A4 Onboard CD/DVD


Registered User
May 17, 2011
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Does anybody know what the disk that is supplied with the car is for?
It doesn't work in computers or in the car!!!
It should contain the cars electronic manual and within the mmi settings there is an option to upload it up to the mmi hard drive, for what its worth. It is readable on a pc using a browser, you just have to find the index file.
When I had a a4 for a test drive I copied the contents of the disc, uploaded it to a free file sharing cloud storage and shared it in this forum..
Aye, stick it in and go into settings and update using cd/dvd option
Yeah that's what mine says in the car 'unreadable media' and it contains no files when I put it into my laptop!
Is it just the manual or is it a software update as well?
uploaded it into the hard drive and use it seldom.

Use the DVD for the Kids if we get stuck in traffic. Scooby Doo in all his glory!
Well I would like to be able to use it, but as soon as I put it in, it's says 'no media files' so it's useless!

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