Grinding noise S3 8P 2006


Registered User
Nov 1, 2018
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Hi there,

I am new to this Forum and has helped me quiet a lot already.

Thanks to all, Thierry

My question,
I’ve got some grinding noise, metal- metal, coming from the LH side.Also only heard when engine is hot. I ve changed my timing belt ( rh side looking fwd)
Any help pls?
You also have a cam chain and tensioner on the right (when looking at the engine). Do you know if this has been changed?
Hi Sam, I have checked it 2 days ago. Sounds like grinding metal to metal and for very short time. No way to stop and check. Does it for like a second
Does it happen when stationary? If not then it could be wheel related.
Yes ,unfortunately, was hoping this too.
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You can’t really check a cam chain... is it in start-up? Like the chain slapping the casing until the tensioner picks up the slack?
Only when hot for a split second and too often
Hi there,

I am new to this Forum and has helped me quiet a lot already.

Thanks to all, Thierry

My question,
I’ve got some grinding noise, metal- metal, coming from the LH side.Also only heard when engine is hot. I ve changed my timing belt ( rh side looking fwd)
Any help pls? Was wondering if the A/C compressor could make some grinding noise due to magnetic clutch, cannot find a tutoridl showing the clutch engaging. I had my 10 yo son playing with the a/c buttons but can’t figure out any movements. Could it be stuck in a undetermined podition that could cause the grinding?

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