Audi pcp finance


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Aug 7, 2018
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Hi folks
My pcp finance is about to end in the next few months and got a few questions.
the balloon payment is around £17-18k and motorway it’s worth around £24-25k.
problem is there’s not a huge amount of cars available so might keep it a while.
Is it possible to refinance the balance with Audi?
Is there other car finance companies out there that’s worth a shot?
I’ve look at bank loans but it seems their advertised rates and what you actually get is 2 different figures. My mate just applied for one and advertised rate was like 5% and he was quoted 15%. I understand everyone credit history is different and that has an impact but his credit score was very good.
Any other options ?

I looked at refinancing my wee mums car Audi were offering around 8-9% to refinance...they offer various timescales as wel andl it can all be done over the phone
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I looked at refinancing my wee mums car Audi were offering around 8-9% to refinance...they offer various timescales as wel andl it can all be done over the phone
Wow 8-9%. Just remortgaged the house at 0.89%. Should have taken some equity out for the car :wink:
Dangerous game refinancing hoping to profit off the market as settling the loan will eat into any potential profit.
But yes, Audi do refinance the balloon.

Personally if it was me I’d sell and capitalise while I could as the market appears to be moving a little now.
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Dangerous game refinancing hoping to profit off the market as settling the loan will eat into any potential profit.
But yes, Audi do refinance the balloon.

Personally if it was me I’d sell and capitalise while I could as the market appears to be moving a little now.
Just not found anything that tickles my fancy.
You could do what I did - place an order for a new car from Audi and Audi will then extend the finance at the same rate while you wait for the car and build more equity.

Of course, nothing stops you not going through with your new order - and keeping the finance at the same rate while you wait - which we all know could be a year...
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You could do what I did - place an order for a new car from Audi and Audi will then extend the finance at the same rate while you wait for the car and build more equity.

Of course, nothing stops you not going through with your new order - and keeping the finance at the same rate while you wait - which we all know could be a year...
Probably not a bad shout. Order a new car, get current loan extended at same rate, wait 12+ months, ask for deposit back as waited too long, saved a fortune in interest :yum:
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You could do what I did - place an order for a new car from Audi and Audi will then extend the finance at the same rate while you wait for the car and build more equity.

Of course, nothing stops you not going through with your new order - and keeping the finance at the same rate while you wait - which we all know could be a year...
Love this idea!

Dont hate the player, hate the game. :tearsofjoy:
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