running issues

michael A

Registered User
Jul 15, 2015
Reaction score
Hi all,
Hoping for some help or advice.

I have a 2000 Audi 1.8t when i bought it i was told it had a stage 1 remap.
When i boost and then clutch in the car will cut out when revs drop also when boosting and letting off then when put back on seems like its not wanting to do much.
I have no warning lights on does anyone have any ideas or any further questions to help me diagnose.
Im thinking of putting it on the dyno as i feel the mixture may be wrong however im no expert.
cheers in advance
First of all you need to scan for faults, no point in trying to change things before you know what the problem is, it may just be a sensor or something simple like that.
Thanks Ayfreetee does anyone recommend any one thats good with audis to do this for me in northampton area and what is a standard price for a fault scan dont want to get robbed and as its my first audi and ive only recently come back to uk after 5 years away not too sure where to go.
Fingers crossed it is a sensor i have no dashlights on and when not boosting it does tick over sometimes a little high but still makes me think it could be a sensor but as i say im really unsure many thanks
Smoke test as well if you can... these cars are prone for split pipes which can cause the symptoms you describe... a visual check would also be a good start

You could give the maff sensor a clean with carb cleaner or brake cleaner, at least it won't cost you much to do.
Thanks ayfreetee thats a great idea to start with, as for smoke test there is no smoke at all and from visual looking cant see any problems its just when driving i can feel its not quite right and obv cutting out is not suppose to happen. even the boost gauge shows its boosting ok i think the weekend is going to be a busy one :)
No dint know about the smoke test never heard of that to be honest i thought you was asking if i checked myself for smoke apologies for mis understanding
No dint know about the smoke test never heard of that to be honest i thought you was asking if i checked myself for smoke apologies for mis understanding

All good dude... smoke test will help find the normal splits in the PCV pipes... as for a visual check the normal way yot tell is look for oil on and around the pipes under the inlet manifold and PCV systems... if its wet its because the oil has leaked out... engines can be dirty but oily engines are leaky ones...

oh... as for VCDS... go to the VCDS section of the site as there is a map of users that are willing to help scan... failing that look in the FAQs at the top of this section... the big 'read me' thread has info on how to get VCDS cheaply and how to use it

thanks tuffty appeciate the help.
does my problem sound like it couldbe a big one do you think
Don't know what the problem is so cannot really comment... Need to do the basics first to get an idea of what to start looking at... Fault scan and split pipe check
