where is divertor valve on 2ltr tfsi


Registered User
Jan 25, 2015
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Can anyone tell me where the diverter valve is on a b7 2ltr tfsi?

Going to change and cant find it!
Open the bonnet and it's located at the front of the engine, the turbo sits on the left hand side, it's to the front of that, I between the tie on and the radiator, easiest way to explain it, google it mate, there's tons of pictures, word of advise though, I'd change in front under the car but also pop the bonnet and remove the cold air feed as it'll help with access for the top bolt.
Cheers, googled and it came up with golfs etc which showed it on inlet side.... So got confused and lacked motivation to start ripping bits off to try and find it.
Well after putting it off for so long and not being able to find the valve, finally fitted the replacement tonight...

Think the old one was a little past its best!


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**** to fit arnt they, well they are if the cars on axle stands on the drive haha.
Only fitted my GFB DV+ last weekend and what a difference it made! Was relatively easy to fit just that third bolt on the top was a nightmare to get! After a lot of cursing and screaming I eventually got it hahaha!
I fit it from the top then tighten from the bottom.
how much is the part to replace? and is it an easy job for someone who is mechanically minded?
Standard DV is less than £40 posted mate. Very easy mate, just fiddly if on a drive using ramps.

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