Goblin Works.

Charlie Farley

Chilling out.
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Jun 13, 2014
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Just been watching this weeks episode of Goblin Works on Quest, I'm a big Ford fan and moreso the Capri, what they did to that 2.8i was brilliant.
I love them in fully original condition but sometimes you need to push the boat out, this was one of those times , I loved what they did to it and would love to own it, at £40k probably a tad expensive but its a one off so to be expected.
Reminded me of the old zakspeed capri's......

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Agh yes the Capri, i had two, a 1970 3000E & a 1971 3000Gt, smashing motors, wish i still had one.
yep, I've had a few aswell......very collectable now.
It was totally amazing what they did with the Capri. Loved everything about this weeks episode, even the tattoos. Missed the bike contribution this week though. :)
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last week's episode was excellent too, liked the fast Freddie Spencer beasty.....turning out to be a great series, just wish I could find all the previous episodes on catch up.
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last week's episode was excellent too, liked the fast Freddie Spencer beasty.....turning out to be a great series, just wish I could find all the previous episodes on catch up.
I agree Rob. What he did with the Kawasaki was nothing short of total amazing, and the Harley the week before. I like it has the cars and bikes in the program. :)
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Chevy Monster truck this week
I must admit I have a soft spot for the blue oval. Always wanted a Capri 2.8i Special when I was younger. The sad thing is I was offered one back in 97 in great condition for £1k! Unfortunately I didn’t have any storage space and my Dad wouldn’t let me keep it on the drive. I’ve only just forgiven him! I’ll have to check out Goblin Works, sounds good.
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The Capri was good but I wouldn’t say it was £40,000 good.
They never covered the brakes or suspension or even what gearbox they used, disappointed to only see half the job they had done.

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With regards to the Capri, they put those massive full face alloys on, definitely not to my taste but left the four bolt original hub. Which says to me they left all the original brakes and running gear and hid it with the alloy. Puting a 5 litre engine in there will do havoc to the original stock set up. If it had had a full brake caliper and rotor upgrade surely they would have featured it of would have wanted to show it on the final car. I'm not knocking there work. Some of it I like. Just looked out of place like little Johnny and his 1.0 Corsa with 20 inch alloys and original brakes. Looks well out of proportion and stupid in my opinion. I may be wrong but just seemed to cut corners to cut costs.
I've recently bumped into this series, unfortunately all these programs are aimed at people with a bit of an interest in cars ect and a small bit of imagination and very little real knowledge and/or experience of what these cars etc need or how they achieved it, I do realise that they will always be limited time wise and with their target audience have to skip over a lot to retain their interest, but, if you are going to screen that sort of topic in a TV program, surely you could do it in more detail? You don't get that missing the technical detail out in Kevin McCloud's programs, I don't think.
I find it a good program, not too fussed about all the really technical stuff as I treat it as light weight evening viewing to be honest, sometimes it is nice to just sit down and watch something without getting overrun with too much info, some prgrams can get a but stuffy really if on for too long or too fussy about the subject.
Just an hours lightweight evening viewing with a drink and comfy chair works for me, I can read between the lines on the tech stuff so just enjoy the program.
Well that's me...
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I’m pretty much the same @Just Rob. its some light entertainment for a Thursday as your winding down for the night. I think if it was to technical it would lose its appeal to many viewers.
The latest episode was very good aswell, loved the flat tracker just a shame the rider let down the side..lol , not quite sure about the big chevy though, looked good almost like an angry truck but lacked something.....maybe the colour wasn't helping .
I think if it had been myself in charge of paint choice it would have been a nice dark red ,Burgundy even....as it was it looked like it was made for operation desert storm....all a bit bland, anyway very good episode all the same and looking forward to tomorrow's now.
Think it’s a Datsun tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
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I that case I hope either a 240z or 260z ......I do hope its not a Datsun 120Y though...lol
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Think it’s a Datsun-z car
yep , its a Z , pretty sure it's a 280 from the pics I just saw...
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I've got the tv on now Sandra , in my big comfy leather arm chair with limeade & larger......ready and prepped ....
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probably is chap, but after a long day it could be spelt anyway...lol, i'm surprised I even got it that close ..haha
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Well I found this episode better than last week's , Datsun looked great, but in a bizarre way the 2cv van was really growing on me, well after the few mods that is..lol, I could do with it to take the woofers out..haha
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That was really enjoyable episode Rob. I think the delivery van (2cv) is going to be a nice side project
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I’ve been watching this and think it’s quite good. Don’t think it’s a great advert for the company though. One episode they built a bike and it wouldn’t start. Next episode they built a bike and the rider crashed it before the company they built it for had even seen it.

I missed all episodes before the Defender though. I can’t see them on catch up on sky. Are they available anywhere else or will Inhave to wait for repeats?
I stumbled across this yesterday but thoroughly enjoyed it.

Series Link now in place :)