LPG Conversion


well you better unsell them, sharpish!
Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
Stevenage, Herts

Been thinking thrifty of late, and was thinking of possibly converting my A4 to LPG, I do approx 10k a year but seem to always be a petrol station :( has anyone converted thier 2.0 FSI to LPG, or can recommend a place that can do it?

Cheers peeps :eyebrows:
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The Greenfuel Company currently only converts single-point and multi-point injection engines.

thats helpful LOL
I might be wrong but the single/multi point refers to the LPG system. I have a single point system fitted to my 3.9V8 discovery as it is a nice and simple engine. the gas is sucked in through the air intake and the injectors are turnd off. the Multi point is more complex as it injects the gas into each of the cylinders like fuel at the correct time. You would need the Multi point system.

Contact http://www.tinleytech.co.uk/ they are very helpfull and i purchased my DIY kit from them. If you go down the DIY root (great instructions provided) you will need to get a certificate of safety from a specialist. this cost my £75. They may also fit kits or advice you of a local installer you could use.

If anyone is intrested i have just spotted they do a Diesel kit!!

notes taken from their website
Diesel engines can be converted to run partly on LPG, partly on diesel. This method uses the combustion of the diesel to ignite the LPG. The benefits include large increases in power and reduction in emissions, particularly the black smoke often associated with diesels.
Typically a ratio of 30% LPG to 70% diesel is possible. No adjustments are required to the diesel injection system and fuel savings come from the fact that throttle openings are lower due to the greatly increased power, which basically means you do not have to press the accelerator as hard to get the same performance.
Fuel savings upwards of 30% are possible with the increased power levels seen as a major benefit to users.
I think the main thing for you will be how many miles will it take to pay for the lpg conversion from the cost savings achieved from lpg . If the figure is quite high then it might be easier and more cost effective to buy a diesel.

However lpg vehicles do qualify for an exemption from the congestion charge in London, I dont know if this is relevant to you.
I know a guy through another forum who bought an A4 1.8T and promptly converted to lpg for £1,500+VAT. He does about 30k per year and the cost saving of buying a 1.8T compared to a similarly spec'd 1.9TDi paid for the conversion basically. Fuel economy is a little down compared to when running on normal petrol but comparing mpg on lpg compared to what a 1.9TDi can do gives a virtually identical running cost.

Doing only 10k miles per year and say averaging 30mpg on petrol, using a bit of rough maths i'd estimate it would take you 2 years & 4 months to recoup the conversion cost. In other words unless your planning on keeping the car for a long time its not going to be worth it really!
Heres another word of warning as you will be well aware the government are scrabbling about looking to raise revenue in every direction.If a significant amount of motorists switch to LPG you can without doubt gaurantee the defunct labour government will raise the duty on LPG significantly making it a waste of your money to switch to gas.
Gotto agree with motorbikez, mate of mine used to run his old 4x4 on cooking oil and have you seen the price thats shot up to now because loads were doing it.
Gotto agree with motorbikez, mate of mine used to run his old 4x4 on cooking oil and have you seen the price thats shot up to now because loads were doing it.
My neighbour runs his diesel on cooking oil (except for the week before his MOT!). Not only does it makes his engine noise really loud but you can smell the difference in his exhaust from all the other diesels in the road...

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