Part exchanging on new car deal


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Apr 27, 2016
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Apologies if this has been previously discussed but wanted to know if anyone has had the dealer try to change the agreed pcp figures, or part exchange amount on the car they are chopping in for a new one?

I am due to pick up new car this Saturday and had a slightly worrying conversation around the part exchange value of my A3 Which I had already agreed to 3 months ago when ordering the new A4. My mileage since April has been in line with my regular annual amount (only 6k per annum) and the car is in exactly same state as 3 months previously. So no reason to revisit the agreed terms as I see it. Ultimately if they start trying to get more money off me they are going to be sadly disappointed, however not sure what happens to my £1k deposit - but I would certainly kick up a fuss if it isn't refunded if I refuse to proceed with revised terms!

Any previous feedback on similar experiences out there would be greatly appreciated
They change the terms, your deposit is yours. To be honest, I've never ever heard of anyone not getting their deposit back unless its something like an exclusive colour/car with plenty of spec.
It's because 3 months ago your car was worth more. Valuations are always subject to a final appraisal when you chop it in. Most of the time they don't change but they can, I'm chopping in a tt cab and I'm giving it too them a month early because I know I will loose about £3/500 in value by September. Purely because it's a cab though
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Your Px would have been based on anticipated mileage and condition at time of sale not at time of order so unless you have done excessive mileage or the car is not in the same condition your Px value should not change
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I was told that cars lose as much as £200 every month regarding dealer valuations..Either way regarding the OP the dealer made a mistake in giving you a 'there and then' valuation on your part ex.. and didn't factor in the time difference between the new car and your part ex...So I reckon worse case you will get your deposit back...:friends:
Surely the part exchange offer formed part of your final invoice?
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Thanks for your comments, I will check all the paperwork I was given at the time. I could accept a requote if I'd done A load of extra mileage or dinged a panel etc but that's not the case. I might be doing them a disservice but want to ready should they try and get some extra cash out of me. They're doing a big sales event at the showrooms on Saturday so I would guess they wouldn't want it kicking off in front of potential customers
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Unless the dealer made it clear the valuation was only an estimate or the car has done a more than predicted mileage/acquired damage, it's their problem. I'm sure if the value of your car had been underestimated they wouldn't be offering you more! Make it clear to them that you are very disappointed with their underhanded tactics. You have budgeted your new car based on their quote and you want your deposit back.

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my order was originally placed in March but delayed for non FL reasons, but they have agreed to freeze the valuation as at March - at that point I was looking at approx. £700 negative equity from old PCP settlement, but the latest figurework suggests my PCP settlement is due to be £100 positive equity at expected changeover time, so I am not that bothered in my case!
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