Battlefield 2142


Staff member
May 23, 2004
Reaction score
OK Folks,

Who's playing then?

A load of the lads from work (me included) bought it as soon as it came in stock on Thursday; and spent a good few hours on it that night.

I've gotta say while it's not going to totally replace my BF2 time; it is pretty damn good. I really like the Titan mode, it gets pretty manic with 50+ players. The new vehicles are pretty cool too. I somehow managed to pull excellent drifts in the hover-tank thing in the first round I played on Thursday, but no matter what I did after that I couldn't get it going again. I think the mechs could do with a little turret vs. legs direction indicator in the HUD though (something like the tanks in BF2 have for tracks vs. cannon).

If we get a fair number of AS.N members playing (I think we had quite a few BF2 players on here) maybe we could organise a match (just a friendly of course)? We've got a server through work that we could use...


I have just got it and think its very team orientated and deffo not going to replace BF2,them walkers are tough to bring down,titan mode is good to play
I'll either be getting it from Mr Clause but if I can't wait I'll just go and buy it.

Is it worth the €50?
necroeire said:
I'll either be getting it from Mr Clause but if I can't wait I'll just go and buy it.

Is it worth the €50?
Ahhh mate it's getting bad. I'm not normally one to be a gamer-g33k and spend hours and hours in front of the PC (only really play Battlefield, and the only other """"game""" I run is MS Flight Sim, but the way I run that it's not really a game); but 2142 is really starting to become a bit of a problem...

I've only played about two rounds of BF2 since the 2142 bug bit; and I'm particularly hooked on the Titan mode; the gameplay really is fantastic. Obviously one of the main things with the BFx games that gets people hooked is the variation in the action, one corner of a map can be an infantry standoff, while on another spot on the same map in the same round there can be some serious armoured assault taking place (among all the other vehicles and classes of course); but with Titan mode it's taken to the next level. It's not much different to Conquest mode for the first stage of a Titan round; you're all frantically trying to keep control of the missle silos in order to a) minimise the damage to your Titan shield and b) maximise the damage to the enemy's. As soon as one or both of the shields are down you've got the situation of not only trying to keep control of the silos, but also the added mayhem of boarding and attacking the enemy's titan, or of course defending your own. It sounds like a straightforward enough extension to how the game works, but in practice you wouldn't believe how much more interesting and entertaining it makes it.

The new vehicles and equipment are pretty good on the whole too; there are only four classes now - Recon, Assault, Support and Engineer. Recon are basically snipers; obviously with space-age guns (like the other classes), but with some cool unlock-toys like ActiveCamo (think Predator); Assault is assault and medic - you get a med-pack and a decent all-purpose gun, and can unlock frag grenades and basic rockets along with medic equipment such as a defibrilator and an advanced med-pack; Support gets a clever version of the NetBat target-info system which can scan for units using ActiveCamo, and a Sentry Gun (which is my next unlock) that you can leave behind in a choice location and it'll sort out friend from foe and then proceed to unload pretty reasonable calibre rounds at a truly ridiculous rate of fire right in the direction of the latter; they're not totally invincible but placed wisely they can be kill city! Engineer gets some clever mines and anti-aircraft stuff. I think the way they're laid out coupled with the way you now gain points for the unlock levels which are a bit more regular really mixes up the action, and can make for some really good squad-play. There are a number of good new vehicles - the walkers are pretty cool, especially with two on board as they can assault both surface and air targets effectively. The APCs can be pretty good for slaying infantry at silos, especially if in the second gun (ie 1st passenger) position, they're reasonably well armoured against infantry equipment but if you come up against a tank or someone with a rocket launcher you need to get in an escape pod and get out of dodge! The hover-tanks are fantastic! -Go anywhere, possible to pull permanent drifts(!), and the most fun you will have is coming face-to-face with a conventional tank; you fire at him and score a hit, he fires at you and you simply strafe it sideways and let the shell land 10 yards one side of you or the other! The AH-47 Longbow replacement 'jet-chopper' thing is very agile and quite well armed; and the transport aircraft has relatively good guns but as ever how effective they are depends on the quality of the person pointing it, the on-board escape pods are quite handy for passing flag-capture opportunities.

Anyway, sorry to have waffled on so much, but you can see that I'm really getting into this game; and I think it's fair to say a lot of the lads from work have too - we've got at least one or two squads full online a few times a week!

So, in short, definitely worth the money... Go buy, or start fiddling with the calendars in your house!


Well faction thanks for that low-down! lol I have been wondering what it's like since I reinstalled BF2 as it pops up everytime you go onto multiplayer. I've not bought it as I thought EA ripped the **** out of extension packs for BF2 & didn't bother their **** to fix current bugs in the original BF2.
Yeah I have to agree, they didnt handle BF2 very well... As you say, there are still some things which need patching and the expansions were shaky territory (I only bought special forces); and I think there are some things they should un-patch (shooting while jumping (no unfair advantage surely as everyone can do it?) and rotating in a squad so the leader can respawn (again same reason)); but I have to say, I can go some way to forgiving them because our lot are enjoying 2142 so much! :)



PS> That reminds me actually, there are a couple of special unlocks I didn't mention - for squad leaders only, there's a spawn beacon which you can leave behind anywhere (ie somewhere sneaky on either of the titans) and the whole squad can use to spawn; and there's a mini-UAV type flying drone which follows the squad leader around, and a variant of that which has a gun - the only downside to those last two is that you can't really hide behind a crate or something like that when it's floating around above your head!
FactionOne - really great write up. Many thanks. I'm going to buy it this weekend and I've also gone and purchased a new graphics card before the next generation of cards appear as the last of this generation of cards are getting really cheap. I got this card as I have read that it is perfect for playing fast paced games like BF.
Cracking game....effing shyte company who made it...two patches so far and it crashes all the friggin time!! what a pile of ****
Yeah mate tell me about it...

I didn't think there were too many stability issues with 1.01 - OK it binned you out once in a blue moon, and some nights it would get a little confused about how to keep a connection to the server you're playing on; but nothing that was driving me completely nuts...

1.05 however... Well, lets just say I've got some milk bottles, vPower, polishing cloths, a shiny new clipper, and the throwing skills of Shane Warne (I'd have picked one of our boys but I don't think my presents would fly very well) and I'm making tracks for EA... Our lot had planned to go on for a few rounds messing about the night it was released; I had high-hopes that the few gameplay things that were bugging me might've been altered (mainly the squad leader recon/attack drones - it'd be nice if they kept sorta nearby but not directly overhead, it sort of makes hiding behind a crate a little futile), and what do we get... LOADS of crash to desktop! Gggggggrrrrrrrrreat!

Apparently you can minimise the crashes until they release a hotfix by setting your server to play only one round per map when in titan mode, apparently that stops it booting everyone off at the end of a round.

Anyway, I'm ranting on and on about how much of a poor effort the patch was, but it's still not completely discouraged me from playing, in fact I'm late for meeting up with some the guys!

My scores aren't very hot (for all my waffling about Battlefield, I'm not really a gamer of any calibre), but if you want to track us down at any point search for "Faction-One" in the buddy-list thing (there's another story about what happened to FactionOne and EA support being useless at sorting out the login details)...

Maybe see you on there...



PS> It looks like the worst thing that can happen for a game is for EA to buy the studio... OK DICE didn't have it perfect but EA have sorta gone the other way a bit if the patch is anything to go by; oh yeah, and I got to see Crysis at i29 (going back to my previous statement, I'm not an addict-gamer, I was working on a stand there) and you could definitely tell where EA had stuck thier oar in.

Anyway, roll on BF2142 1.06!
...Ooh what's this? Finished writing the above post, went to connect and the game tells me there's a new patch out? Go to EA and FilePlat and there's only 1.05... Go back to game and find 24 Titan servers online (same version being one of the things I filter)...



im playing, General_Levy my in game nick. Fun, Fun Fun :D

Lance Corporal Gold at the moment lol

dont have alot of time to play, but i will have soon.

For those of you that dont have it yet, go and get it!
What do you people think about this compared to BF2? Had a quick go of 2142 at my mates but couldn't really get into it (although when i first played BF2 i thought the same). I normally play infantry only on BF2 as well and there isnt an option for taht on 2142. Think i prefer the classic guns too.

So, what do you think on here - is it worth getting or a dissapointment? Only 19.99 now.
my firker cost 32 quid the robbing gits,james I have been back to BF2 three times since getting 2142 and I was a first seargent with a rake of medals and thought the new one would be crap but its even better than the old un so get it mate
Yup, I'm with voorhees... Gotta say it's definitely worth £20!

When the beta came out I didn't really take to 2142 and I thought I'd keep playing BF2 after 2142 came out but I've hardly touched it.


I played the demo of this and thought it was cack, put me off buying the full game, I will stick to BF2.

My nick is PureS3 for Bf2. I only play on the Bamboo Comandos server these days :)
Yeah i brought the game when it came out,i cant stop playin titan mode lol.The question is am i missing out by nt playing bf2 ive heard its real gd?
NO your not missing out trust me,dogtag collecting is an excellent addition to the new one
the titan mode is good for variety of what tactics you wish to play,you could stay on the titan defend and/or repair guns when blew up or get silos to weaken their titans
I just upgraded my pc yesterday so might get this battlefield 2142 at the weekend. I had Battlefield 1942 ages ago that was a good laugh.
and we can play a few rounds together.


Any Clans or players who want to join up on a server?
It would be cool if we has an AS.Net Clan.
Vorhees - I got your buddy request but you never came up on my list. Whats your BF name? I'll add you to my list.

Cool so meatychi - mention when you send me a buddy request or else I may delete it by accident - we should arrange an killing spree some night - take on some of the BMW clan.

check this weird one out?
OK Vorhees and Necroeire I have sent you a request!

SO was there anyone else on here then?
OK Guys,
I've heard alot about this game, and am considering buying but want tsome advice...

Can you play off-line ?

Appreciate it is probably aimed at on-line playing, team fights etc, but to learn the basics etc, you can just play the software yourself? Just seen it for c£15...?

What should I be looking for re add-on packs?

Cheers for the info !
Sorry - also what's the difference between 2142 and '2' ? Just different period in time/weapons etc ??

Any other similar games you can recommend for the PC or XBOX (not 360)??
Cheers for that.
Bought 2142 and have been playing offline all weekend and have got to grips with the controls and strategies etc.
Yes definitely limited offline. Only basic weapons and equipment, no unlocks, no promotions, awards, experience or kills points etc etc, but you know all this already!

It has at least however, allowed me to learn the rudimentary skills to be able not to get shot/stabbed within seconds of encountering the enemy!
Seem to prefer the Assault or Aupport role more than Recon or Engineer at the moment, but I guess when more weapons and equipment become available that may change.

Am reasonable ok so far with Land Vehicles, but cannot control the aircraft at all!

The missus got a bit fed-up, all she kept hearing "Not another Critically Wounded" or "Damn! Critically killed that time!" There were also a few explitives thrown around the study when encountering loads of the PAC-scum hordes roaming Berlin when ammo was low too.

How do you get re-supplied with ammo? Have only found that being re-spawning gets you back up to full levels? Are there caches of ammo lying around like other games?

As I live in the dark ages and haven't yet got broadband (WTF ?!) at home, I'm fairly limited on what games I can play. I usually get away with using the work computer for internet use, but have decided that I've now got to get Broadband, just because of this game! Divorce proceeding ensue...
The new-ish home computer had a shared memory for graphics also, which made the gameplay a little jumpy, so I also bought a GeForce 256Mb card at the weekend as well. Improved things no end.

Oh dear another hooked player about to join the fray online!!

Whenever I get online with broadband, there are a load of servers to tie into for gaming? Any that are particularly aimed at Newbies?? Do you find more experienced players use us Newbies as 'cannon fodder' and 'practice' just to get their scores up ??!

Cheers for the help...

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