Car with no tax and insurance


Registered User
Oct 26, 2015
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Haldex City
Hi all

Can some tell if there is anymore I can do or is it just a very long waiting game.

I work in a row of shops with a few flats above us which are mainly council. For about a year now there has been a guy parking where all the shop workers park (but anyone can park there) and he lives above and it is a right shed and he can't park it and he is just awkward. A couple weeks ago me and him had a argument about it as he blocked me in again and it was the final straw for me. Looking round the car and just how he is I just thought to myself your car is no way legal.

I looked up the number plate and it has no MOT,tax or insurance. So I reported it to the police who where not interested. The local council say as its on private land we can not remove it and its a police issue. I'm annoyed now because when I look it up its had no tax or MOT since 2001!!!! And this prat drives it around with his kid in it. And why should we the tax payer have to pay for him to use our roads. Plus if he hit someone you are stuffed. For him to get away with it for so long I am guessing its not registered to his name or address?

He is forever patching up and repairing this pile of crap.
The police should have the number plate on their ANPR database. I'd wait till he leaves, phone the police and tell them he's on the road. I'm surprised the police weren't interested in what you were telling them. Did you report in over the phone or face to face?
I wouldn't tell them the back story about his parking exploits as they'll just think you're being bitter!
They did more or less say to me you and him clearly have issues. I phoned crime stoppers.

I'm surprised it hasn't popped up when a police have been behind him in all this time. But I have know people to drive about months without a MOT and then realize when they go to buy tax.

But for the DVLA website to say no tax & MOT since 2001 could it be cloned or something fishy going on with it?
contact dvla about this knob they will sort him out i think there is a section on dvla`s site that you can fill in about this car.
Go into a Police station and stress the car is dangerous and you have seen young children in it being driven on the roads. I would expect they'll be all over it as easy money/stats for them :p
When he leaves ring the police and tell them you have just seen him put a gun in his car and drive off, that should wake them up.

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