Help Please H R C D warning light comes on occasionally.

Wind your neck, pick up your toys and calm down. Posting a question does not entitle you to an answer. If someone knows the answer to a question, they will generally help but unlike some forums, you won't get 15 people having a bash at an answer, while not having a clue what they are talking about. It isn't helpful and could do more damage than good, so people will not dive in without something worthwhile to add.
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Reactions: Mrdavea, Nitro_CR, RS5 JON and 1 other person
Well said, @Boundy . I only looked at this thread this morning because I was curious to know what on earth the title meant (not everyone has an encyclopaedic knowledge of what every random group of letters means) . When I opened it up, I found an initial post with almost zero information and no question, followed by a temper tantrum.

If you want useful and constructive responses, it helps if you give your thread an informative title and then some meaningful content, including any steps you've taken already to try and diagnose the fault (VCDS or Carista scan, for example?).

Meanwhile, maybe this link will be of help.
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Reactions: Nitro_CR, Boundy and CHEZ