Turbo Intercooler Pipe comes off?!


Registered User
Mar 5, 2009
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I have a 2003 audi a3 1.9 TDI. I have a pipe that keeps popping off. I believe it is the turbo intercooler pipe. I believe that the clip has worn away, which is why it keeps popping off.

Just wondering if there is a quick fix for this, or is it easier to just buy a new hose. Also I have noticed that a fair amount of oil has been coming out of this hose. Is this normal?

I think I have found the hose I need on ebay in case this helps with my poor description above:

http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/Car-Parts-/9884/i.html?_nkw=audi a3 1.9tdi intercooler output elbow&_trksid=p2050890.m1602
Do this...

And use 4 cable ties .
Thanks for the quick reply.

So you just need to buy 2 jubilee clips and 4 cable ties. Would you recommend this as a good enought fix?

Also is it normal to have oil in this pipe?
Factory fix is to use self tappers to secure without puncturing the pipe to cause a leak

Oil in intercooler pipes normal from pcv system .

Yes good long term fix , also did it as a prevention to the other joins .

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