Whats your favorite book?


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Dec 29, 2006
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im currently looking for some good books to read...not much of a reader usually but thought id do a bit of reading....

so any recommendations?....

my personal preference is something a bit dark, psychological..thought provoking...

in the middle of reading clockwork orange at the moment...which is pretty good....
The Argos catalogue? I don't really read books much these days - always seem to be too busy - I'm lucky if I manage to read the paper cover to cover.

Seriously, never read Clockwork Orange. Seen the film and it on stage (when you couldn't buy the film). One of my favourites.

If you haven't already, the Lance Armstrong books are quite good. First one is 'It's not about the bike' Very thought provoking when you discover just what he went through and then to bounce back to be the greatest cyclist of modern times - very inspiring.
Some of Dan Brown's recent books are worthwhile, and not just the Da Vinci code. Digital Fortress is a good one, and Angels & Demons is probably a better read than the Da Vinci code.

Other than that, anything by Michael Crichton is always good - Airframe and Prey are excellent reads.
You young uns just dont learn do you, if a book is worth reading people will read it and Richard and Judy will give it a sticker to put on the front of it, It will then be made into a film, you then go to the pictures or download it for free from a file sharing site where you can test out your anti virus programmes ( bit late now for someone who got a virus playing that game ) I prefer going to the pictures though because if the films not as good as the book you can make a hole in the bottom of the pop corn cartoon and shove your savloy in it and then when your Mrs goes to get some pop corn she will get the fright of her life ( giving you a laugh ) and your be guranteed that she wont go anywhere near your pop corn, especially after you asked her if she wanted a cartoon only for her to say " no thanks, im not hungry " DO NOT try this stunt if you have a button murshroom for a **** because 1 you wont plug the hole and end up with pop corn in your stay press turns up for months and secondly your Mrs will eat all the pop corn before you get a look in. :respekt:
benw123 said:
Some of Dan Brown's recent books are worthwhile, and not just the Da Vinci code. Digital Fortress is a good one, and Angels & Demons is probably a better read than the Da Vinci code.

Other than that, anything by Michael Crichton is always good - Airframe and Prey are excellent reads.

Far better book , by a country mile!

Personaly my fav book is tom clancy's "Without Remorse "
I've heard quite a few people have read and recommend something called "The Bible"...
its a waste of time - everyone knows what happens anyway (apparently!)

i dont read much either - may read the occasional book on holidays

the hannibal lector books are good, a book a read last year called "the lifeguard" based in florida was good, also jarhead the book wasnt a bad read!

harry potter (i know!!!!) is another one id read lol

wouldnt mind getting into some of tom clancys books - play his games on the ps2/xbox and the stories seem to be spot on!
The series of Jack Reacher books by Lee Child are pretty good.

I've read about 5 of em so far.
LottieA3 said:
I'm suprised no one has menitioned "Victoria Secrets" Catalogue......

I prefer Razzle for 1 handed reading material.
i liked mice and men in my gcse's days quite a good book
Etranger - french book - did it for my A level french and hated every word of it!!
AndyMac said:
The Dice Man - Luke Rhinehart,

some seriously funny bits in that book - my favourite is The Subterraneans by Jack Kerouac or any of his stuff really...the mans a genious , also love Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre the funniest book I have ever read.
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert M Pirsig
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Did it feature Gary Glitter Silver ?
Nonce alert!!!!!

:busted_cop: :busted_cop: :busted_cop: :busted_cop: :busted_cop:
I only read newspapers and sports magazines during my school days.:)
fallmonk said:
Far better book , by a country mile!

Personaly my fav book is tom clancy's "Without Remorse "

Red Storm Rising was my personal favourite of Clancy's.

Mick, you might want to pick up Team Yankie by Harold Coyle; ace book. :o.k:
my most read is the good old Haynes manual (stored next to the loo)

my fav read of all time is casting at the sun by Chris Yates it's a fishing book so probably wouldn't appeal to you??

i liked the da vinci code book better than the film, but i find that books are more enthralling than films anyway.

i started reading Red storm rising but lost the book after only 3 chapters??

i think the ghost must have got it?
Steven ambrose d-day and pegasus bridge interesting if not completely factually correct.
thanks for the recommendations and your comments!!....zen and the art of motorcycle maintanance is good! thanks nivagh.

Just started reading fight club!!...so far so good...seen the movie which was brill!...unfortunately struggled to get hold of the book from the library so having to read it as an ebook...which is a pain!
I quite like the forensic stuff from from the likes of Kathy Reichs and Patricia Cornwell (who is Kathy Reichs mentor). Wouldn't have minded going into forensics meself but apparently I can't tell red from green! :sly:

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