Fears of petrol hitting £1.50/litre this summer

Yeap, it was an over optimsitic question!
Its been said a few times now, will probley happen and theres nothing the goverment will do about it!!!

Cant wait to fill my tank and be charged £80/90 ish
Suddenly i'm glad of the company car
As a slight bi-product of this, there will be fewer cars on the roads, so they will be clearer

Ill still be buying and using as much fuel as I do now even when it gets to £2 a litre and above
What are we going to do, or what can we do.....NOTHING!!!

Whether we like it or not we get shafted by this goverment, we are under their ruling and what they say goes.

We have no choice but to carry on, unless we all my bluemotions and euro style them up!!
we can't do anything but I believe that it comes to be a lot, the government will act and take the hike by reducing the tax... otherwise the entire British economy would collapse...

Petrol prices will increase rise in every basic thing we buy from bread to milk... so if the rise is a lot I trully believe government will act so Britain remains competitive and there isn't a great depression...

if not... heck I will sell the S3 and come to Portugal and go to the beach close to home windsurfing 3 times a week...

I paid 120.9 for diesel last weekend - which is freakin horrific - but the weird thing is - hardly anyone seems to have noticed! We are all just carrying on and accepting it - hardly anyone I know has moaned about it since it has climbed steadily over £1 a litre :banghead:
Try emmigrating, it will open your eyes to how bad this country has become...

He's right. I live in Germany normally and everytime I come home I always feel disappointed.
I'm f^*cking sick of it too. There's outcries in the USA cause theirs has risen to 45p a litre!

This country is heading down the tubes IMO. In a few decades I can see the UK changing to The Islamic Republic of Chavistan.....all of the skilled workforce will have headed out. It's alarming how quickly it is happening already. I have a friend working in the Petrolium Industry in Aberdeen and he's telling me there's a massive skills shortage forcing these companies to pay £600+ per day for Engineers!
Without wishing to be negative ---- every country is heading the same way I reckon - its just the UK is further down the line of decline than other countries :sadlike:
Not a lot we can do about this...wish there was. I dont think it will make that much differance to the volume of traffic on the roads though, I for one need to use the car,and will have to keep using it...might make smaller engines\derv cars more popular than ever-other than that I reakon the traffic will be much the same?:keule:
I'm f^*cking sick of it too. There's outcries in the USA cause theirs has risen to 45p a litre!

This country is heading down the tubes IMO. In a few decades I can see the UK changing to The Islamic Republic of Chavistan.....all of the skilled workforce will have headed out. It's alarming how quickly it is happening already. I have a friend working in the Petrolium Industry in Aberdeen and he's telling me there's a massive skills shortage forcing these companies to pay £600+ per day for Engineers!

That's not particularly expensive! I worked with an instrumention engineer (electronic) 15 years ago who was on more than that then.
Oil hit $118/bbl, no surprise. Companies will easily pay double that (£1200) for a day-rater. But then again, 20 bbl/day increase about covers their daily rate. You don't get anything like that on staff I'm afraid, though the pay is ****** good.
I read today in the paper how the US government are going to reduce their fuel prices by 17 cents or something to help ease the costs for its people. I can not see our government doing the same.

I think someone should create a new political party which addresses more issues like this and is actually going to sort things out.
A new party would be good but would never gain any power, even dropping fuel prices and road tax etc would upset somebody. Especially seeing as the world has jumped on the co2 bandwagon, which imo is focusing on the wrong things.

The Government will never conceive that the fuel tax is ridiculous so wont drop it even a little, they are insisting on driving the country's economy into the ground regardless.

I remember thinking, when fuel was going up to 96,996p a litre that people were overreacting but it really is starting to make a big difference to people now. Some of the prices on display particularly at BP stations are ridiculous
If i remamber rightly at the height of the fuel protests petrol reached 85p/litre,seems very cheap compared to todays rip off prices.
was it a top gear episode where they compared the cost of getting the fuel to the pump compared to say, beer to the pump... and it worked out average at 0.95p where are beer was costing us a packet?? Both prices still going up and up. :sadlike:

Either way tho... its worrying times with the direction the country is taking all over.
If i remamber rightly at the height of the fuel protests petrol reached 85p/litre,seems very cheap compared to todays rip off prices.

Would these be the 2000 oil protests when oil was ~$30/bbl? And now oil is about 4 x as much. I know I'm biased, but all the fuel protest does is make people believe the problem is the oil companies. I think the stupidest thing I ever heard (and this was from a London Business School professor) was that the public oil companies purposely hold back on their production rates to a) keep petrol prices high; b) make sure their reserves replacement ratio is above 100%.

The pressure is on everyone to keep production rates as high as possible. Even within OPEC, how many countries will turn their back on getting +$100 every barrel? Most of those countries have so much cash reserves they don't know what to do with it (let's buy Liverpool FC?).

Consumption and output are about matched. It's all the random factors in the market which mean that the oil price is not really affected by actual supply/demand economics.

Fuel duty is actually fixed in terms of the rate. There is VAT, which obviously doesn't help here. Don't forget the government is getting it all ways here too. They tax the oil companies on what they produce, and there is also the extra corporation tax we pay too. I think it roughly works out that for every £1 I make for my company I make £2 for the government (does that make me public sector?). What really ****** me off is that all the oil companies are the ones who get hit up about windfall taxes, and yet banking etc. gets let off relatively easily.

Then there is this Grangemouth strike, which has the potential for shutting in maybe a quarter, a third of the north sea oil production that comes to shore via flowlines. And then that will also knock the gas production, so we'll then see the oil and gas prices jump at that too.

The petrol price is just a reflection of a far wider problem of trying to tax the hell out of the basic power behind the global economy. Avoid recession? Cut all sorts of fuel duties, so that the oil price drops (but this has to be global - the UK output of 1 - 2 MMbbl/d compared to global of ~ 80 MMbbl/d makes no difference). But it's probably too late - all the government oil companies (OPEC, Russia etc) quite like the stacks of cash coming into their coffers at $115+/bbl.

Rant over (for now)...
well i've partially given in and gone over to using a astra 1.7td for my daily hack, cost me £150 with 6 months tax and mot.

in 3 weeks it has paid for itself in fuel saving. insurance was £200 per year, so won't be long before that had paid for itself as well, can't think why i haven't done this sooner.

now i'm looking into lpg car as to get a better deal possibly. i realise i'm still paying 118p per litre, but atleast it goes more than twice as far.
Read on the news that one garage has pumped the price of their diesel to 145p/litre up in Fife for fear of fuel shortages.

Yea, my flatmate was telling me today that petrol prices will rise by another 5p to make a 'profit' from panic buying because of this supposed fuel strike. As if they dont make enough profit already!

Personally I cant see it happening. Wasnt there supposed to be a fuel strike 3-4 months ago? I say bring the country to a standstill like it did a few years back! The only way the message will get through! None of this 'were doing it on this day at this time' crap. Catch everyone by suprise!

At the end of the day we still got to buy it to get places...

I needed diesel last night not through panic buying, just because I needed it. The Sainsburys in Stirling had sold out and posted a notice on the forecourt to that effect. I ended up haveing to do a tour of the city to find some all the while burning up what little I had left. Do the panic buyers not realise that the alleged strike is not planned until next Sunday/Monday by which time they will have burned it up and need to 'panic' again!!!:think:

As for fuel duty I think it's a disgrace how much tax we pay for fuel. And VAT is added after the fuel duty so taxed twice on one transaction. We should also remember that if we stop driving our vehicles the Gov receives less tax from fuel and road fund license and will look to other means of maintaining the coffers and introduce walking and breathing tax :keule: Any change of Gov will make no difference whatsoever at the end of the day the pot of money will remain the same. I'm sick fed up listening to the constant we're better than you and my dad's bigger than yours from the politicians:blahblah1:

Love my new car though :thumbsup:
panic buyers dont realise anything... they live in a bubble!

I filled up too last night.. again, thru the need of actually having 7.2 miles left on the DIS.

Shell Optimax was 109p and diesel was 116p. It was 17:20 and of the 8 pumps available one was already off and there was about 4 cars waiting for available pump space.
Is fuel tax a percentage of fuel price (e.g they goverment profit the higher fuel rises), or a fixed amount per litre (so they dont profit)?
He's right. I live in Germany normally and everytime I come home I always feel disappointed.

Same here, came back last November after four years, stay out there as long as you can!

Sadly I think that Fuel is a major money earner for the Government, Gordon Brown cocked up when he was chancellor and let Labour spend all our taxes, there was massive economic growth with people becoming richer but i think it was all in Property which can go up as well as down. Being a service based country we dont have manufacturing to fall back on like we used to. Also it seems daft that with the North Sea oil we get we still have price rises in Petrol/Diesel, especially with oil being priced in Dollars and the exchange rate being more favourable. I understand it has to be mixed with other oil as its a bit thick but surely we should be getting it cheaper than say Belgium or Holland??? Anyone in the industry like to offer an answer?

I think the next couple of years are going to be really tough...
Gordon Brown is stupid clueless cnut with no grasp of reality. End of

And slug eyebrow's darling needs a good pasting.
Gordon Brown is stupid clueless cnut with no grasp of reality. End of

And slug eyebrow's darling needs a good pasting.

Ah come on... say what you think... quit with all this word mincing! ;)
Glad i have diesil or though still expensive it does get you futher.
Think we all as a country go on strike they would after do something then!!!!!!!!!!!
I understand it has to be mixed with other oil as its a bit thick but surely we should be getting it cheaper than say Belgium or Holland??? Anyone in the industry like to offer an answer?

It's a free market. All oil is openly traded - it's illegal to do otherwise. Even companies that have oil platforms and oil refineries in the UK still buy the oil off themselves at the same price as anyone else would pay. The role for the traders is to sell the crude for as much money as they can get for it. For example, Fawley refinery in Southampton actually processes a lot of e.g. Saudi crude which has more sulphur in it. A high sulphur content knocks the price of the crude down. It costs more to process it, but you paid less for it and you still get the same price for your litre of petrol out of the refinery, so you can make a bit more margin.

(Holland has a reasonable size oil industry, but that doesn't really matter)

Some countries have no refineries, so they buy all their petrol etc in. The prices are ultimately determined by supply and demand. It is pretty much a global price for petroleum products, not a locally determined price. Location is pretty much irrelevant - it just costs a bit in shipping to get it there, that's all.

Possibly the only way what you describe could happen would require nationalisation of both the oil platforms and the refineries. Short of that it's an open market.
Same here, came back last November after four years, stay out there as long as you can!

Sadly I think that Fuel is a major money earner for the Government, Gordon Brown cocked up when he was chancellor and let Labour spend all our taxes, there was massive economic growth with people becoming richer but i think it was all in Property which can go up as well as down. Being a service based country we dont have manufacturing to fall back on like we used to. Also it seems daft that with the North Sea oil we get we still have price rises in Petrol/Diesel, especially with oil being priced in Dollars and the exchange rate being more favourable. I understand it has to be mixed with other oil as its a bit thick but surely we should be getting it cheaper than say Belgium or Holland??? Anyone in the industry like to offer an answer?

I think the next couple of years are going to be really tough...

As far as I am aware, North Sea Oil is not Petroleum Grade.
Where is it going to end?

Time for my rant, fed up as I think most people are with being shafted by the fools that supposedly lead this country.

What's the point. I work hard, have a career, nice family, nice house 2 cars etc.

Have our first child on the way in 10 weeks so sold my lovely S3 due to running costs and impracticalities. Going to sell the wife's MX5 in the summer and try to survive with 1 family car. Not because I'm some tree hugging vegan freak, but because of finances.

The wife is going to give up her career to bring up the children (call us old fashioned). Therefore a large mortgage 2 cars and 1 salary just isn't feasable.

I have even bought a bike, through www.cyclesheme.co.uk to get to work on some days as I'm only 5 miles away.

Still makes me angry. Can see me telling my son/daughter about the good old days when we used to go for a drive in cars that could do 150mph and could still afford to eat.

Don't even get me started on road tax. £310 to tax the wifes MX5 from next year....... Come on Brown........ :wtf:

The only good point at the moment, (relatively) is only paying £145.00 tax on my remapped 2.0TDI A6 and getting 600 miles to a tank (£70.00).

Got to be better than 310 miles from the S3 which still cost me £60.00

I feel like a revolution.........any takers? :keule:

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