Drive club ps4


Registered User
Mar 1, 2008
Reaction score
It looked full of promise on the demos mint graphics and loads of detail but fect is its crap they down graded the graphics and detail but there's an update coming soon so wait and see but at the moment not very impressed
Yep, its kind of ok, but not much depth.

Good sense of speed, but no tuning and no replays (that i can see).

Project Cars.....Drive Club is just filling the gap until that releases. Just over a month :)
Anyone playing this then?

I read the early reviews and it seemed awful but it came with my PS4 and although I've only played it a handful of times I have been impressed.. FIFA and COD have taken up my time.

Some problems are the scoring system isn't accurate and the AI keeps to its racing line no matter if you're in the way, it'll just bash right in to you and you'll end up being deducted points. Apart from these it seems the update has improved it quite a lot. I've just read they released a 1.4GB update last night too.

Add me on PSN if you want to race or join a team - ID: Curley89

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