Advice - vibration under braking/wheel buckle?


Registered User
Feb 12, 2019
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Hi -wondering if anyone can offer some advice on what to do next please.
Had a bump in new S5 in recent icy/snow conditions.

Slid out sideways in a left hand corner and hit the pavement which knocked the drivers side
rear wheel out of alignment. It was drivable and no warning lights were on.
Car was pulling badly to the right tho and wheel visibly not as straight as the others

Had it checked at Kwik fit and I was able to see underneath, no visible damage to arms/suspension.

Had it recovered to Audi and as Kwik fit had thought, it was the Wheel hub and bearing
that needed replacing. Audi also took care of the alignment, one of the arms had moved
slightly as this could be seen where a large screw and washer through one of the arms
were no longer centered. (Audi notes say: Coil spring not sitting properly on rubber buffer
and damage to adjuster stop on subframe.)

Upon driving the car today there is vibration coming through the drivers seat and steering
wheel only when braking. Normal driving is fine. It only starts happening at around 80/90mph.
Braking at lower speeds does not produce this vibration. At much higher speeds the car begins
to vibrate and feel slightly unstable. There is also a noise when braking which is difficult
to describe but I guess it sounds like something rubbing when spinning and it slows as the
car slows (sorry i know not much help!)

I took it back to Audi who had another look at it but could not get rid of the vibration.
I believe they said tehy put it on the rollers and they say the wheel has a slight buckle
due to contact with the pavement edge. Front and rear wheels will need to be replaced due to scratches but I am surprised at the buckle due to how the wheels made 'flush' contact with the parrallel pavement.

I have not been told of any damage to brake discs or suspension springs or arms etc.. only
the wheel hub and bearing area.

I am wondering whether I would be experiencing issues at all speeds if there was a wheel buckle not just when braking at a certain speed? Can anyone confirm this?

If I would experience issues at all speeds due to the buckle then I guess I need to look
at brake disks next? (also my brake rear pads at 80% worn)
