Food poisoning!


Looking for Boost!
Staff member
Sep 4, 2003
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Solihull, Midlands
Anyone on here got any good tips on a quick recovery from food poisoning?
I've been pretty much confined to my bed since Sunday!, aching all over, lack of appetite and the sh!ts. I'm drinking lots of water as I'[m told solid foods is a nono for me atm, really feeling crap, with chest and lower back pains - HELP! :wacko:
Try and eat bread, as if all you take in is liquid thats all you will get out if you know what i mean. :puke2:
jojo said:
Anyone on here got any good tips on a quick recovery from food poisoning?
I've been pretty much confined to my bed since Sunday!, aching all over, lack of appetite and the sh!ts. I'm drinking lots of water as I'[m told solid foods is a nono for me atm, really feeling crap, with chest and lower back pains - HELP! :wacko:

Sounds like a bad case of D+V, used to see a lot of it in Iraq, I never caught it due to washing my hands every five f*ching minutes!

Water, Tea and soup will keep your hydration levels up, take a strong painkiller like nurofen or ibruprofen to ease the pain and just wait for your immune system to get over it, if your still bad in a weeks time go to the doctors as it can spread to your liver/kidneys and give you a very nasty infection.

Out in the desert we used to use this clear alcahol based gel, before you enter the cookhouse, before and after you use the toilet, I had some in dispensers by my desk, by the kettle and in my room, its the same stuff that they use in operating theatres, great for having in the kitchen as it kills 99% of germs but is totally harmless unlike bleach, we even tried to seperate the alcahol out of it to make moonshine....
unkle said:
we even tried to seperate the alcahol out of it to make moonshine....

Oranges and sugar mate (prison style), tastes like **** though.:puke2:
Just Plain Old said:
You ain't eaten a dodgy 'English' have you Jojo..............???:)

LOL, funily enough, my last proper meal was from my own place, bring on the health and safety... I personally think it was the cheap and nasty Tesco's branded Bangers and Mash I had on Saturday morning.

drink coke - seriously!

Called the GP for advice over the phone, they suggested the same, I havn't any coke in the household, and way too weak to go for a drive.

Try and eat bread, as if all you take in is liquid thats all you will get out if you know what i mean. :puke2:

I've had a slice of bread, minus the crust of course, and I've had a Banana(not too sure if that's a good idea?)... as for the liquid comment, I've been sitting on my toilet for at least 2 hours in the last 12 hours of my life! :fart:
unkle said:
Sounds like a bad case of D+V, used to see a lot of it in Iraq, I never caught it due to washing my hands every five f*ching minutes!

Water, Tea and soup will keep your hydration levels up, take a strong painkiller like nurofen or ibruprofen to ease the pain and just wait for your immune system to get over it, if your still bad in a weeks time go to the doctors as it can spread to your liver/kidneys and give you a very nasty infection.

Out in the desert we used to use this clear alcahol based gel, before you enter the cookhouse, before and after you use the toilet, I had some in dispensers by my desk, by the kettle and in my room, its the same stuff that they use in operating theatres, great for having in the kitchen as it kills 99% of germs but is totally harmless unlike bleach, we even tried to seperate the alcahol out of it to make moonshine....

Thanks unkle, I'll try and take most of that on board lol. :w00t:
Whatever you do decide to eat/drink - make sure you do it in small amounts - e.g. drink sip by sip over quite a few minutes, and likewise eat every slowly. Otherwise whatever you gulp or wolf down will just re-aquaint itself with you pretty quickly.
to make it go flat quickly, pour some in a tall glass and add a spoonful of sugar, sounds daft but it loses it's fizz quick! but dont fill the glass to much! or it'll be all over the place!

get well soon jojo!
Ah, this explains your post in the other thread.

Doesn't look like you need any more advice with all the above, just hope you're feelin better soon fella.
Right, feeling a lot better today, need to replenish my energy levels though, still feeling weak, but at least i'm free from aches and pains.
My other half is happy though, I've lost about a stone in weight, which means I weigh about the same as I did 2 months ago lol, it's funny having jeans that want to slip off when you are walking. :)
Good to hear you are better remember and stay away from work ......I got a very nasty bug from brazil and was off work for 3 weeks because i was a food handler like yourself......Lots of fluids now to flush out your system
jojo said:
My other half is happy though, I've lost about a stone in weight, which means I weigh about the same as I did 2 months ago lol, it's funny having jeans that want to slip off when you are walking. :)

Better than the Aitkins then?! :think:
Hmmmm, sounds like fun!
Sorry you've been so ill mate, glad things are back on the up.
BTW, Nice choice of dailly runner (valver) I love 'em :)
Get well soon.
coke is good.
try and stay off food or it will last longer.
take it easy when you feel better, your run out of energy quickly.
All the best!
Hey guys, thanks for the support and the tips! I'm not one to just sit around at home to recover though, I need to get out and about, so I'm almost on a regular feed already, though I have been pacing myself and not actually completed a whole meal yet.
Early night again tonight hopefully, and see if I can lose a few more lb's in the process hey... definitely need a few more days minimum to get back to 100%, this was also on top of my kid and missus having some sort of Flu, which I seem to have caught ever so slightly.
Glad you're back on the mend,,,, I feared we may have 'lost you' for a moment...... when you didn't post for a couple of hours!!:)

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