Difference between Glesga and America


Aye you know it makes sense
Nov 27, 2006
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If the weekends events had happened in a US airport, compared to Glasgow

Eyewitness accounts (genuine US ones - lol at all of them claiming they thought they were going to die)

America:"Oh my God! There was a man on fire, he was running about, I just ran for my life... I thought I was going to die, he got so close to me"

Glasgow "**** wis running aboot on fire, so a ran up n gave him a good boot, then decked him"

America:"I just want to get home, away from here... I just want to get home, I thought I was going to die"

Glasgow:"Here shug, am no leaving here till am oan a ******' plane!"

America:"There was pandemonium, people were running in all directions, we didn't know what was happening, I thought I was going to die"

Glasgow:"**** this fir a kerry oan, c'moan we'll get a pint in"

America:"We thought he was going to blow us all up he had a gas canister and was trying to get into his trunk, I thought we were going to die, I just ran for my life"

Glasgow: "A swaggered by the motor that wis on fire and the dafty couldnae even open his boot, he wis in fire annaw so a ran up n gave him a good boot to the baws"

America:"There was this huge explosion, it sounded like war, I thought I was going to die"

Glasgow:"There wis a bang, yi know when yi throw BO basher intae a fire it wis like that"

America:"I'm too traumatised even to speak, I thought I was going to die"

Glasgow "here mate, gies 2 minutes till a phone my auld dear, if am going to be oan the telly a want her tae tape it"

& finally, two quotes from an eye-witness... John Smeaton (these are real)

John just surpassed himself on the National ITV new. The interviewer asked "What message do you have for the bombers" - he replied "This is Glasgow we'll just set about you"

John done an interview on CNN and they asked how he restrained the guy and he said "Me and other folk were just trying 2 get the boot in and some other guy banjoed him!"
Did any of you see the witness reports on the news from the bagage handler guy. I think they guy and Scottish people that helped should get a medal. Only in Scotland if something happend like what happend would the people run up to get a kick and whatever at the guy that done it.
I think the guy used the word 'Subdue' when talking about what he did to help the police, translated into Scottish he ran over Butted him in the face then jumped on him when he was down! Love It !

Dont Mess with the Crazy Scots!
There is a web site thats been put togethter where you can donate three quid through pay pal to buy the bloke a pint, there is a link from the BBC news site check it out.

Makes you proud to be a scot!!! LOL
Beerzo said:
Only in Scotland.....
...Dont Mess with the Crazy Scots!

Only in Scotland can terrorists be as ***** as the ones you had!

Setting your self on fire and running around an airport!? :rolleyes:
Crazy scottish terrorist are ****!

National "threat" my **** lol
silver75 said:
Only in Scotland can terrorists be as ***** as the ones you had!

Yeah they were that bad they nearly blew up an airport check in desk!
LOL aye wasn't abad plan really as terrorist plots go just the bungled it and didnt count aupon gettin najoed from some radio rental baggage handler!!!!
Apparently it was the same mob that did it in london.
LOL not now they are locked up, and when they have been in court they'll be heading for a stretch in the BARL!!!!!
LOL al Qaeda in Barlinnie now that would be funny
Not sure how long they'd last in the Barl, but they'd be put in the secure wing LOL imagine the bears getting hold of them???
Yeah secure wing no doubt they would get passed about like a newspaper in a lounge.
An Ode to John Smeaton - :respekt: (Engish read in the Glasgee accent)

Twas doon by the inch o'Abbots
Oor Johnny walked one day

When he saw a sicht that troubled him
Far more that he could say

A fanatic muslim *******
Wiz doin what he'd planned

And intae Glesca's departure hall
A Cherokee he'd rammed.

A big Glaswegian polis
Came forward tae assist

He thocht a wumman driver
Or at least someone half-******

But to his shock nae drunken Jock
Emerged to grasp his hand

But a flamin Arab loony
Frae Al Qaeda's band

The mad Islamist nut-case
Had set hissel on fire

And swung oot at the polis
GBH his clear desire

Now that s no richt wur Johnny cried
And sallied tae the fray

A left hook and a heid butt
Required tae save the day.

Now listen up Bin Laden
Yir sort's nae wanted here

For imported English radicals
Us Scoatsman huv nae fear

Oor hame grown Glesca Asians
Will have nae ****** truck

So tak yer worldwide jihad
An get yersel tae F***

Spot on. Does that make sense to anyone that isnt from Scotland if not i am open to translation of bits that arent understood. :icon_thumright:
Beerzo said:
Spot on. Does that make sense to anyone that isnt from Scotland if not i am open to translation of bits that arent understood. :icon_thumright:

Most of it made sense initially but when somebody I work with, who is scottish, read it out loud to me - It made perfect sense...
hop2407 said:
An Ode to John Smeaton - :respekt: (Engish read in the Glasgee accent)

Twas doon by the inch o'Abbots
Oor Johnny walked one day

When he saw a sicht that troubled him
Far more that he could say

A fanatic muslim *******
Wiz doin what he'd planned

And intae Glesca's departure hall
A Cherokee he'd rammed.

A big Glaswegian polis
Came forward tae assist

He thocht a wumman driver
Or at least someone half-******

But to his shock nae drunken Jock
Emerged to grasp his hand

But a flamin Arab loony
Frae Al Qaeda's band

The mad Islamist nut-case
Had set hissel on fire

And swung oot at the polis
GBH his clear desire

Now that s no richt wur Johnny cried
And sallied tae the fray

A left hook and a heid butt
Required tae save the day.

Now listen up Bin Laden
Yir sort's nae wanted here

For imported English radicals
Us Scoatsman huv nae fear

Oor hame grown Glesca Asians
Will have nae ****** truck

So tak yer worldwide jihad
An get yersel tae F***

You ******, Hoppy! I was just about to post that!
jdp1962 said:
You ******, Hoppy! I was just about to post that!

Sorry matey - In fact I bet someone else does post it - perhaps in another thread .....
fallmonk said:
Never come between a weggie and his two weeks in costa del sol , lol

Joking apart, Mick, this must have been quite a nasty one for the city.
Beerzo said:
Spot on. Does that make sense to anyone that isnt from Scotland if not i am open to translation of bits that arent understood. :icon_thumright:

Perfect sense, every word.

(but then, I did live then for a good many years.)
jdp1962 said:
Joking apart, Mick, this must have been quite a nasty one for the city.

Think in all honesty its a bit of a shock , and treated with brovado as it was a FAILED attemted, if it had worked well who knows ,
so lets all be thankfull to faulty NHS syringes(acording to news lol)
Set the tartan army on thon tallibans ,and see them run "kilts at the ready boys" any one who doubts my words watch carry on up the kyber !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :arco: