A/C Mouldy smell

Feb 21, 2021
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Hi, I have a very mouldy smell in my car. I managed to get access to the heater matrix and used a K2 AC foam cleaner which i also sprayed through the car air vents which got rid of around 90% of the smell ( the moudly smell is there right after i turn off the AC) so it must be the water condensation on the coils or possibly drain. From where I sprayed it, im guessing some of it mustve got to the evaporator coil but where would it actually be in relation to the heater matrix? Steering wheel is on the right side if that makes a difference and access to the heater matrix is from the glove box. I have an Audi a3 8v
If I was you I’d change the pollen filter at the back of the glovebox and then run the heater at full heat with all the vents open and leave it for around 10-15 mins to dry the ducting out. The smell should disappear as it will dry out the damp mouldy smell.
If I was you I’d change the pollen filter at the back of the glovebox and then run the heater at full heat with all the vents open and leave it for around 10-15 mins to dry the ducting out. The smell should disappear as it will dry out the damp mouldy smell.
The filter was taken out while I done that. I did use an AC bomb without the pollen filter and with a new filter too but they don't work, only a nice smell temporarily.
You say " the moudly smell is there right after i turn off the AC". I never turn my air con off and have never had any issues since my first vehicle with air-con in 2002.
You would be better not be turn it off as the coolant also carries a lubricant to keep the system seals in good condition and reduce coolant escape. When you turn it off you will also trap humid air in the air vents system, possibly causing mould and I'm guessing the cause of your problem.
Do not worry about an increase in fuel consumption as it will be negligible.

On the flip side, I use AC as needed but always turn off ~5mins from destination to let everything dry out before stopping. No smell & run at least every 2 weeks to keep seals lubricated.

Worst scenario seems to be use occasionally and turn off just before destination (or next startup).
On the flip side, I use AC as needed but always turn off ~5mins from destination to let everything dry out before stopping. No smell & run at least every 2 weeks to keep seals lubricated.

Worst scenario seems to be use occasionally and turn off just before destination (or next startup).
I agree with switching ac off before the end of the journey. However I rarely use mine, I also have a 2004 Honda S2000 from 18 months old but rarely use that and only had my first top up last year which goes against the theory of having to keep the seals lubricated.
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Yeah I started turning it off before the end of the journey, sometimes even turning the heater to max to get as much condense out. I think some of that mould is still stuck on the evaporator unfortunately
Hi, I have had the exact same issue and tried many things to get rid of the smell but this is what I did and it works.
Always turn off air-con 5-10 before end of journey like others have said - this allows it to dry the moisture in the vents/system
I used many air con bombs but this was a short term fix, what did it for me was getting some air con cleaner which is a foam you spray into your vents and take out the cabin filter and spray in there.
Also leaving the air con on full heat on a good trip out also cures it.

Also someone mentioned they hardly use the aircon. I would not reccomend this as the system will cease up. try to use at least 10mins a week.

Hope these help.
For non chemical/toxic ways to remove smells is onions. Onions have properties to remove smell and bacteria. It just absorbs it.
cut a few big onions into quarters and lay them around the car, run air con for 5-10 minutes and leave onions overnight in the car. Next day air the onion smell out the car.
I have used this trick to remove smoke smells from a smokers car and works a treat. Works well to remove paint smells in the house after some paint work.
Hi, I have had the exact same issue and tried many things to get rid of the smell but this is what I did and it works.
Always turn off air-con 5-10 before end of journey like others have said - this allows it to dry the moisture in the vents/system
I used many air con bombs but this was a short term fix, what did it for me was getting some air con cleaner which is a foam you spray into your vents and take out the cabin filter and spray in there.
Also leaving the air con on full heat on a good trip out also cures it.

Also someone mentioned they hardly use the aircon. I would not reccomend this as the system will cease up. try to use at least 10mins a week.

Hope these help.
I rarely use my air con in my S3 or S2000, never had a problem on the rare occasions I might use it, my S2000 was regassed last year, first time since 2004 and runs faultlessly. Too many myths flying around.
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I rarely use my air con in my S3 or S2000, never had a problem on the rare occasions I might use it, my S2000 was regassed last year, first time since 2004 and runs faultlessly. Too many myths flying around.

I am not sure tbh but every vauxhall I have ever owned the aircon didn't work and was told the reason is because it had ceased up and there was another chap on here with a A3 whos Aircon had also ceased and he was told it was becuase he didnt use it. I for one would like to know the truth as I dont want to have to folk out for new aircon.

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