Careless/dangerous driving


Registered User
Jan 17, 2012
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Just got a letter through the post yesterday saying that they are going to prosecute me with careless/dangerous driving. I was never stopped by the police, just received this letter, telling me where and when it was, but not what i actually did. I had my girlfriend in the car so wouldn't have been doing anything stupid. Lets hope that its careless not dangerous that they do me for, absolutely gutted if i loose my licence, haven't even got any points in 6 years.
I wish I could explain a bit more, currently, that is all the information i have. Got a letter through with a form to identify the driver, the only information it had on the letter was the road and a half an hour time scale, no mention of what i actually did. Neither me nor my girlfriend can think of anything "dangerous" that i did, its the /dangerous bit that has me worried, that's a compulsory ban! the envelope had operation dragoon hand written on the envelope above the police station. Iv googled that, and it came up with this. It talks about videos and boasting on social media. But i can guarantee, iv never made any videos of my car doing anything it shouldnt.
I'd ring up the local police station to find out more tbh.
I did, but they couldnt give me any info, they said that it must have been the policeman himself that sent it out, not the fixed penalty unit, and i didnt take a note of his name from the letter, basically just a waiting game now to hear back with what they are accusing me of.
Is it a genuine letter??
yeah its defiantly a genuine letter, had my reg and all the northumbria police contact details, and i was on that road, at that time, on that day, just have to hope for the best now
According to the link you've posted it could be the result of someone filming you and passed the footage onto the Police. Maybe you've cut someone up without realising it?
Just posted a topic on there, hopefully i wont get banned, im not fussed about a couple of points
You sure you've not been pranked by some mates?

If they had seen you driving at that time then they might decide to have a chuckle and wind you up with a fake letter.

They'd know your car reg, time and date etc. Not hard to search Google and find the name of current police traffic crackdown project names, and the details of the local police station to make it look genuine.

If it were me I'd be doing some questioning of any guilty looking friends!
Just got a letter through the post yesterday saying that they are going to prosecute me with careless/dangerous driving. I was never stopped by the police, just received this letter, telling me where and when it was, but not what i actually did. I had my girlfriend in the car so wouldn't have been doing anything stupid. Lets hope that its careless not dangerous that they do me for, absolutely gutted if i loose my licence, haven't even got any points in 6 years.

Are you certain you've not crossed a solid white centre line, undertaken another car, tailgated another vehicle or something else that you may not have thought was a big deal at the time ? Or gone well over the speed limit as this can all be classed as DD.
You've probably been videoed doing something which they've taken exception to, a quick blast over 100 can put you in prison nowadays on a DD rap.
If they have the where & when then it's not from video on social media, it's got to be from either a camera, or a disgruntled copper that you've offended in some way.
Good luck......unless you deserve it of course.

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