Heater matrix removal

Dec 30, 2012
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It's a good time to sort the heater which barely puffed out any warm air last winter.
The car seems to be taking too long to get to 90 imo and will easily drop to 75 if you slow down.
I will be fitting new water pump and thermostat later this year and serpentine belt and tensioner etc.
But when the temp gauge is at 90 the heater is only slightly warmer than the air outside.
I've had the matrix flushed insitu and was thinking of removing it to either properly clean it or go for new??
How easy are they to remove, anyone done it?
The stat seems to be the priority.Sounds like its failed and I would leave the matrix to last and only change that if the new stat doesn't fix it.I think cleaning it is not an option cos its the fine pipes that can block and I assume it wont be easy to remove being buried in the bulkhead
I agree the stat is goosed but I had the temp gauge up to 90 and no warm flucking air. The heater hose reaching the top of the bulkhead is hot and the other hose is warmish coming out from the matrix.
It's an 06 3.0tdi Quattro with 147k miles so I bet it has original pump and stat so changing them might improve circulation and heat but I think it's the heater matrix so I was hoping for a how to remove guide.
Oh any idea on the heater pipes dimensions please?
I have read that its tricky to remove but don't know details.Also heard that some have cleared it with reverse hot flushing