Damaged caused by rotary buffer - Repairable?


Registered User
May 30, 2016
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Hi all,

A friend of mine decided to have a go at buffing a few marks out of the back bumper of my A3. Unfortunately for me, he didn't fully know what he was supposed to be doing and has made my bumper worse than it was in the first place.





So, do you guys think this can be buffed out by a professional or am I looking at a respray?


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Looks to me like the backing plate has come into contact with the bodywork, obviously its hard to tell via a pic but if it has damaged the clearcoat, id b asking ure mate to foot the bill

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Sorry to say i don't think that will be buffing out, it looks like its blistered probably too much heat generated due to the contour, and a plastic panel not dissipating any heat. presuming your friend didn't do it without your consent it will be something you will both learn from. always a risk if you haven't taken it to a professional its you that are taking the risk as its you that has something to loose.
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I figured this is would I might hear. I've been wanting my front end touched up as the roads over here in Northern Ireland are awful, so looks like I'll be getting the back bumper done as well...

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look on the bright side then, at least front and back will match perfectly.:laughing:
And my wallet will be empty!

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Thats my kind of luck as well,hope you get a cheap fix
I'm not going to loose much sleep over it to be honest, at the end of the day it's nothing that can't be rectified.

Just slightly disheartening thinking about when I'll eventually get round to sorting it, don't know if I can justify spending the money to spray the front end after 6 months knowing that in another 6 months it'll probably need done again. May as well let it go to the start of next year so I'm not respraying bumpers every 6 months!!

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What type of polisher did he use, rotary or dual action?
Get it sprayed up, wait a few months for the paint to breathe and set and then get a clear bra sprayed or wrapped onto the front end, would be worth the money and protection, and buy yourself a Muguirs DA polisher for the rest, you can't really go wrong with that polisher as a beginner, I've used one on mine, easy to use

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I've been quoted £400 for both bumpers and bonnet. That's including paint.
Hopefully, getting done tomorrow.
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Is that for a a full respray of all of it? If not its steep! But it may be a good job, getting it sorted at least mate
Is that for a a full respray of all of it? If not its steep! But it may be a good job, getting it sorted at least mate

It is for a respray of the two bumpers and bonnet, yes.
Both bumpers lost a fair chunk of lacquer and the bonnet got a "boulder" chip with dent, a week after I got it, so I just bit the bullet and got it all done.
Water based paint is expensive, so it's £150 for that alone and needs 1.5 litres.
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If there doing the lot then it's really not too bad! Worth it when it comes back out!
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It looks to me like the edge of the pad has had heat build up. And heat doesn't disperse to well on plastic. I would also say real Ray as the guys above.
Who did that?
Sorry but 400 quids seems low for a quality job for three panels.
Oh Dear...

Classic case of the operator not having any idea how to use the tool in his hands. I mean did he not feel the backing plate hitting the bumper?

Glad you've managed to sort it, but I think lesson learned here, always use people who "know" what they are doing when detailing. Some have all the gear, but no idea how to use any of it properly. There's a reason why detailers charge what they do.


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