Parking discussion


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Jan 27, 2013
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So what are people opinions on parking when out. For example down your local supermarket or in multi-storey car parks where some of the spaces are tight.
I myself will whole heartedly admit and may get some stick , but even if I don’t have kids in the car will park in a parent/child’s bay when at Asda’s or in town.. I know it’s not correct when I don’t have the kids but I’ve had too many incidents in the past and see it regularly people opening doors with no consideration to the cars parked next to them.
I don’t do it all the time I will try my hardest to park on a single bay or end bay with loads of space but if there is nothing I won’t park the car elsewhere.
So what do you guys do?
I never park in any bay that i am not supposed to but i can undersrand why some do, i also occasionally see cars parked across 2 parking bays. We have an issue in the vast majority of car parks in the UK where the bays are not wide enough. In a multistory carpark near me there is a row of 3 bays between concrete posts that should really only be 2 bays, if you parked 3 cars no one would be able to open the doors so everyone parks in the middle bays which then means no one can park in the outer bays by the posts! Its crazy.
While the spaces aren't wide enough I'll always park in a normal space. With the exception of if it's early in the morning and I'm just popping into Asda, naturally the disabled spaces are nearest and as the place is empty is doesn't matter..

At my office they decided to add a ridiculous amount of disabled and pregnant mother parking spaces, The car park is very big and not at capacity so it's not hard to find somewhere where you will not be parked next to. However after some surgery I was given a disabled pass and have used it ever since, so the nearest car to me is over ten meters away :) don't think anyone cares really anyway but it's just habit that I park there as it was my usual space before they made them disabled..
Personally I never park in a bay marked for a situation I don't comply with (disabled, parent & child etc.).
The misuse of disable spaces in particular makes my blood boil but because it's rarely policed by anyone the culprits don't give a s**t.
Also hate when folk have the entire car park to choose from at say Tesco but still insist on parking on double yellows, partially blocking the road, to get right at the front door.
Victor Meldrew :blink:
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While the spaces aren't wide enough I'll always park in a normal space. With the exception of if it's early in the morning and I'm just popping into Asda, naturally the disabled spaces are nearest and as the place is empty is doesn't matter..

At my office they decided to add a ridiculous amount of disabled and pregnant mother parking spaces, The car park is very big and not at capacity so it's not hard to find somewhere where you will not be parked next to. However after some surgery I was given a disabled pass and have used it ever since, so the nearest car to me is over ten meters away :) don't think anyone cares really anyway but it's just habit that I park there as it was my usual space before they made them disabled..
The minimum number of disabled spaces are dictated by local authority regulations based on the potential number of occupants in the building, but I suppose owners / tenants could exceed that if they wish which is maybe the case in your example. We have quite a few at our office and many are rarely used, but I'd still never park in one personally on principal.
The minimum number of disabled spaces are dictated by local authority regulations based on the potential number of occupants in the building, but I suppose owners / tenants could exceed that if they wish which is maybe the case in your example. We have quite a few at our office and many are rarely used, but I'd still never park in one personally on principal.
I suppose our office is quite large and in theory can hold however many hundred people, so would make sense I guess to have as many spaces as it does.

And then there are as many pregnant mother spaces as there are females in the office (not quite, but it's a male dominated office).

But yes I can see why people like yourself get annoyed about people parking in the spaces you shouldn't. Especially in town centers etc..
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I will agree I have never parked in a disabled bay.
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I suppose our office is quite large and in theory can hold however many hundred people, so would make sense I guess to have as many spaces as it does.

And then there are as many pregnant mother spaces as there are females in the office (not quite, but it's a male dominated office).

But yes I can see why people like yourself get annoyed about people parking in the spaces you shouldn't. Especially in town centers etc..
Yeah, our office is similar in that we take up only about two thirds of the capacity therefore the quota of these spaces seems excessive but we may let out the remaining free space to another company soon. This will also mean the choice of all free species will reduce whereas at the moment I park away in a corner to avoid door dings.
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I tend to park at the space furthest from the store, usually about a mile from the front door. Despite this there is always someone parked within an inch of me when I get back!
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I tend to park at the space furthest from the store, usually about a mile from the front door. Despite this there is always someone parked within an inch of me when I get back!

9 times out of 10 this will happen for sure.:weary:
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I tend to park at the space furthest from the store, usually about a mile from the front door. Despite this there is always someone parked within an inch of me when I get back!

I usually do this................
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I do have kid's and use the Parent & child space, however I see a lot of people without kids that use them. Now people complain of car damage and when I'm on my own I use the furthest space from the shop entrance as possible, thankfully I have working legs so I use them. One of the reasons why cars could be damage is that fact all these spaces are taken up by people who feel it's there right to use these spaces regardless of their assigned designation, so then parents are forced to use standard bays where kids don't realise there actions could damage other peoples cars.

Give parents a break and don't park in these bay's, if you have ever tried to get a child in and out of child seat you will understand why they are needed.
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Typical Beemer driver eh!

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I do have kid's and use the Parent & child space, however I see a lot of people without kids that use them. Now people complain of car damage and when I'm on my own I use the furthest space from the shop entrance possible, thankfully I have working legs so I use them. One of the reason why cars could be damage is that fact all these spaces are taken up by people who feel it's there right to use these spaces regardless of their assigned designation, so then parents are forced to use standard bays where kids don't realise there actions could damage other peoples cars.

Give parents a break and don't park in these bay's, if you have ever tried to get a child in and out of child seat you will understand why they are needed.

Think you find it’s the adults not kids who damage cars when opening their doors and not giving a F***k. I too have kids but parking other end of the car park don’t work even though my legs perfectly well like yours it’s always the case someone parks as close as humanly possible right next to you..
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This is my parking space at Tesco every Saturday morning (I am parked straight, the camera angle is dodgy, honest!) I always go for an end space well away from the entrance, and park as far over as I can, usually on the line.

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Your parking space !!!
Didn't know Tesco were giving customer's their own parking spaces.
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I tend to park at the space furthest from the store, usually about a mile from the front door. Despite this there is always someone parked within an inch of me when I get back!

It happens to you aswell chap......I thought it was only me being targeted.
I can guarantee that when I go to any carpark and it's either empty or very close to that and I park at the other side of the carpark, when I come back some plank has parked right next to me and as close as they can ,why...........did they think their car needed company and was going to be lonely, the mind boggles.
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This is my parking space at Tesco every Saturday morning (I am parked straight, the camera angle is dodgy, honest!) I always go for an end space well away from the entrance, and park as far over as I can, usually on the line.

View attachment 147879
I do something similar; pick an end space and stretch the outer edge as much as possible without taking the you-know-what. Certainly don’t use disabled or family bays.
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It happens to you aswell chap......I thought it was only me being targeted.
I can guarantee that when I go to any carpark and it's either empty or very close to that and I park at the other side of the carpark, when I come back some plank has parked right next to me and as close as they can ,why...........did they think their car needed company and was going to be lonely, the mind boggles.

Haha! Must be something about black Avant’s. Mine always seems to attract old Vauxhall’s, doesn’t matter where I park it’s always an old Corsa or Astra within an inch of my door. I wouldn’t mind if the car park was full but there’s normally 2000 other spaces available.
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I'm in the park a million miles away but still come back to car's either side boat too, must have a magnet in the boot or something.

Quite like parking next to similar car's or coming back to similar car's parked next to me, not sure why it amuses me but it does.

I also try to be extra quiet, cautious and responsible before parking because it's never a good idea making enemies before plonking your car next to them.
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Far too many people are inconsiderate of parking. When you park in a disabled or parent and child space the place may be empty when you arrive but possibly not when you return.

If you are having trouble fitting your car into a regular parking space then consider the following:
Park elsewhere or
Buy a smaller car

They are your options, not to parking in a space designated for someone with a specific need. I should have expected such a post on an Audi forum, far to many self important people drive them.
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Bunch of wussers. This is how to park:

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Far too many people are inconsiderate of parking. When you park in a disabled or parent and child space the place may be empty when you arrive but possibly not when you return.

If you are having trouble fitting your car into a regular parking space then consider the following:
Park elsewhere or
Buy a smaller car

They are your options, not to parking in a space designated for someone with a specific need. I should have expected such a post on an Audi forum, far to many self important people drive them.
Same could be said about people who have no concoseration for the car parked next to them when resting the trolley against your car, hitting it with bags when walking by, hitting the car with their doors with not even a single ounce that anything is wrong and worse case people who can’t reverse and brush or even hit your car and don’t say anything about it...
So yeah I drive an Audi, but aslong as the car I drive is valuable in respect to that and not model then I will park where I can to avoid damage.
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I absolutely agree with you that people are ignorant but surely you’re equally guilty of this.

Why not try parking somewhere further away where the car park may be empty.
100% agree that I am doing wrong, I think it’s a pitty you can’t park your car normally without the fear of it getting damaged.
If only they made parking spaces more spacious :laughing:
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I think it’s worth remembering that the parent/child bays, were first introduced to cutdown on the number of kids getting knocked down.
These bays tend to have protective walkways to the store, which is so much safer than trying to walk through a busy car park.
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Disabled parking spots are there for those that need them. These people may not have any noticeable disability but that’s not to say they don’t have one. These people have to go through a process before they get a disability vehicle and a blue badge that is associated with that car that should be displayed on the windscreen when they park in a bay.

Parent and child spaces are to make life easier for parents with young children so that they can be safe from other people parking.

For all other users of car parking, yes I agree that the spaces are not really big enough for our modern cars, but the solution to that is just park well enough away from others. Rant over.
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Both myself and my husband have well looked after Mk1 TTs and use our Mk4 Golf runaround when we go somewhere we know the parking may be bad. Not on a car park, but this is what we came back to a few weeks ago - ****** BMW drivers!! :gun2:
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Disabled parking spots are there for those that need them. These people may not have any noticeable disability but that’s not to say they don’t have one. These people have to go through a process before they get a disability vehicle and a blue badge that is associated with that car that should be displayed on the windscreen when they park in a bay.

Parent and child spaces are to make life easier for parents with young children so that they can be safe from other people parking.

For all other users of car parking, yes I agree that the spaces are not really big enough for our modern cars, but the solution to that is just park well enough away from others. Rant over.

I was under the impression, Parent/child bays are designed the way they are so doors can be opened wide enough to access and egress children..
I was under the impression, Parent/child bays are designed the way they are so doors can be opened wide enough to access and egress children..
Yes I am aware of that fact.
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Supermarket carpark I go late at night now to avoid annoying people and there parking. But I still park right at the back also making sure no randomly left shopping trolleys are nearby the car just in case a stray one hits it.

At work we had parking issues but me being Victor Meldrew's b*****d child I made my boss fit cameras as I am sick of idiots hitting my car. This tit in the picture parked at such a stupid angle at work and not only has he blocked me in but as he walked past my car he's caught the mirror and folded back the wrong way. Sent him the video and said 'what you playing at, and any damage your paying'

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I tend to park at the space furthest from the store, usually about a mile from the front door. Despite this there is always someone parked within an inch of me when I get back!

This is me to a T. I always look at what car is park either side of me if there is no obvious space. I found a space at IKEA the other day. I looked at the passenger door beside me and it was a mess. Dents and marks everywhere. Due to this i moved.
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A few years ago the nearest Sainsburys supermarket to me decided to go with the trend that developed of selling not just food but all and sundry, electrical, household and clothing items. The store was expanded so consequently they lost a number of parking spaces so expecting more customers but with fewer parking spaces their response was to erase and reinstate all the parking bays.
Of course each bay was smaller and anything bigger than a Fiat 500 touched at least one line to fit in, upon the relaunch of the shop they boasted how many extra parking spaces there were. They never mentioned that the space available was barely enough for an A3, Focus or Golf. I tend to go around 8.45 - 9.00 pm when it's much quieter and plenty of space.
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Sainsbury’s carpark yesterday afternoon... the quiet part where no one (normally) parks.
So when I return there’s a van slap bang next to me... didn’t fancy one of the other 800 odd spaces then :wtf:
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Yep, I always get the same.....800 spaces free and not another car within a long way, come back and find I've been boxed in on both sides.....why do other drivers do they think my car is lonely or what.....
Yep, I always get the same.....800 spaces free and not another car within a long way, come back and find I've been boxed in on both sides.....why do other drivers do they think my car is lonely or what.....

I think people see a nice car and know most of our intentions and do it just to be knobs!
I park next to nice cars. Normally in hope that they won’t hit mine, and I also know I won’t hit theirs. Works well for everyone!

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