New to me 2013 A3 8P - Need help identifying an engine noise that comes and goes (klacking)


New Member
Oct 14, 2023
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
Hello all,

First off I am a new member and I apologize as I have searched this issue before posting, and to be honest I may have even come across the answer too, but with my limited knowledge I couldn't be sure. A week ago I got a 2013 A3 8P TDI and I've noticed an engine noise that at first I assumed was just a common diesel sound, but then I noticed it came and went.

Here are two videos, one from outside the car where you can hear the noise come and go a couple of times. The second video is from inside the vehicle and it isn't until I blip the throttle just a bit twice that the noise starts back up.

Any assistance with learning what this might be would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!




To me it sounds like something which has come loose and is vibrating / moving around, like the exhaust pipes, probably not the engine itself.

Can you hear it when driving? Is it more common at certain speed or RPM?
I'd go around the car, putting your ears close to the ground and try and locate the approximate area it's coming from.
Sounds similar to a noise I had which turned out to be gearbox failure. At first I thought the noise from my car came from the engine. I didn't believe it could be the gearbox until I had a second opinion. Had the gearbox replaced with a used one. I posted details and videos on this forum several weeks ago. Never had a gearbox failure before that.

It's probably not that, but just saying don't rule anything out.
To me it sounds like something which has come loose and is vibrating / moving around, like the exhaust pipes, probably not the engine itself.

Can you hear it when driving? Is it more common at certain speed or RPM?
I'd go around the car, putting your ears close to the ground and try and locate the approximate area it's coming from.

To be honest I haven't paid close enough attention when driving. I am headed out to run a couple of errands right now so I will do as you suggested. I'll also pop the hood and take another video. Maybe I can try to narrow down the location a bit. What you're saying makes sense and could potentially explain why the noise is intermittent. I appreciate the help!
Sounds similar to a noise I had which turned out to be gearbox failure. At first I thought the noise from my car came from the engine. I didn't believe it could be the gearbox until I had a second opinion. Had the gearbox replaced with a used one. I posted details and videos on this forum several weeks ago. Never had a gearbox failure before that.

It's probably not that, but just saying don't rule anything out.

I appreciate you sharing this as my concern is that this is something major and I don't want to mis-diagnose or miss it completely due to a lack of knowledge where diesel mechanics are concerned. Unfortunately I wasn't provided any sort of service history or records of any sort. Because of this, and after seeing how awful the air filter and oil look, I am planning to change the oil in the engine and the DSG, air filter, clean MAF, etc. this weekend. What is interesting is that there is this noise and the A/C is out yet I am not getting any codes when checking with my OBDLink MX+. I ordered a Ross Tech VCDS cable today. I'm hoping once it arrives I might be able to get a better idea of what's going on. Do you happen to remember what exactly failed with your gearbox? And was the sound your's made intermittent or always there? Thanks!!
I appreciate you sharing this as my concern is that this is something major and I don't want to mis-diagnose or miss it completely due to a lack of knowledge where diesel mechanics are concerned. Unfortunately I wasn't provided any sort of service history or records of any sort. Because of this, and after seeing how awful the air filter and oil look, I am planning to change the oil in the engine and the DSG, air filter, clean MAF, etc. this weekend. What is interesting is that there is this noise and the A/C is out yet I am not getting any codes when checking with my OBDLink MX+. I ordered a Ross Tech VCDS cable today. I'm hoping once it arrives I might be able to get a better idea of what's going on. Do you happen to remember what exactly failed with your gearbox? And was the sound your's made intermittent or always there? Thanks!!
The noise I had wasn't intermittent but always there. It gradually got more noticable over a few months. I know it sounds strange but I never found out what the actual gearbox fault was - I was so overwhelmed with relief that it was fixed that I didn't bother finding out.