Neighbours kids keep damaging car, legal advice?


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Aug 28, 2014
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Our neighbours kids love playing on our drive (private driveway not public land/road or right of way) Riding their bikes & scooters down the small hill, playing hide and seek behind cars & climbing fences to get at the neighbours apple tree etc etc.

Now we didn't mind this for the last 3 or 4 years, kids just playing and all that, tbh its nice seeing them play outside rather than being sat in front of a computer!

However in the last few months they've trampled plants & bushes, broken fence panels and put a small dent in my car (cost me £50 to get it pulled) but this morning my wife noticed fresh scratches & dents on her car. Now we have no proof or evidence that it is these kids that caused it, however my wife did mention that yesterday she witnessed a young lad swinging his metal scooter around right next to the car and leaning all over it with his friend. My wife being herself did not do anything about it and just let them carry on.

Its past the point of goodwill now, we are going to get cctv installed. If we catch them on camera causing damage how do we stand legally regarding claiming compensation from the parents? Would we even stand a chance!

I am going to knock on doors tonight and ask politely for the parents to ask kids to not play on our land anymore or at the very least have some consideration when they do. Pictures of lovely scratches/dents below, annoyingly one looks like its been scratched with keys or something intentionally:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
IMG 5062
IMG 5063
If they are on your land without permission its trespass and you can only get them to leave as its a civil matter and not criminal. If damage is caused however its a different matter and you should get the police involved.
Get the CCTV installed and use it as proof, but as a good will gesture to your neighbour, show them the footage and ask if they are going to pay for the damage. If they refuse start legal proceedings to recover your money.
Someone with more legal knowledge may be able to advise you further.
This winds me up.
You cant stop kids from being kids - but I think there are a few that arent tought about the value of things and to respect other peoples possessions.
I got a good hiding from one of my neighbours and my dad for a scratch on a front bumper of a Rover 620i that I did with my bike (2in long) - think it actually polished out - can remember being remorseful for quite a few years after!

If you install CCTV I can guarantee you will have the parents start complaining about taking videos of kids.etc.

I would approach them calmly, explain the situation about previous damage and that you have let them off as they are only kids, but then state that cars are starting to get damaged which you are not best pleased about. With abit of luck they will be respectful and appreciate your concern - if they are not however, it could all fly off the hook.
I would have thought that if you have CCTV evidence of a person coming on to your land and damaging your property then it's a criminal offence. It is vandalism plain and simple, whether the damage is intended or not.

Once it's been done you can report it to your local authority. Penalties are usually proportionate to the level of damage caused (including any compensation). If the damage is up to £5000 then the maximum punishment is 3 months imprisonment or a £2.5K fine. Over £5k damage and the maximum punishment is 6 months and £5k fine. Obviously they are minors so it will be looked on differently;

Under 16's - on the spot £50 fine.

.....also, the threat of any legal action may be enough to cause the parents to cough up for repair costs and stop any future damage.....they may not even know the kids are doing it, although as responsible parents you would hope they were.

Best to try to sort it out before hand and have a word with the parents first though and tell them that you are looking to get CCTV due to the concerns you have about safety of your gear.
Ok thanks for advice, obviously cant do anything about the existing damage as we have no evidence who is responsible but if there is further damage it will be perused.

I have been in contact with council to see how I stand with trespass laws & to check I have my facts correct about land ownership/borders etc. We have community safety officer (what ever the hell they are) visiting us tonight to advise. Hopefully all this will not be necessary and we can all come to a mutual agreement i.e. they tell their kids to not to play around the cars etc.

If it gets ugly and they take offence and the council/police say nothing they can do then the first thing I will be doing is parking my car on their drive whilst I get the repairs fixed. Its a free land and nothing you can do to stop me after all;)
Blimey I don't want to get anyone put in prison for it!!! I just don't think we should be the ones paying to fix the damage. My car is in the body shop this Friday having front bumper re-sprayed due to a hit and run in car park.

Its not the 1st time its happened to me either, my last car had side impact hit and run which cost me £400 in insurance excess and my no claims discount to boot:mad:.

A few years back at our old house, my wife caught an lady on a push bike crash into her car on road and try to ride off before the wife ran and grabbed her, another £275 repair. Though on that occasion she (lady on bike) was sh###ng a brick about it all as she could barely speak English and we wanted to find out where she lived to send the bill. Turns out a guy down the road (where she just came from) was having an affair with her and he came out after hearing shouting & offered to pay cash as long as we didn't go to her house :laugh::laugh::laugh:
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Actually I just thought of another instance of vandalism to my car, quite funny now I look at it...

When I first started dating the wife any years ago I had a beat up old fiesta parked out her house, it was a bit of a rough area tbh. Turns out the next door neighbours son had a crush on my then girlfriend and was jealous of me so he spray painted my car all down one side. She didn't want any hassle so I just let it slide, was a pile of crud anyway I suppose.
Prison the the maximum penalty, it's never going to happen for a scratch to your car or your fence panels being broken, and they are minors.

It's just nice to have the threat there and the ability to back up the seriousness of the matter the parents, if needed :D

You could always get a metal scooter and play on it around their cars for a few days and see how they like it. We had some unreasonable neighbors once who used to park in a shared parking space between our houses, it would be used first with their own one being used last to "bagsy" the space. On approach they were, not very willing to be considerate. A few weeks of leaving my car in it permanently sorted the issue - once the the culprits start to feel your pain they soon stop doing the thing that is the thing ;)

.....these are last resorts. They may just be incompetent parents who have no idea what their kids are up to. A nice friendly chat may sort the issue out in a matter of minutes.

Oh, and their driveway isn't free land, it's private land so it's trespass. Although a civil matter and not a criminal one. Just don't park on the road blocking their driveway as that's an on the sport fine for obstruction.
I just remembered another, ive had my fair share I think!...

Many years ago I was the designated driver for a night out in town on the drive there I did accidently cut someone up, it was my fault so I stuck my hand up to say sorry and thought nothing of it and parked the car. When we got back a brick had been put through the back window! A little bit of an over reaction me thinks :eek::eek::eek:
With exception of one family opposite us (rent dodgers, posted on here about them already) we all seem to get on fine pretty much keep ourselves to ourselves. I only imagine it may get ugly as parents are protective (rightly so) of their children and someone else trying to impose rules on their kids is unlikely to be well received!

I'm going be very polite and ask nicely but I expect some of them may well be offended by me protecting my property at their child's expense / fun.

Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be all bah humbug here, just things are getting a little out of hand when the wallet keeps getting hit.
Fair but firm, raise the issue of costs for repair, any decent parent will box this off on the day so their kids keep clear
put gates up to stop them coming on your drive etc

if you do install cctv make sure you get the signs up.

and make sure you only record on your property
put gates up to stop them coming on your drive etc

if you do install cctv make sure you get the signs up.

and make sure you only record on your property

Already thought about gates/fencing but it would cost a ridiculous amount to install as the drive is very wide 3 or 4 cars wide, kind of difficult to explain dimensions/layout of drive way in words but I think this option is realistically not viable due to finances.
Well that didn't go to plan knocked on six doors no one answered
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if you do install cctv make sure you get the signs up.
and make sure you only record on your property

You don't need to put signs up and you don't need to tell anyone. The rules for residential properties say that you cannot directly record your neighbours on their property, like pointing the camera at their windows etc. Recorded footage is not governed by the data protection act. Section 36 of the DPA states that personal data including video coverage of an individual captured only for limited domestic purposes is not covered by the restrictions of the DPA.
I checked all this out before I installed mine as there is a school at the end of the road. And as it goes the police have had several recording for evidence for things that have happened in the street.
If my kids where damaging anything of someone else's id be giving them a right thick ear, and I do, luckily it's usually there own stuff they miss treat but they still get taught a lesson on value, my misses is too soft though, if it was me I'd try and speak to the farthers as they should be a bit easier to talk to, I'd keep trying to knock the doors, or catch them on the weekend, or even talk to the kids, if they relay the information to there parents then they may even come over to talk about it.
Talk to the kids. Be friendly. Be that 'cool' neighbour and they'll respect your stuff.

I gave the young lads that hide next to my car/play and jump off walls near my house a football and they always say hello now. I said you can have this as long as you don't hit my or any of the other cars.

Bribery wins.
I wouldn't talk to these kids (sorry JudderMan), its just that the parents probably won't like it and also these kids probably won't listen to you anyway. I am only assuming of course, but based on the fact that these kids caused the damage already and hasn't done anything about it I am sure they don't care enough even if you talk to them.

CCTV may eventually be the answer as thats the only evidence that you can potentially gather. Even then it may not be enough as the police may not bother, based on their resources. I don't know what the law is, but I am pretty sure they are not obliged to investigate every case. I maybe wrong though.

I do feel about your situation, its not particularly great to be in. But I hope you sort something out without completely fall out with the neighbours.
Thanks for the advice everyone.

Finally I got some of the people on the street to answer the door! The ones that did were understanding and said they would speak to there kids also said it was ok for me to ask them in person not to play around the cars should they continue. So far so good however the family who have the "cheekiest" kids on the street will not answer the door. I know they have been in as the curtains have twitched on both occasions when I've knocked the door and tv was put on pause. its almost as if they know what I knocking on their door for if you know what I mean :confused:
I had the same problem a few years back, family from hell living next door and the kid was a little s**t who was spoiled rotten.
He got spotted running over the roof of my XR3i and jumping on the bonnet by one of my neighbours, who told me what she had seen. At that point, I spoke to the mother, who basically told me it was nothing and asked me if I was never a child myself...!
To say I was pi**ed off would be a gross understatement and I never did get any joy from either parent.
A few months later, the XR3i was changed for an RS Turbo S2 and most of my time was spent fettling away when I was at home. The same kid, along with a gang of his mates, were ogling the new wheels, remarking on what a smart car it was, "Yes", I said, "and it is going to stay that way, without footprints on the roof"...! Never paid a blind bit of notice and footballs and all sort rained on the car until I started garaging it for safety a couple of days later.
A week later, the biggest and oldest of the bunch, was wheelieing his bike up the street calling me a w**ker. I saw red, caught him on the back wheel, gave him an almighty backhander, (not proud, just very annoyed), and pinned him down to hear the telling of his life.
I never had one bit of bother after that.
The family next door eventually lost their jobs, started drinking heavily and had their house repossessed...! Oh, that, and the kid from hell stole their Golf GTI one night, (at sixteen), and wrapped it around a tree...!

You couldn't do that now though, because of the fact that we live in a society totally bereft of any respect for others and I would probably get stabbed for it.

Karma is a bitch and it will visit them in the end. (Karma doesn't pay for the damage though)...!
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My a3 was my pride and joy when i bought it, first time i had ever owned a car worth more than a few hundred quid, i had it for 1 single day before a massive football shaped dent appeared in the drivers side door. didn't know it at the time but turns out my neighbours kids like to play football in the communal car park during the day when most of the cars were out. Unfortunately i cycled to work so my car was usually there! their parents couldn't have cared less when i had a word with them :(.

4 years later and it's only panel on the car with a dent, unfortunately it can't be removed with paintless dent removal so probably going to end up staying like it.
My a3 was my pride and joy when i bought it, first time i had ever owned a car worth more than a few hundred quid, i had it for 1 single day before a massive football shaped dent appeared in the drivers side door. didn't know it at the time but turns out my neighbours kids like to play football in the communal car park during the day when most of the cars were out. Unfortunately i cycled to work so my car was usually there! their parents couldn't have cared less when i had a word with them :(.

4 years later and it's only panel on the car with a dent, unfortunately it can't be removed with paintless dent removal so probably going to end up staying like it.

alright bud, just a thought but have you tried Ross at devondents? he is really good may be able to sort it
alright bud, just a thought but have you tried Ross at devondents? he is really good may be able to sort it
Already had my audi sorted at bodyshop, missus car is not worth spending money on tbh. Still doesn't change my outlook on the damage though
Already had my audi sorted at bodyshop, missus car is not worth spending money on tbh. Still doesn't change my outlook on the damage though

Damage is a pain. Got lots of kids around my way. Alway expecting something when go out to the car.

I was replyin to lavis' comment though as i know he is in plymouth, and devondents done good work on my car
If the damage did continue the Police can use a 'community resolution' otherwise known as restorative justice.
So if speaking with the parents and the kids doesn't work then you could still get the Police involved without anyone going to prison at the end of it.
The idea of it i to resolve the problem without anyone gaining any criminal convictions. so the victim is happy because the issue is resolved and the 'offender' or parents are happy becasue its been dealt with proportionately and no one gets a conviction (or goes to prison!)
So your car is damaged...
You call the Police and tell them what happened.
They go to the kids and their parents and say that if they pay for the damage (or write a letter of apology or what ever you lie within reason) no further action will be taken...
Its an option.

CCTV is a good idea and pretty cheap too. I've got a set up which records to a hard drive and it was only about £300 from screw fix.
Yeah already have software in place just need camera
Since writing this post not one kid has even come onto the drive so suspect either the parents I spoke to have told them not to come near or the kids themselves know they're in it deep if they come back.

So money aside it seems to have been sorted without too much fallout.:)
Maybe the kids wandered onto this site and realised that you hang out with a bunch of angry people...!
I'm pleased it has ended well though, best that way.
Yeah, Hahahaa, maybe ;)

I will be sure to update this thread if it goes south
Another win for Audi-sport!! Now time to get the X scratch out and repair all the damage
Well another quick update...

I'm now glad one of the suspected culprits didn't answer the door as it turns out the whole family has been taken away by the police in an early morning raid for being drug dealers :eek:

Nice to know my street is a safe wholesome place to be!
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Wow, didn't expect that! I knew they weren't nice people, but drug dealing?!

You dodged a bullet there (metaphorically speaking, not literally).
Indeed if they did answer the door I can imagine if it had turned ugly I would have ended up down a&e :scared2:
Wow! Good that they're off the scene, but bad that they were there to begin with.

Hope it stays good for you.

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