Empty Coolant Reservoir!?


Registered User
Aug 23, 2004
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Hi folks,

Very strange problem occurring!

Over the past year probably happened about 4 times in total, happened again yesterday so am now getting concerned.

The coolant reservoir keeps emptying itself. There are no signs of leakage it doesn't even appear to be going down slowly. But when i get the coolant low light i check the level and the whole things is nearly empty!?!

I fill up the coolant reservoir back to its fill line and it can be fine for a period but then eventually it will empty again.

Really bizarre, any ideas?:blink:
It has to be leaking somewhere, if it's not on the ground under the car, then it will be into the cylinder through a head gasket maybe? Does oil fill cap have white sludge on it? Does the car smoke? See if engine compression/leakdown test comes back OK?

Just guessing, but I'd get it checked out asap.
Cars always smoked a little. These petrol engines are oil thirsty. Checked the oil cap no sludge.
Fill it up a bit again check pipes going or coming from unit because as @leshkin says if your losing coolant you defo have a leak and it needs taken care off asap , by any chance does the car overheat to the stage it cuts out by itself
Pressure test on the reservoir to iirc about 1.5 & it should show an external leak, rad corners on 8P's are known.
NHN!! Can you let me know if the Bose mic. you have for sale is the revised part number with the letter ‘A’ at the end? I’ve been trying to get in touch with you since you told me you had a spare mic. for sale but you haven’t replied!!
Pressure test on the reservoir to iirc about 1.5 & it should show an external leak, rad corners on 8P's are known.
Hi ,I have Audi A3 2005 Sport back ,I have the same problem as you .Do you find from where is coming and any solution ? Thanks
You can remove or disconnect the mic. That does stop it but u get 3 sets of 3 beeps every time you open a door. There is a revised mic. part no. 8E0 862 373 A. The letter ‘A’ at the end is the crucial bit of the part number. Check your mic. & see if you have the copper cylinder mic. as oppose to the PCB mic. I’m prepared to put up with the beeps rather than the volume fluctuations until I can source a new revised mic.
How the hell did this thread go from talking about phantom coolant to microphones and audio?
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@leshkin me thinks someone hasn't read the title , and maybe thinks that @NHN will come back might be better if the person needing him uses the PM system on the site and justs PM's him @NHN .:thumbs up::thumbs up:
My bad!! I started a thread about Bose mic. issues & NHN said he had a mic. for sale & I’ve been trying to get in touch with him for days without success. When u say PM him do you mean start a conversation as I’ve started 2 of those with NHN without a reply. So I looked at where his last post was in hope he was still watching the thread, which was this 1, but no joy!! I’ll leave the thread guys I do apologise but I have tried everything to get in touch with NHN!! NHN, if you do read this please get in touch about the mic. you offered for sale in the post I started titled ‘Bose Audiopilot driving me nuts!!’ Apologies again guys!!