Cracked Screen


Registered User
Sep 30, 2013
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South Coast
After only 3 months ownership I have a cracked screen :(

Am organising things with auto glass but my question is, do I push for a genuine Audi replacement or not?
I didn't; The glass that was provided was pilkington acoustic glass, and apart from the name on the glass - you couldn't tell the difference. My dealer said it didn't matter, and doesn't affect resale prices - a bit like tyres really..
I always ask for OEM glass, but that's just me.
I didn't; The glass that was provided was pilkington acoustic glass, and apart from the name on the glass - you couldn't tell the difference. My dealer said it didn't matter, and doesn't affect resale prices - a bit like tyres really..

Acoustic glass. I'm guessing this is the same as the screen that comes with comfort pack. That's an acoustic screen or something isn't it?
3 months thats lucky! mine went after 3 weeks!

I asked for OEM glass, it got accepted but the glass fitted didn't have the 4 rings on. Wasn't a problem as it was pilkington, acoustic and had all the sensor locations.
If it's Autoglass - don't bother asking for OEM glass. When my screen went recently, I asked for OEM, to which they said they couldn't confirm my appointment until I had been given a price - which would be forthcoming within 24 hours. Insurance wouldn't cover, and said I had to pay the difference between the Autoglass and OEM. Which at the time I though - OK.

What they DIDN'T tell me was which 24 hours they were referring to, as over 1 week later, at least 4 calls a day, my own personal customer service rep - we (including the customer service rep) still could not get a price out of the Autoglass dept who prepares these things. Apparently the team who provide the OEM glass price were "too busy" and "couldn't say" when they could do it. I was also advised that even after I agreed the price (if it ever was forthcoming) then it would be at least 3-4 days to order and acquire said Audi glass, and only then could they give me a fitting date. And that apparently part of the problem was that Autoglass were re-organising and sorry about that as well.

After 10 days of waiting and no price being forthcoming and my screen looking more and more like a jigsaw, I gave in and said just fit one of their own screens. OMG. Then they said they couldn't as I had asked for OEM, thus they had to cancel my original order and start over again with a new order. ****** nightmare. Fortunately the customer service rep (who actually was very very good) managed to sort me out to get me a screen fitted quickly (or should I say quicker than had I let process take due course, which would have been another few days - he got a fitter from a depot (not in the fitters area) to come out on Bank Holiday Monday to fit it. Top bloke. Damn good fitter as well, took lots of care.

Anyway having had their screen fitted, it is absolutely no different to the Audi one except it hasn't got 4 rings stamped on it. So on reflection, I just wish I'd gone for their screen in the first place and saved myself a lot of hassle.
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Thanks for the advice. Apparently someone is calling my insurance company tomorrow to make sure they are happy with the extra cost.

They've already told me that it could be a 4 week wait!!!!

Let's see what happens.
If your insurance accepts the extra cost, then I think it is the exception rather than the rule. Just fyi, I did enquire of Audi what the cost would be (down my local dealers) and from memory, the screen itself was about £286, you then needed the Gel pad (£30 - rip off when you see what it is, bit of plastic about the size of a watch face) and about £110 to get their 3rd party man who fitted these things to fit it. So just over £400. Of this on my insurance, they would only pay the first £125.

I did consider it, but decided it wasn't worth paying out almost £300 just for 4 rings to be stamped on the screen - and as I mentioned above, the screen fitted by Autoglass is as good.

The only question they should ask you is whether you have the sun strip on the top of your glass. Mine has as I have the pano roof, but just worth checking.
My last Audi had three windscreens:astonished: You can't tell the difference apart from the 4 rings replaced with Pilkington. These were supplied by Autoglass.

I personally wouldn't worry if it's not OEM.
Maybe my misunderstanding but I thought that there were no OEM screens available if you have the drivers assistance package (including front camera for traffic sign recognition). Are Autoglass now able to supply such screens? Obviously this doesn't apply to "standard" spec screens.
I think they may as one of the questions I was asked was exactly that - did I have drive assist. But I don't so whether they do or not can't be 100% sure....
My screen got a chip in it when the car was 3 months old, after a bit of arguing Autoglass fitted a genuine Audi screen at no extra cost to me ( but they did say at 1st my insurance company would only pay for a pattern screen)
I did rip someone a new one at my insurance company to the genuine screen though!!!
Got the car in July. First sceen cracked by stone in October. Replaced by Autoglass to correct spec but not OEM. Cracked by another stone in May. Replaced by National Windscreens. Fitted Pilkington.
Had mine replaced with an Audi branded OEM screen from Autoglass, (so it's possible but may depend upon your insurer, mine's Aviva and it was no hassle at all getting an Audi screen, they just had to check and got back to me the next day IIRC). I'd recommend the OEM glass and that was backed up by the screen fitter who also said to push for it.
Mine cracked also after 3 months...and now its cracked again. But luckily on place that it does not disturb me or my view out... Won't change the screen because of this.
But otherwise the screen is already horrible, full of small scratches that you can see in the sun. Seems the screens in the new cars are much worse than before, more easily cracks and get scratches.
3 months thats lucky! mine went after 3 weeks!

3 weeks thats lucky! I changed the windscreen for the second time when my car was 3weeks "old"...

Went for OEM glass, both times.

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