Middle lane drivers


Mar 28, 2010
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Liverpool/Southport. N west
CD905EFF BDA7 4B93 B22E 563965BBD076

There has been an increase in this from the police recently.

Feel free to rant and let off some steam....
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KEEP LEFT you idiots!!


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View attachment 174377 Hallelujah

There has been an increase in this from the police recently.

Feel free to rant and let off some steam....
Its about time the Police started doing more of this TBH

If it was me I'd ban the middle lane hoggers ! Drives me nuts !
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That and cars sitting in lane two on an empty dual carriageway drives me nuts on a daily basis.
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Those coppers need to be reassigned to the M4! This is a photo I took a while ago from my missus' car and it's always like this.

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One of my personal pet peevs this. Some people just don't have a clue, It seems some people believe the left hand lane is only for trucks. I am glad the police are doing something about this. I am sure some people just don't like changing lanes as they would need to do something like looking in the mirrors. So they just get in the middle lane and they feel safe there.
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I see it everyday on every motorway. It’s my biggest pet hate. People think I’m doing 70mph I will be overtaking that car which is half a mile ahead in 2 seconds. 4 days later and a massive que behind them they then get out of lane 3. Coming home from London to Bristol is always terrible.
Even the m25 4 ****** lanes only 2 get used joke.
I notice the cars passing in the OP's picture are all in the middle/outside lane.
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The Highway Authorities or whoever controls the gantry messages that are often used to tell us not to drink and drive should be used to tell middle lane hoggers to move left if not overtaking, or some such wording.
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Or have compulsory motorway lessons after driving tests are passed...
The Highway Authorities or whoever controls the gantry messages that are often used to tell us not to drink and drive should be used to tell middle lane hoggers to move left if not overtaking, or some such wording.
Brilliant idea
How fast was he going in the middle lane ?
Speed is irrelevant

I just wish we could shake these people and explain to them, the implications of using the motorway properly in keeping left; reduced tailbacks, reduced RTCs, it would make a huge difference, and benefit everybody.
Education is key!
There are so many drivers on our roads that believe whatever they do is the correct way to do it....which curiously is frequently in direct contravention of how they were taught. I see examples of this all the time.
I am no saint, and I may not follow all of the rules all of the time, but I always know when I have done something wrong.
To my mind this is the biggest difference between a good driver and a bad driver.
Because (for good reason) motorway driving is not part of the skill set involved in passing a driving test people do not receive any education about M/Way lane selection and how to change lanes. As a result a lot of drivers just take the option of never changing lane.

I would make passing a few supervised sessions on a Motorway simulator a compulsory part of the test. Not ideal but better than how we currently prepare new drivers for motorways. Which is not at all.
Motorway driving is currently available for learner driver lessons.
Going of topic a bit............Why do some drivers feel the need to drive at 40mph in the outside lane (Duel carriage way) 1/2 mile before the roundabout they're turning right at forcing any faster drivers to undertake?
Weelll.....no one is taught how to drive on a motorway for one thing, and a lot lot of drivers here are immigrants who learnt to drive in their own country, where the laws differ. No one is really to blame except the authotities for not ensuring we are all taught, or giving immigrants a quick refresher test or make it compulsary to read the highway code before being granted entry.
I didn't think learners were allowed on motorways, hence the lack of education? They are allowed on dual carriageways, though, and the same principles apply...
Lorrys should be made to stop in the L.H.L ******* pain in the **** when they hold all the traffic up trying to over take. They have to in some european countrys,should be the same here.
I notice the cars passing in the OP's picture are all in the middle/outside lane.

If I see something/someone on the hard shoulder and it's clear behind me I'll move out into the middle lane to give them some breathing space...

But on the subject of MLH, I do like to circle them to see if/when they get the hint
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i've now got a 4 lane smart motorway, where lane 1 is unused and lanes 2-4 are an undercutting free for all
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Would that not lead to more Hearses on the motorways?:whistle2:
They all drive like idiots. You have to drive in the middle over there because the outside lanes nearly always turn into an offramp at some point. Leave a sensible gap in front and someone will squeeze into it. Drop back and it happens all over again.

So basically, on the freeway in the States you end up undertaking, middle lane sitting and tailgating!
Lorrys should be made to stop in the L.H.L ******* pain in the **** when they hold all the traffic up trying to over take. They have to in some european countrys,should be the same here.
All (most) lorries are restricted to 56/58mph, if they did not overtake it would be worse. Never seen a middle lane hogging truck driver. I've always noticed that it is impatient/uneducated car drivers that cause tailbacks etc not the truck drivers.
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Nearly got wiped out by some redneck in a lumber truck in South Carolina once. Tried to overtake us on a single laner and then realised half way through that there was someone coming the other way. Instead of braking and pulling back in behind, Mr I-married-my-sister-who's-also-my-mom just pulled across and forced us off the road!
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