Deep Scratch removal


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May 29, 2015
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My S3 Sepang Blue is about 6mths old and its acquired 3 deep scratches (can feel them with my nail), possibly from a local car wash but can't prove it.

Would a detail and machine polish get them out? Tried metallic t-cut but it didn't really make a lot of difference. Is the paint particularly soft on these cars, had my previous Mazda for 5yrs without a single scratch on it!

Anyone have any suggestions?
I would get a detailer to look at it, i cannot believe you put a 6 month old S3 through a car wash.
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It was a hand wash with a jet wash and shammy dry, didn't put it through one of those mechanical car washes!
Don't touch your car with t-cut either. You'll just put more marring around the scratches you tried to take out.
Agree with the above, detailer or if they are as deep as you say, maybe a re-spray. Although a good detailer may well be able to wet sand the paint down abs build the layers back up. Either way, not cheap.
If you can't find a car wash you trust, do it yourself. I only take mine to one place if I can't do it myself. If they're not open it stays dirty.
I live in a flat, so don't have an outside tap for a pressure washer so my options are limited to say the least. Suppose I should be thankfully it's only 3, bonnet, passenger door and rear quarter panel, both are near the windows. Hoping when I come to trade it in in a couple of years it doesn't affect the value too much!

Is the paint work / lacquer on Audi's softer than on other cars? Even my black Golf didn't get scratches this easily!
simple terms.
if it can be felt with a nail, you need it sprayed.

a touch up stick is an option, but will look hideous.
no amount of polish or machine work will remove it if its able to be felt with the nail.
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Audi paint is quite hard, I have various scratches over my sepang saloon that can be felt with my nail. Bought a DA, pads and heavy cut polish to do it myself with no luck. Not sure about a respray, I had mine looked at by a detailing company who said it would require a stage 2 paint correction.
I rarely use my pressure washer set up at the moment due a knackered back. I use when I can but in between a use a waterless wash. There's plenty on the market, some better than others. If you have a good base layer you can safely use the WW without marking the paint.
This is my car after using WW topped off with CarPro Reload.
I think I'll take it to my local detailer and see what he says, even if he can make them look less obvious I can live with that. Think in future I'll leave my car dirty!!
im a ******* for using the jet wash and car cleaning places and i do it on purpose!

why you might ask.

i've spent in the region of £1000 pound on the kit to correct it due to damage to previous vehicles and wanting to maintain them to the best standard, so why not induce it now and again so it gives me something to do on my 26 weeks holidays from work!

but in all seriousness, if you look after it and get it "protected" "detailed" what ever you want to call it, right and first time round, looking after it and keeping on top, is ALOT easier than you may think!
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Mate of mine put his car through a hand car wash place last year, they put his back window through when they slammed the sponge on it!!! They then continued washing the car for a few seconds with the sponge and glass!!!! When he shouted and challenged them, they said "He brought it in like that" :blink:
Wow! Did they pay for the repair? I have no way of proving it was the car wash I went to damaged my car, but I know the scratches weren't there before I went!

Thanks for all the suggestions so far, going to take it to a highly recommended detailer to get his opinion on what can be done.

Its only any good for inter coat rub downs. It's just too harsh to EVER use on top coat. It will strip off the lacquer. I hope you havent damaged your Sepang as its almost impossible to match. One of the reasons I dont like the colour.

But sadly if you take it to car washes expect it to get scratched and swirled.

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