Retrofitted MMI 3GP - what sim card ?


Registered User
Nov 11, 2016
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I am wondering what sim card / which provider to you guys use for your 3GP units? What’s the data consumption on it? Advise would be much appreciated. I am hunting one at the moment as just plugged the gsm antenna and so I am very curious to see how does the thing work.


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I use 02 PAYG £40 12GB over 12 months. I only use o2 as they have the best signal in my area.
Thanks for help.
Did anyone get the nanosim on adapter working ? I haven’t tried yet but I believe the chip is a bit smaller .

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Ok so I installed nano sim with adapter with no luck. Second step was to put lebara sim (normal size with bigger chip) however is still not recognising it. In green menu signal shows (from antenna) 255.
Any clue ?:)

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Managed to get the car to see SIM cards (size doesn’t make any difference on a8 unit so nano can be also used via adapter). I used the same SIM cards on other c6 with 3GP which also I was installing the same way as on my car and they all seems to be ok :

My car however is struggling to get data connection. The signal you see at the bottom comes from SIM, not from my BT mobile phone. I can’t call from it either . Car knows there is a sim installed but doesn’t let me change anything in settings including SIM settings and Data connection:
What’s I am after is lack of IMEI in the 5F unit . I am sure it will be down to coding but not sure where to look at. Maybe VCP ?

Help !:(

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Which unit did you use

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I replied to your messages weeks ago mate on priv.

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