Look what i came back too....


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Jun 2, 2010
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Out doing a bit of shopping last week, parked my car in a nice CAR PARKING BAY, i even kept it back from the edge so no one could catch the front end.

20mins later came back to this

Apparrently a bus tried to cut in front of a car, ended up hitting mine on the wing and crushing it against the kerb, i came back to my car on the pavement with a note on the windscreen.

The bus driver had left the scene but luckily for me someone in the post office got all the details off him, body shop reckon its a right off i am absolutely gutted. Had the old girl for over 7 years now and she was almost finished
So what's the damage for it to be a right off .. Car looked good as well Are they bentley gt wheels ??
My dad got hit by a bus and the company had an external company pay for all the repairs, fingers crossed same happens for you because nobody deserves to come back to that. Just out of interest how did you get home and where's the car now, I'd keep all receipts to make sure your reimbursed.
That's good to know, it got recovered by my insurance company and taken to their 'approved' body shop, spoke to the assessor today he has said both front wheels knackered, both the front wings, front bumper, wheel arch liners, suspension, control arms and possibly power steering rack. Total with out power steering rack is £4500, god knows where that price has come from i reckon about £1000 max doing it myself.

Not Bentley wheels although very similiar they are off a VW Touareg
did you declare the wheels to your insurance

does look a nice B6 aswell.
yes it was all sorted, probably what a lot of the cost is as they are about £500 each from dealer
That's shocking mate, I bet the bus would have just drove off too if there were no witness's.

I thought I was hard done too when someone damaged my drivers wing whilest parked up at Christmas, as I need to replace it when it was mint beforehand.
Gutted for you. Hopefully won't get written off.
I had someone reverse into mine 3 months ago and was done through the insurance. Wing, sill cover, wheel, tyre and headlight replaced

Not nice mate, and must have been a shunt to move the car that much and then onto the kerb!........had a woman parallel parking on my front bumper last year and saw it happening while walking back after a quick 10min to the shop......no witness so no claim, so had to pay to get the bumper resprayed myself....FUMING I was and still am when I think about it.

Damaged B6's seem to be happening a lot at the moment!
No way.

If insurance make you an offer - would you consider buying the car back and repairing?
That shouldn't be write off. I used to work in a body shop. The wheels unless cracked and for safety make you have new ones can be refurbed. New wing n arch liner and some paint and labour. Wheel alignment will need doing obviously. I can change bumper n wing on that in half hour.
That shouldn't be write off. I used to work in a body shop. The wheels unless cracked and for safety make you have new ones can be refurbed. New wing n arch liner and some paint and labour. Wheel alignment will need doing obviously. I can change bumper n wing on that in half hour.
Did the driver leave details or just do one ? If so he should be done for leaving the scene of an accident.
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From what I remember it's something like a licence loosing amount of points and a thousand pound fine. If he left someone in the shop his details rather than the shop jotting them down I suppose it's a different story, either way I feel for you suffering for this muppets mistake.
Im still waiting to find out for definate if they are gonna fix or write it off. If they do the latter i will buy it back and fix myself dont fancy getting rid of the old girl just yet.

Already found most of the things i need to fix it, so just waiting now. Still p@$*ed off that a bus driver did this......
Got the e-mail this afternoon, they have declared it uneconomical to repair which seems ridiculous to me, so now got to wait and find out what they offer. I have already said that i want the car back no matter what....

Anybody got any rough prices for a front end respray, 2 new wings, my original bonnet and bumper which are not damaged in any way, just to blend it all in together??
What did the bus company say about it leaving the site of a crash?
Bus company havent said anything. Im not sure what to do about that yet? Trying to get my car back in my possession first before i start stirring things up
I say stir it, tell your insurance they fled the scene (which they did) and call the bus company for their input, don't give away too much info to the bus company though just encase.

Personally I would have got the car home on a tow truck and taken it from their rather than risking it at the insurance companies feet.
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I had my a4 hit by an old guy in a Ford mobility car my audi was written off I was gutted .


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Surely that only needed an arch, passenger side headlight and some jiggery-pokery.

I'm in the wrong business, hate seeing good cars being written off, feel like I'm seeing turtles on their backs right now.
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Bit of an update. I got the car back today. It got delivered outside my house because the low loader was too big to swing it on the drive. Tried to move the car but couldnt steer it. Took the wheel off and saw that the upper control arm that connects to the hub had sheared its ball joint so the whole wheel hub/strut was wobbling all over the place. Put a big bolt threw with a couple of washers it was good enough to steer and get on the drive. So my car is now a class c write off because of one control arm, a wing and a splash guard. From the quick look i jave jad everuthing else is fine except the tracking will need doing. The wheel that the bus hit is absolutely fine just needs a quick refurb to get rid of the buses blue paint.

Still had no contact from the insurance even though i have rang and emailed everyday. I dont think they know that the car is now back in my possession
Insurance companies are quick enough to take your money but so slow to pay out.
Bit of an update. I got the car back today. It got delivered outside my house because the low loader was too big to swing it on the drive. Tried to move the car but couldnt steer it. Took the wheel off and saw that the upper control arm that connects to the hub had sheared its ball joint so the whole wheel hub/strut was wobbling all over the place. Put a big bolt threw with a couple of washers it was good enough to steer and get on the drive. So my car is now a class c write off because of one control arm, a wing and a splash guard. From the quick look i jave jad everuthing else is fine except the tracking will need doing. The wheel that the bus hit is absolutely fine just needs a quick refurb to get rid of the buses blue paint.

Still had no contact from the insurance even though i have rang and emailed everyday. I dont think they know that the car is now back in my possession

Madness! So they've delivered it back and got it down as a cat C with no payout!?
Could try T-Cut the blue paint or pick it off for the time being.
That is terrible service - who are you insured with?

You are trying to make it easy for them too - they dont have to deal with the car now as you have it back, just need to agree a figure and pay you out...

Have you a hire car from insurance?
They dont know i have the car. I contacted the body shop where the car was stored to see what was happening on saturday morning. They told me it had been written off and that salvage agents were going to collect. I said not a chance is that happening and paid them to deliver my car back to my house. No settlement figure has been agreed yet and no one from the insurance company has contacted me since friday. If it hadnt been for me ringing up the body shop i would have probably lost the car. Fumeing is an understatement especially when i have seen the minimal amount of damage that has led the car to be written off.

Tried again this morning and still no contact. The company in question is Axa who i though were a reputable company especially as i am not the one at fault. I will see what happens today if i get to speak to someone.

I didnt get a car as my we have a new scirocco that my misses doesnt use so ive used that but i found out today i can get a like for like car for 1 week when i get my payout so think i might take advantage of that, even if its only for 1 week.

I will update when i hear anything
I used to shop around for insurance, not necessarily for the best price but for what I thought was the best company. After experiencing such poor customer service from everybody where there has been a claim, I just go with the cheapest, knowing it's gonna be a pain if there's an incident.
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I assume AXA are the third party's insurers? Not your own fully comp one? I ask this as you mention that you've found out that you're entitled to a loan car "for 1 week". Which isn't actually the case, unless that's what your policy provides. You are entitled to a loan car, paid for by the third party insurers, from the point of the claim.
Axa is my company i dont know who the bus companies insurance is. I found out about the loan car from enterprise. My insurance came with a 1.0l courtesy car which i didnt want. Enterprise said that as its not my fault i could get a like for like car but i just never got round to it as i have access to another car. The '1 week' from what i was told was from when a payout figure is agreed and the cheque sent out
No worries - hope you get a satisfactory overall outcome. When mine got clipped by a tp last year I ended up with a nice big Vauxhall (is a V/hall nice??) for the week or so mine was off the road. Then again, I have un-insured loss insurance on top of my fully comp, and the claims handlers just sorted everything direct with the tp insurers as the guy had been decent enough to do it by the book and admitted liability without question.

Equally, my cover also includes a replacement vehicle and I had a nasty little Polo for a fortnight some time ago - that damage was my own fault, but a car is better than no car.
Bus companies self insure as in they do it in house.

I'm surprised they killed it unless they put it down for steering rack damage which they have too.

In terms of write off if you keep it being cat c it will have to go for a vic check with visa,

Going through your insurance. Technically if they write it off and payout. Then a a own the car and it will go to the likes of copart as salvage, if they pull the finger out then they can do it as third party non liability, you can ask for a cash in lu payment, were they won't write the car off and they will give you 66% of the value of the car. But you claim may have gone too far now
Hold the phone here lads,

I had a Passat B.5.5 written off as a cat C for a few minor things, I was not having any of it, so i went to the garage that had my car, marched in there, paid them there storage cost £189 and drove the car home and into my garage, 2 weeks later after talking with nobody, I got a CHQ from the other parties insurance company for the full £5k that it was insured for, left the car in my garage for another 6 weeks and still heard nothing, so i fixed it up myself, I then done a HPI cheek on it and it came back clean, I kept the car for another 12 months and used it daily, I then had another car purchase in mind and traded the Passat in, to this day, Ive never heard a thing from anyone,

the only thing i can think happened was the fact that i got a CHQ for the £5k from the other parties insurance company and not mine,
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Hold the phone here lads,

I had a Passat B.5.5 written off as a cat C for a few minor things, I was not having any of it, so i went to the garage that had my car, marched in there, paid them there storage cost £189 and drove the car home and into my garage, 2 weeks later after talking with nobody, I got a CHQ from the other parties insurance company for the full £5k that it was insured for, left the car in my garage for another 6 weeks and still heard nothing, so i fixed it up myself, I then done a HPI cheek on it and it came back clean, I kept the car for another 12 months and used it daily, I then had another car purchase in mind and traded the Passat in, to this day, Ive never heard a thing from anyone,

the only thing i can think happened was the fact that i got a CHQ for the £5k from the other parties insurance company and not mine,

I'd call that a result!!
I've been up in York all weekend for my 30th, and some b311end has hit my car in the hotel car park last night and done a runner. No cctv covering where I was parked either so nothing I can do about it.

So I now have my drivers side front wing to replace due to someone hitting it, and I'm going to need paint on my passenger side rear arch and quarter. Luckily there are no dents, or ripples in it, but there are scratches down to the primer.

Had been a brilliant weekend up until I spotted this, and the thing that makes it more annoying is we were staying in a nice 4* hotel too full of posh people and fancy cars.

I suppose it doesn't matter how much money people have, they can still be cnuts!
And i thought it was just my car that got damaged by other people. Must be a B6 thing... Stilll waiting to speak to the surveyer that wrote the car off apparently he is gonna ring tomorrow.

I hope that works out the same for me. luckily i didnt pay any storage i just paid £75 to get it delivered to my house. Started stripping some of my extras off like the wheels, adapters, dvd nav, rs4 pedals and the interior today. Been looking at A5's so depending what i get offered all my parts might be going up for sale.

Gutted for you Jimmy, hope you get it sorted soon.
Sorry to hear this. From my experience, insurance companies are all shysters. They will fight tooth and nail not to pay. To give you an idea, someone collided with my old C class Merc and it took 6 month from the day of the accident to it going to a 'not so approved' garage to fix!
All the best with it.
My car is no show queen, but it's annoying that this is now the second time I've had to spend money because of someone else's poor judgment.
It's much less complicated than your situation though, and I hope you get a satisfactory result in the end.

I once had a car written off by a bin wagon when I was about 19, but my insurances legal team were fantastic. I had a cheque within two weeks, and I got to keep the car to break too.