insurance companies know was standard for individual models of that vintage, will be known as "mods" if using Audi parts or any aftermarket parts.

I do agree with your comments wrt tints, I'd probably not have chosen them but my car came with them as standard and as you say what is the difference between having them or using sun glasses as far as visibility is concerned.
You could argue though that the genuine Audi parts must have been fitted by the first owner and as they are genuine Audi parts, you were not to know that they were retrofitted.
You could argue though that the genuine Audi parts must have been fitted by the first owner and as they are genuine Audi parts, you were not to know that they were retrofitted.

No chance there, ignorance would be used in all instances when "caught". One strange thing, for me is, when you enter into an agreement with a service provider, in this case an insurance company, you might consider that a "one off" charge would be levied on you to cover a full inspection of the car you prior to offering cover, so both parties would know that come what may cover would be given. That might be me being a bit stupid, but it would prevent a lot of problems, though cost a bit of extra money.

When I bought my car as an approved Audi from a localish dealer, I noticed that it had a Milltek exhaust, it was advertised as having s sports exhaust, now if my knowledge/ignorance of cars and Audi S4 in particular was poor, then I would have quite happily insured that car as standard! In fact it came with a month's free cover from Audi insurance, someone had not done their work there as when I looked into changing to Audi insurance this year, alternative exhaust systems is a definite NO NO, makes you wonder what would have happened if I had needed to use that free first month cover!!

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