A muslim woman.......

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Staff member
Dec 18, 2005
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knocked on my door last night,I never opened the door I just spoke to her through the letterbox to see how she likes it
Not very PC but still funny ..........come on folks got to lighten up this is far from a serious section
s3shabs said:
Hes being a *****.

No no.............. LIke Rev Head said, lighten up!!

A good reposte might have been............ something like,,, 'she could however still tell that he was talking out of his a$$hole'!!:)
"Veiled Humour" there me thinks..... Ahhh The Subtlety of it... Still Funny though...:laugh: :blow:
ahh... are you suggesting the muslim woman had previously spoke to you through a letter box
Remember folks, it's still OK to laugh at the Irish/Catholics, and ridicule the French, but make fun of a Muslim based nation (or the religion itself),.......................and things all become very serious.

Even Jewish comedians take the **** out of the Jewish religion ***.
yeah fair enough to all, but I don't think u guys know how much focus is being put on muslims for something as silly as a head scarf. I mean I myself agree with half of what is being said, but I can't help feeling that some say things with much more beliefe than they make it out to be
Defratos said:
yeah fair enough to all, but I don't think u guys know how much focus is being put on muslims for something as silly as a head scarf. I mean I myself agree with half of what is being said, but I can't help feeling that some say things with much more beliefe than they make it out to be

you getting many splinters in your ****?
Dan Gliballs said:
Remember folks, it's still OK to laugh at the Irish/Catholics, and ridicule the French, but make fun of a Muslim based nation (or the religion itself),.......................and things all become very serious.

Even Jewish comedians take the **** out of the Jewish religion ***.

americans and brits should pull out of iraq and afghanistan...then kick out all muslims and arabs out of american and british soil.
This is so sad isn't it, the whole point of a joke is that by definition it is something not to be taken seriously.
Most jokes are at the expense of someone and in this country (ENGLAND) we have something called "Freedom of Speech".
If you don't like what someone says don't listen, simple as that!

God the amount of jokes that have been told over the years at the expense of the Irish!

I assume the person that replied with "*****" or whatever it was was a well rounded individual with an excellent understanding of multicultural society and how to integrate oneself in that society.
This would normally include understanding of a countries' mannerisms, culture and not assuming a pedestal high above these casting moral aspersions down on those below.
I also think the joke is not offensive in any way and also very funny!:)
guntherprein said:
americans and brits should pull out of iraq and afghanistan...then kick out all muslims and arabs out of american and british soil.

1 post 0 brain cell
No it wasnt me, and i dont agree with the posting.

I do think the joke is funny though same as some Irish, Scottish etc jokes are funny
Bainsyboy started the "imogen" thread and got (unfairly imo banned) as a result

A4Quattro said:
God the amount of jokes that have been told over the years at the expense of the Irish!

One thing i think you guys need to realise that being a Muslim is completely different to be Irish just like being a Jew is completely different to being scottish so that argument doesnt stand up.

Jokes that are exceptable to one group of people can be highly offensive to others. That is the way of the world.
Next we will be telling jokes about black people and using the argument "well I can tell jokes about the french..."

I just think it is important to remember these things before posting jokes like these :sm4:
Defratos yes you are right, now and for a very long time im stuck in reverese gear and suffer with neck pain
do you want your other username back ?
A4Quattro said:
This is so sad isn't it, the whole point of a joke is that by definition it is something not to be taken seriously.
Most jokes are at the expense of someone and in this country (ENGLAND) we have something called "Freedom of Speech".
If you don't like what someone says don't listen, simple as that!

God the amount of jokes that have been told over the years at the expense of the Irish!

I assume the person that replied with "*****" or whatever it was was a well rounded individual with an excellent understanding of multicultural society and how to integrate oneself in that society.
This would normally include understanding of a countries' mannerisms, culture and not assuming a pedestal high above these casting moral aspersions down on those below.

Bit silly if you ask me, you have said the IRISH & IRISH is not a religion whereas being Muslim is having faith in a religion. If it was said that an Arab woman knocked on the door etc. you could have stated the IRISH.

There is by far a difference...

In the whole a good joke but makes me think there's alot of hatred in some people and its jokes like this that triggers those people to start!
I'm far happier with the joke on religious grounds because I think most organised religions could do with the **** being taken, although I agree with others that this joke has racist overtones.

This is clearly the case because I have heard it from at least 5 people in the last 2 days, most of who have never told me a joke before in their lives.
I see people have looked just at the mere words in my post and not the actual meanings. The fact I mentioned Irish is immaterial it was just a comparison.
the Irish are a people, a fair sized group at that, Muslims are also a group of people. The fact that muslim is a religion and irish is a nationality makes sod all of a difference, if you had an ounce of intelligence to actually read and understand the sentiment then the post would make sense.

Characterising muslims and saying Irish is not a religion makes no difference at all, is it okay to make fun of a nation but not a religion then?

WAKE UP for gods sake!
jojo said:
Hey, that's my line! :motz:

and a great one too! Audi sport influence at its finest!

Im a muslim, but u know what..Im starting to learn to ignore it.
People who take the mick, joke etc seem to be looking for that certain reaction.If you dont give it to them, it defeats the object of them taking the mick in the first instance. If you show them that its hurt,or offended you, theyve fulfilled theyre expectations..
Everybody has their own opinions, and that can be change.Its like a viscious circle.
My only criticism is that these jokes etc, whther they be irish, muslim jokes shouldnt be aired on an audi forum, as they may be some irish or muslims members like myself, who may take offence.
it should be avoided if it may cause even the slightest bit of offence to anyone. Im sure many of you will agree.

We, on the forum arent classed as any individual colour, nationality or religion..but simply, a family of Audi owners.

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