Audi a4 cooling problem too much presure


Registered User
Apr 21, 2020
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Hi guys please please can some one help I do a 20 me journey to work my coolant level is ok before I set off by the time I get to work my coolant tank has over pressurized and emptied all its coolant

Some pipes are also cold after a 20 mile journey too

Things I've tried so far

Water pump
Coolant tank and cap
Thermostat and it works I checked before I fit it

I've back filled the complete system the matrix flows with a hose pipe connected to it a d so does coolant bottle if u connect to either of the pipes under bonnet

Does any one think it could be head gasget

It doesnt over heat I can sit on my drive for ages and it's fine

Please help me I'm going mad
Rad blocked? If pipes are cold after 20 miles, either your stat isnt working correctly or there is a blockage somewhere.
Was it a genuine thermostat? Also is your header tank sealing correctly?
I dont think it has a oil cooler
I've had a hose pipe on the egr cooler above the turbo

And it ran threw
It's a genuine stat I've boiled it in a Kettle and seen it work

I dont no where else to check for a blockage

I have disconnected the 2 pipes to the matrix blocked 1 of them off and back filled with a hose pipe a d it fills the coolant bottle up

I've done the other 1 too

I've had a hose on the rad and matrix and they dont appear blocked as I say

Help help help
Rad blocked? If pipes are cold after 20 miles, either your stat isnt working correctly or there is a blockage somewhere.
Was it a genuine thermostat? Also is your header tank sealing correctly?

It was a genuine thermostat I checked in a kettle if I leave it idling after the 20 miles all pipes get hot
I had similar to this on a previous turbo car, it ran and only overheat when it pushed too much coolant out a couple times, tried thermostat, coolant bleed, rad cap, etc etc in the end it was head gasket. Get one of them test kits that changes colour, even if just to rule it out perhaps.
