Roadrage! (From an OAP!!)


Looking for Boost!
Staff member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Solihull, Midlands
Unbelievable! I had this old man in a BMW saloon pull out in front of me whilst I was navigating a mini island, so I beep'd my horn in protest, and he proceeded to drive at 20mph(in a 30 zone), so now I've got my hand in the air, as to say 'what the hell are you doing?' He's now taken offence and stopped his car in the middle of the road to block my path and stepped out his car to give me the ten commandments, like :wtf: ?
I politely, but firmly told him that he just cut me up, but he wasn't taking any of it lol, he was around 60ish ***, I didn't want to swear at him, nor give him a heartattack, so I swollowed my pride and just sat there and listened to him rant for 3 minutes! He even asked me if I had my driver's licence on me, to which I replied no I don't actually, so he then says I probably don't even have one...
I'm actually sitting in the comfort of my car with my window open, the air conditioning running, and a grin on my face with all this happening. He was quite oblivous to the fact that he was in the wrong, maybe he's had a bad day?!

/rant over

Happy driving everyone, and have a nice day!(which was my last words to this elderly man before he left)
:) mock call to 999 usually solves the issue in my experience.

"Yes, Police please"

"i'm being attacked by another motorist, i think he has a knife"

"What? no he's just gone and i didn't get his registration"
I sympathise with you as I had this little incident some months back
two lanes went into one as a designated bus lane began and an oap wouldn't let me in so I drove in the bus lane until a mile later it went back to two,he was right behind me mouthing and gesticulating all the swear words under the sun...I thought he was going to have a heart attack
I suppose it didn't help me blowing kisses at him and waving shouting 'I love you!!!'
People like that are probably at the end of their lives anyway jojo, so I wouldn't worry.

I always think twice these days about using the horn to sound off at other drivers. The deciding factor is whether or not I can easily get away or not - if someone is in front of you in an urban area, it's gonna be difficult. You just never know who you might step out of the car.
i always find driving round inner london alot for my job that also driving a big *** transit helps people let you in places and lanes. i dont force my way like most tw@ts in vans do and i also know where my mirrors are and what they are used for! rant over...for now...
he's probably going to die soon, don't sweat it :)

anyway, he owns an Ultimate Driving Machine (why did they drop that?), so obviously owns the road, what were you thinking!!
madvw said:
he owns an Ultimate Driving Machine

Clearly not, as all he wanted to do was get out and rant! I forgot to mention that he actually got back in his car, waited for 20 secs, then got back out to give me more lol :motz:
am on BMW side so much better than audi with their ****** customer service
bmw customer customer service...all calls taken in taiwan!!! (doctored from armageddon lol)

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