Happy at work?


Registered User
Sep 5, 2005
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Not a happy bunny at the moment, does anyone really enjoy their job, does anyone just fancy doing something totally different? :sorry:
I was really unhappy at work so i walked out on tuesday and it's the best thing i've done in ages.
I love my job, it's fast pace :jump: but rewarding, I am a Facilities Manager for a large property firm:)
i love my job but the other week a guy had a go at me and we had a big arguement and i walked out, iv made up since but boy i am having a bad month so far !

what is your line of business?
wouldnt mind being a personal trainer. at the moment im a maintenance engineer, you need a nvq level 3 at least to be a personal trainer so cant be bothered through an nvq3 again lol
Well I setup my own Ltd company in February so I'm now the employee and the boss. I can choose who I work for, when and how hard. I'm currently in the seventh week of paid holiday and won't be working for a client again until September.

Just got sick of working to line other muppets pockets and worked out I could work hard for 7 or 8 months a year and have the remaining 4 or 5 off. Thus far it is working a treat and I wished I'd done it sooner.
yep, I work for myself too, I'm a precision Engineer and with my business partner we run our own firm.
Best thing we ever did!
I dont mind work altho i did try to leave about 3 weeks ago but my boss offered me more £0000 so i had to stay ps i build gearboxes and engine,s and also fit clutches very fast,,
Used to be really happy at work......then got promoted last year.

Went from enyoying myself on a Tactical Firearms Team where I had been for 5 yrs, to being a Sgt with more responsibility/hassle/stress etc.

The only thing that keeps me sane are the people I work with.

Still I know a lot of people in worse jobs.............
I used to love my job, but I've had to reduce my hours to work around my boy! My boss doesn't like it and I feel they don't appreciate me, even though my work hasn't suffered. :crying:
I work as a midget stripper and I love my job especially the aroma
I suppose every job has its good days and its bad matters how you see them ..........a bad day in my eyes is learning day were i was challenged and a good day is were i learnt from the bad day
well we are in the middle of industrial action here over pay so the mood is not good.

pfft 2.5% when rpi was 4.6% always offered us rpi when inflation was high now they don`t even want to give that .............. rant over :(
I am a welder manufacturing the Thwaites dumper trucks,I have an easy job where nobody hassles me I could go for a team leaders job but being a kiss *** isn't in my cv,I tried a career change by working at a local glass merchants but a near fatal cut put paid to that bright idea
I am happy in my job

PS Staff All the tea in China would not get me doing your job
I tend to last about 3-4yrs in a job before it really gets on my wick, studued Mechanical Engineering at Uni, went on to be a bar & restaurant manager with Beefeater, then retail management with The Link (aka the Dixons Sores Group), then into corporate finance sales with Barclays & now they're currently paying for me to train as a Chartered Accountant. Thing I find is I like to learn stuff, once i've learnt how to do a job inside & out then it starts to bore me, will take me another 2 years to become a qualified Chartered Accountant is I keep passing the exams. Knowing me though i'll be bored again once im done with this & want to do something else!!
Thanks all, feeling a bit better today. Just wish sometimes I could tune out. Really wish I could do something for myself, even had a look at franchises. Would love to be my own boss.
I can empathise. My job sucks at the moment. I need a challenge to keep motivated and due to imminent changes I am in a holding type situation with not a lot to do during the day! It's really boring! Can't even use the internet as I've told my team they can't during 'working' hours (some were taking the p**s) so I've got to tow the line as well...

Management is a real pain in the *** some times! Although I am 'working' from home later this week and for a few days next! Woo, hoo..

Chin up, things do get better (I hope!)

I don't really like my job but I am one of those people who don't have to be happy so long as it pays.

The way I see it is this: working is the inconvience of a social life. It pays for all the nice things in life so I can put up with the crap, the stress, the 60 hour weeks.
Am quiet happy at work , am lucky in respect i go in get my paper work , and am out the way all day , the phone goes a odd time but most times its quiet !
like all i could do with more £ but i like where i work and who i work for so not the end of the world!
Nickynibbles said:
I tend to last about 3-4yrs in a job before it really gets on my wick, studued Mechanical Engineering at Uni, went on to be a bar & restaurant manager with Beefeater, then retail management with The Link (aka the Dixons Sores Group), then into corporate finance sales with Barclays & now they're currently paying for me to train as a Chartered Accountant. Thing I find is I like to learn stuff, once i've learnt how to do a job inside & out then it starts to bore me, will take me another 2 years to become a qualified Chartered Accountant is I keep passing the exams. Knowing me though i'll be bored again once im done with this & want to do something else!!

I'm exactly the same 3/4 yrs and i get itchy feet,
I have been self employed for the last 3 yrs and just today i have gone back into full time employment. I'm a joiner by trade but now i'm going from domestic work in peoples homes etc. to working on a chemical site!!

i started getting ****** off with all the paperwork and the late night pricing of jobs and to be honest i have been offered a cracking job that the decision was made for me so to speak, plus I'd like to get back on the property ladder soon and the lenders like you to work for big industry companies ;)

been boring today and will be tomorrow too as i have to attend the safety courses to be allowed to enter site! who knows what wednesday will bring!
I have just lost my job as they decided not to renew my contract after the probation period as my manager felted threatened that one day i would take his job. what a ****! i left a decent job to work closer to home took the job thinking it was a good move as we are expecting our first child, . God hope something comes up as we don't want to be eating into the baby funds :-(
marriedblonde said:
I don't really like my job but I am one of those people who don't have to be happy so long as it pays.

The way I see it is this: working is the inconvenience of a social life. It pays for all the nice things in life so I can put up with the crap, the stress, the 60 hour weeks.

hats off wish I could:hi:
Handed in my notice two weeks ago (after 4 years, a record for me), got another three weeks of my notice to work which is dragging something chronic, looking forward to moving back to the uk and catching up with all my old mates, seeing more of my family...

Not looking forward to expensive petrol and weak beer...
Im a contractor in the world of 3d CAD...... no holiday/sick pay but the salary more than makes up for it........ oh and i really enjoy it :icon_thumright:
I've been working for an Internet company for approaching 7 years now. It bores the crap out of me but the moneys good and they treat me well. I'd love to work for myself next.
im in retail management, unfortunately the pay is not that great, work 6days a week 8 hours aday sometimes 9.

i was looking in to being a mechanic but everyones written off my chances cus they think im too old? only 25.

definetely looking for a career change, something that pays more and less demanding so i can spend more time with my little boy.
All you people who've got your own companies, was it easy to get started, how did you manage to get funding for it etc??
I've been thinking about it, but haven't got the funds to just up and leave my current job? (Mortgate etc)
I used to be a regular on this site til i got the job that i'm in now.

It's hard work and target driven sales for a top IT security company in London. Sometimes i'm in the office 12 hours a day but the money is great and the opportunities to move upwards within this industry are even better. :yahoo:

I was in my old job for 10 years and haven't looked back, even though i could **** about on here all day!

Mind you though, there's hardly any activity on here at all nowadays. :unsure:

Dunno about working for myself though, need someone cracking the whip to get me motivated so a busy sales floor is the place for me. :arco:

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