Saddam Hanging in full


Registered User
Oct 24, 2006
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Only click the link if you feel you need to watch this, as it is the hanging in full filmed on a mobile phone.

Personally i think its sickening and that he should not have hung but they are my views.

Once again a warning this is the hanging in full only click if you want to watch it.

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I seen this lastnight..

My view is he should have hung, along time ago, but that is through my own views and personal opinions.
i'm not 100% that thats even him, i doubt a guard would be allowed to record that on his mobile phone.
MikeA3 said:
i'm not 100% that thats even him, i doubt a guard would be allowed to record that on his mobile phone.

you could be right, i'm sure he had a few hundred alias body doubles....
Yeah.. with TB standing underneath grovelling to stop it!;)
A4Quattro said:
George Bush should be hanging alongside him

along with his side kick Blair

and whilst we are at it we might as well get rid of prescott and brown, those 2 are a complete waste of space!!!!!! they are the gits who are robbing motorists blind!

oh and also hang that traffic cop who HATES motorists and has like the highest speeding ticket giving out in the uk
should of put saddam back in charge with US backing then seen what the militants want to protest about

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