Road rage ...


Registered User
Nov 5, 2003
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is it me or does everyone have problems of ppl hanging onto there bumpers as if attatched. The last two days i have had run ins with ppl. The first driving my wifes brand new S3 down the M4 a BMW M3 conv. came from 3rd to first lane almost clipped the back of my car (it would of but i anticiapted and moved !!) and then shot down the hard shoulder. I reckon that was either a stolen car or a person on too much crack ! (bear in mind this is 4.30 M4 rush hour traffic no one goes above 40 !)

Then driving my car (Porsche 944turbo) some **** in a v reg merc decides ive infringed on his personal space byt using one of the 3 lanes available on approach to an m4 roundabout from langley and decides to sit about a foot from the back of my car for most of the journey home. Now i admit that alot of ppl with s*** cars try and race me cos a ppl wanna blow a "poor mans" porker off the road (which with 350 bhp i wouldnt suggest trying) and even in the S3 ppl wanna have a go. It really annoys me cos its my safety being compromised when im leaving enought braking distance infront of me why oh why do ppl think the best way to "teach me" for having a posh car is to try and destroy it !!!

Ok sorry rant over ... im off to count to 10 /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


53 S3
91 944 turbo
The highway code advises to gradually slow down if you're being tailgated, I never used to believe this actually worked but having gone through periods of jamming the brakes on or washing my windscreen if they get too close it really does work /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif (mind you, so does jamming on the brakes...)
gradually slow down, then accelerate away whilst washing the windscreen/headlighs /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
i was thinking of getting a sidewinder missile conversion front and rear /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I think people driving around in Bedfordshire are nutters! Kids in hot hatches and white van man seem to have an expressed need to overtake everyone in sight, and if they can't they follow inches behind.

Putting your foot down is not an option. It's like a red rage to a bull. Whether or not I'm faster in a straight line, I have common sense and am not prepared to take corners the way this lot do. Jesus! And I have definitely found that if I drive like a nutter I meet more nutters on the road. Driving sensibly does not seem to get half the attention.

And there is definately an A3 envy syndrome. I have never had so many drivers wanting to have a go as when driving my A3. I'm vitually ignored when driving an A4!
I get alot of people doing that when driving the S3 especially citreon vts...and bmw 318 drivers. what are they trying to do or prove. is it simply jealousy or what?
I enjoy driving my car whether it be slow or fast but would consider myself safe!!! Just let them pass for your own safety sake but what really p****S me off is when they pass and then sit in front of you. one knows then that they are trying to race you. I follow them for about 5mins and then just floor it and let them ponder..... Unfortunately I have a temporary Vauxhall 2.5 TD as a company car but it does have one good thing; if anyone tails me I drop it down a gear hit 5000revs and a cloud of smoke belches out.they then back off. I know its not eco friendly but it does the trick. I'm currently waiting for the new car to come through A4 1.9Tdi 130 Avant In Brilliant red.can't wait, delivery date 23rd december /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dancing.gif
sadly its also audi drivers that seem to want to sit up me chuff ! Last night an A4 of no particular spotiness followed me inches from my bumper, got to a bit of dual carriageway i was going about 50 and he still sat up me *** ! so he overtakes after i slow it down a bit more and im afriad thats where red mist got me .. and i sat up his *** for a minute or two. What gets me is theres no way i can go anywhere when there are cars in front of me !! Im considering removing my rear view mirror .. and then i thought about selling me porker (only had it 4 months or so and ppl are so annoying to me in it) but now i realise **** it i love it im driving it my way or overtake me but please dont run into me it will hurt me alot more than u !!!

OK so the big question qill i get home tonight with no road rage ?!?!??!!?!?

Happy motoring (oh and if u see a 52 noggy blue S3 or silver H reg 944 turbo in Reading area be nice /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif )


Chill out! do what stig on top gear does, put some classical music on or similar.
don't give up your 52 noggy blue S3 up on any account...or the 944
no chance of either cos the wife would get annoyed if i got rid of her car (doh i menat 53 too its only a week old !) and pootling round in one of my many dream cars aint gonna get spoiled by anyone ... aprt from possibly the feds ... sorry officer my right foot got attacked by a gravity sugre /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

i like the idea of classical .. does guns n roses count its quiet classic back in the days /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I think the ultimate deterant (sp?) was on a Landrover I passed last week, There was the Grille of someones car dangling from the towbar!
I tried to photograph it with the phone, but got a great shot of my steering wheel /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif

In short fit a towbar, and purchase a Merc grille from a scrap yard, apply fake blood and hair to rear bumper and presto!!
Anyone daft enough to tailgate is conclusive proof of Darwins theory of evolution, thankfully they either inhale enough carbon to become sterile or die before they breed!
All the best,
Good choice of cars. I've got an old 944 and it's bloomin great. I get more greif when driving that than when in the S3 (Noggy Blue aswell - the best obviously /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/goofy.gif). People just gotta overtake a Porsche..

Tailgateing is a real pain in the ar5e and it is sooo difficult to leave it and wait for them to overtake, but worth it in the long run. There are times and places for fun and it's not usually when the redmist is down.

Chill wid the still. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

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