Armrest, What should I Pay?


Registered User
May 17, 2006
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How much should i pay for a A3 armrest?
I have been offered one but i will need the lid re-trimming in Silver/Grey leather and the main bracket that fit under the center console.
Does anybody have a rough idea how much the bracket will cost?

had to buy a bracket for mine, think it was around £40 from vagparts, make sure you request the fitting kit with it as they sent me it without the dopey buggers!

Brand new you can get them in leather for about £160.
keep an eye out on eBay. i got a brand new black leather one with everything needed to fit it for £80
I have one sitting here doing nought...the bottom plastic trim is missing..

To cut a long story short, I got screwed by a scarp yard, went for Vag parts in the end...

will put it on e-bay see if someone goes for it. Bottom line, if you have an automatic get one, if not, it may just get in the way..

Good luck, and if you struggling with the fitting just give me a shout,,

Only bother with one if you do lots of motorway miles otherwise it'll just get in the way...I hate mine and only use it for storage!
there is one on e-bay right now. However, From the picture, the leather looks scuffed to me?
Agree that when your doing normal driving, and the odd spirited drive it does get in the way, but you can fold it up.

Although on long journeys on the motorway its luuurvly!!