Stuck indoors on Friday night ***!


My BM is fixed!
VCDS Map User
May 26, 2004
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watching starship troopers on sky movies, how toilet!
I had to take my little man to hospital.. so we watched a tiny bit of telly while we sat in casualty. Comic relief 'Bob the Builder' was on briefly.
Hey guys, thanks for your concern, he settled a bit last nite.. the doc said he's got eczema eruption - his poor little bod is totally covered with spots on-top of spots! gross!!.. he was ok this morning. Then the ex took him out and apparently he was sick all over the restaurant table after they had food! OMG.

Now he's in bed, with a high temperature! he's had a tough little life the poor soul. If its not one thing, then its another. Wish it was me instead. :sorry:
aww poor ******, i suffered with eczema for most of my life! it's ****** 'orrible! itchy as hell and the only relief is scratching!? catch22!

hope he get's well soon!
Hi Scrupes, were there certain foods you had to keep away from? because he's had to stop eating beef, tomatoes, cheese, peanuts, soya, eggs.. its a nightmare trying to prepare stuff for him to eat. He eats healthy so that's good, but I'm worried he'll get bored.
Hope he gets better soon Ming, my little one has been a bit poorly of late with symptoms of my food poisoning soon after I recovered, he's all better now. Horrible watching them poorly and all weak constantly asking for mummy... he quite clingy now.
yeah, i found most foods aggrivated it more i had to eat mainly chicken and loads of veg! yoghurt was also a no no and pastries too!

washing powder is bad, polyester or nylon school trousers and shirts dont help, you just cant win!

a shool friend who also suffered got some aqua theraph for his and it seemed to work a treat. might be worth looking into. my parents couldn't afford it for me so i had to put up with steroid based creams! and that thins your skin, so when you have a little scratch... it bleeds!!!???.

it's a case of trial and error MB but you will find some things are worse than others, good luck with it all,

how old is he? 7?
Hi Ming

i have ****** for lots of different people with eczema and you have to be pretty strict with what he eats ...If i were you i would go through all the common causes, gluten,dairy,nuts........Gluten is the most important thing to try and stop .if you go to the doctor he can prescribe breads that is wheat free and dairy free milk so to save you money trying all these different ways to see if it clears up ...Lots of sun and fresh air ..If you need any menus just PM me
scrupes said:
yeah, i found most foods aggrivated it more i had to eat mainly chicken and loads of veg! yoghurt was also a no no and pastries too!

washing powder is bad, polyester or nylon school trousers and shirts dont help, you just cant win!

a shool friend who also suffered got some aqua theraph for his and it seemed to work a treat. might be worth looking into. my parents couldn't afford it for me so i had to put up with steroid based creams! and that thins your skin, so when you have a little scratch... it bleeds!!!???.

it's a case of trial and error MB but you will find some things are worse than others, good luck with it all,

how old is he? 7?

Yeh, that steroid based cream is a nightmare! He's nearly 4 and I've used Diprobase cream and now he's using Epaderm, its been ok. But last nite was horrendous! Do you think the doctor will prescribe that aqua stuff you mentioned?
they may do now but they didn't when i was young.

this may be an old wives tale, but apparently, if you have eczema when under 7 you will probably outgrow it during your teens, if you get it after 7 it usually stays with you for life? dont ask me why but it does? could be something to do with the way humans grow???

i have tried most creams but the ones that worked were Fucibet and fucidin h not sure but one is steroid based and one is water based (had to use them alternatley) another was Aquaderm in a big tub! perfect for getting rubbed on after a bath, it seals moisture into the skin to stop it drying out and itching. does sometimes sting though so beware if he starts screaming, wears off quickly though.
The doc prescribed him Fucidin thats the waterbased anti-biotic cream. He screamed the house down when I put it on, his skin was raw and still is sore. The ex is taking him to docs again tomorrow and I'll be taking the afternoon off to look after him.

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