just brought new leather


S3 8V saloon... APR Stage 2....(-:
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
i have a red s3 and it came with the cream leather which is ok but i like the black so i put in a cheaky bid on ebay and won a complete black interior, i now need to sell my cream set. the thing is the new black rear door cards are a little spilt at the top where the apes took it out. what do you guys think about the cream and black door cards with the black seats? also anyone looking for any interior bits ie parcel shelf hanbrake leather and lots of little bits, as the guy provided every peace of the interior pretty much..
Dave_Bayern said:
Where did you BRING them from?

You're a miserable ******* arn't you Dave :)

I think what the dear chap ment is that he just BOUGHT new leather.
Dammit i seen the title and wanted to ask where it was brought from.

In all seriousness how can anybody mix those two words up?????
Because they are f'ing idiots.

And most probably from the south, where schooling seems to be lacking somewhat.
ok the fact that i made a spelling mistake seems to be the biggest talking piont of the day so far. wow what a exicting life you guys must lead.. as for me being a f**ing idiot dave i would be very carefull as you never know when our paths may cross..

i post on here for information or to offer it, not to have english lessons.
it seems more and more posts are about spelling then actual help.

also the fact i BROUGHT new leather is true as i brought it from his house to mine... did i not?

as to those intrested in parts ill pm you later

Our paths may cross, and if you have an internet vendetta, then so be it, lol.

The reason a lot of posts have been about spelling is because its in the FAQ at the top of this forum.

There really is no excuse for obvious poor spelling, except perhaps poor schooling.
talk nice people we are all mates
im not looking to start bitching on a pc, whats next, we all go on facebook and start calling each other names? i dont think so.
we are all on here because we have a common intrest in a type of car.
as for poor schooling, so what some people dont spell or type very well and im one of these.
it has not affected my life to much as i have a very nice house, nice car and a couple of great kids.
so what im saying is it would be nice if everyone was an A1 speller, but some are not. so post when you have something intresting to say and not to show everyone how clever you are.


^^^ line drawn under this i hope...
Prawn said:
You're a miserable ******* arn't you Dave :)


Personally i like the black and white interior, don't see any harm in having black seats with it :)
First Rule Of the Intrawebemailnet, Dont feed the trolls...
ok this is just me but cream and black nahhh mate
I've got cream leather in my black S3... Love it!
The only thing is that the front seats are starting to wear a bit. Are your front seats in good condition,How much would you want for them or would you be interested in a p/ex?
Let me know cheers mate.
Btw I think black and cream would look pretty cool. New trend being born here i think.:icon_thumright:
have you got rid of the seats yet? if not id would be interested in having a look.
the cream seats come with black door cards with cream inserts so black seats should look ok. all ill do is put the seats in first and see how it looks i think.

im not looking for any more seats mate, ive got to many at the moment. im looking to get rid of my cream seats, there is a little wear on the drivers side bit. the bit you brush by getting in and out. apart from that there pretty good.

im going to put the new ones in and make sure they work properly before getting rid of the cream ones. ill keep you posted.
Dave_Bayern said:
Our paths may cross, and if you have an internet vendetta, then so be it, lol.

The reason a lot of posts have been about spelling is because its in the FAQ at the top of this forum.

There really is no excuse for obvious poor spelling, except perhaps poor schooling.

dave stop be a ****** and acting like a keyboard Warrior
Excuse me?

Quite a number, like 10+ people on here have met me personally and will tell you that I would have said exactly the same to his face.

I say what I think.


Yep, and I'm mean about ******* too....
Ha, Dave your evil, however, yes, i can vouch that you would say everything you say on this, or any other fourm in person.
Dave_Bayern said:
Excuse me?

Quite a number, like 10+ people on here have met me personally and will tell you that I would have said exactly the same to his face.

I say what I think.

Yep, and I'm mean about ******* too....

Its true, Dave is no keyboard warrier, hes a **** in real life too!

However, he does have a point, my house mate always says he 'brought' something, and it drives me fecking mad!!!!

I like Dave, he's nice to me! even though im fat (Dave doesnt like fat people)
Prawn said:
Its true, Dave is no keyboard warrier, hes a **** in real life too!

I like Dave, he's nice to me! even though im fat (Dave doesnt like fat people)

OMG :laugh: :lmfao: :laugh:
meeting in person can sometimes get you in trouble even if people say you are a nice guy.just a shame that most of the posts on this forum turn out to be a load ********.if some ones asking for help or trying to sell somethimg dont give them hard time HELP them out is that to much to ask
You see that thanks thing on the right hand side?

Where mine says 77 times in 73 posts?

Thats what I do, help people.

The fact most posts on this forum tend to be BS is because the Audi marque attracts people who buy them for the name and image, not for the technical ability, as those people buy VW.

Get off your soapbox.
i thought i had drawn a line under this one!

dave, theres no way you would stand toe to toe with me and look me in the eye and call me a f$%^ing idiot. FACT.

Because I'm 15 and in school, so thats the type of thing that I do?

Grow up.
im also bored now, dave just keep offering advice on cars and not spelling and everyone will be happy, also dont call people f"*king idiots as this makes you sound very petty and a little silly.
Dave_Bayern said:
Mine is a 'spelling' box

I stink so soap isn't appropriate ;-)

No, its a soapbox alright..........only its 300kg lighter and with nearly the same bhp of our S3Oapboxes!
OMG, is this website turning into facebook or what?? the guy asked for some advice, **** the spelling. its easy to make a mistake on the keyboard, who cares Dave! have you nothing better to do than be a hard man sat behind a keyboard!?

some people on here are really helpfull and some just pick fights-get a life man
LOL funny how EVERY thread I have seen on this forum that ends up in an argument the protagonistis usually Dave! Does say a lot really IMO

Leave the guy alone? Is there any need to attack him because of his poor spelling, there are plenty of people out there who do well for themselves and cannot read/write or if they can it is at a poor standard. Does that make them any less worthy than you I dont think so.

You can see where people get the Audi badge snobbery from! The ironic thing is there Audi is worth less than a brand new 1.2 Corsa, get a grip!
This isn't about badge snobbery or a "I'm better than you" persona. It's about standards.

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm in the view point of "If you let the small things go then the hole standard drops". In a country where various grades of illiteracy is on the increase, I get annoyed when a previously text speak free, and well worded site is poluted by poorly formed posts.

This is nothing to do with arrogance; Older Audis are now coming into a price bracket where "barry boys" can start to afford them. The whole point of forums rules such as proper grammar and spelling is so that this forum doesn't turn the way of the barry boys,chavs etc. etc.
You refer to TXT speak, but I dont see TXT speak in his posts. I see normal posting with spelling mistakes and some gramatical errors. I fully agree with you that TXT speak is annoying but this ISNT being displayed here. What if he was dyslexic?

Just Dave on the blob again like he allways seems to be. The fact of the matter is not every Audi owner is going to have perfect spelling. Simple as that really. LIke I stated before I dont see any TXT speak......

I am sorry but I have been on a LOT of car forums and this is by far the one filled with arrogant people who feel they are better than others because they grammar and spelling are tip-top. Not everyone is like this on here before you throw your toys out the pram.

Thats me done for now, but lay of the guy for christ sake and help him
i cant believe all this, i must admit all the time i have been a member on this forum i have always thought it is excellent because of the maturity you get from it....until now.

please people there is no point in argueing and making something big out of nothing, he spelt wrong...so what. he may be dyslexic for all you lot know.

im just saying there is no point in all of this people, this is a great site and i dont think there is anything as good as this forum on the web.

i respect everyone who helps me on this forum so i expect it back in return. i think that should go for everyone............anyway back to the thread.......starry i have pm'd you mate
i can see where people get the audi snobbery badge from now ! get back to the subject