My new LEDs

Ok Violet then , lol .

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Whoop whoop, that's the sound of tha chav police.

Just my opinion of course, and if you like them, then fudge what we think. All these cheap led strip lights turning up as drl's now though, is just like all those angel eye headlights that were turning up 10 years ago.

If the car didn't come with them, it ain't going to look good with them.
imo if they were more of a white colour rather than purple they would look alot better!
Why is it then you post something on here you always get s h i t .. Bye people not bothering with this **** web site anymore waste of time
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Why is it then you post something on here you always get s h i t .. Bye people not bothering with this **** web site anymore waste of time

because its a forum and people are entitled to their own opinion? if we all liked the same thing the world would be a boring place.
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They are better than a lot you see and the second pic is better. Are they complete light units or strips you have use? If you like them then that's all that counts, it's personal choice just like wheels etc. They are growing on me.
Not a fan, they look like they have just been stuck on unlike the other DRL mods people have done on here using OEM parts.

It's your car mate so if you like it why worry about what everyone else thinks, when you post on a forum you have to expect other people's opinions.
Not for me. But it's not my car. As said above unless your car comes with drl. It won't look right with them.
I think he's gone

But just to add they ain't really for me It looks like you have done a good job fitting them just not for me. When posting you have to take the good comments and the bad ones not everyone will have the same tastes
It might not be oem but i've got to admit that I quite like them, they are one of the better looking one's. Front end looks good on the car
gazwould your saying that no one on here lights my LEDs yes ?? And you think I'm bothered ??? Frankly I don't give a toss what people think .. What bothers me is when you get someone slagging your hard work off and taking the pi ss over what you've done
I don't think he was mate. This is a forum and by its nature of being a forum dude people speak their mind.
Oh really check his post in my other thread fitting a sub
Lets try and keep it civil please, that comment applies to both sides of the fence.
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Surprised the mods haven't interviened more here. Certainly did when someone didn't appreciate the last time I tried a bit of banter!
End of the day you have posted something that may not be everyone's cup of tea but there's no need for some members to take the p1ss. There's a forum for humour and banter...!
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few questions about this:

any pictures of the lights with them off just to see how the strips look
was they s4 lights before or did you do any other mods?
as above how did you end up splitting the lights? i've been tempted to black out mine inside or is there a better reason to upgrade to s4 lights?

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