AMD Remaps?????


Registered User
Aug 19, 2007
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Sunny Clacton!! Essex
Alright guys, Can people give me feedback on AMD remaps!? And there exhaust systems?? I'm thinking of going for there Powerpack as it seems good value for money!!

Thanks guys
Can't give feedback of AmD today... I have AmD stage1 on my car when they we're based in Bicester and we're a decent outfit back then, can't comment on how they are today though though, as it;s different owners and management.
As for the exhaust, it's just a backbox isn't it? not a full exhaust system, and won't give any gains in terms of power anyways.
I ordered some bits from BBT's formerely AMD and they seemed a wee bit bit slow in dealing and/or telling me when the order was to be delivered (it was over a grands worth of kit) so I went elsewhere,also I noted that when I spoke to people who worked there they seemed to be multi-tasking as in answering queries whilst packing products for delivery? maybe I caught them whilst they were chocka but after three weeks I got my money back without a problem.
clarky, speak to leggy he's had his S3 mapped at amd and i've had my car there for a check up, they were ok the mechanic was good straight to the point but the salesman seemed to tiptoe around questions and problems. I paid for a general check up and rr and then was told afterwards by leggy who spoke to the mechanic that theres no point rring a S3 there as they pull as fuse to make it 2wd therefor don't get a proper reading, mine came in at 229 and it's been mapped, i questioned this with the salesman and he tiptoed round it and said it does run better than that as he took it out but also said it could be a crap map on mine and if i got one of theres it would be better! Anyway i've drove leggys and it's is good smooth through out rpm and hardly any lag.
There is better out there i think.

AMD were crap for the last 2 years of their existence in Bicester, (at least), why they should be any better now that the "name" adorns another place in Essex is beyond me!

Maybe BBT were ok and maybe they are still OK, but then why buy "AMD" name etc and trade under it, when most out there knew AMD was pretty mediocre at the very best of times, (toward the end I mean!!)
Who remebers Gary Panda's MRKiv debarcle and the mysterious disappearing subframe bolts that just happen to fall out of a mk4 on the way home from AMD, all on their own......!?!?

Makes you shudder to think! !!

TT forum did a RR day of cars with various maps wuite recently and tbh most owners were diappointed, but some maps did not fair well at all.......have a search on TT forum for details.
Try Revo....I know a few on here love it
Which do they make more profit on......! ! Revo that they have to buy in or AMD that they do themselves!!

I presume you are taking generic maps here, rather than a custom rolling road map done there?
Yeah it was a generic map, and to be honest i wasn't that happy
about it. When i had my A3 1.8T remapped in Bicester it was a
custom rr map. I assumed it would be the same.
However it has done wonders for the car and i'm well pleased...

I think you will find that when AmD was in Bicester supplied generic maps also, but they could tweak a few of the settings like boost or timing to suit the car, not too disimilar to the Revo SPS4 dongle, but once set, it would stay that way I think? What they did offer was before and after rolling road print outs, which kind of made their - expensive at the time - remaps a bit more value in my opinion.
Out of interest Simich...what map are you running ?
You seem to be very anti Amd,did you used to work their or something ?
...... and then get sacked.....Lol

Simch is anti any company who has mad a mistake in the last 10 years. :)

Yeah it was a generic map, and to be honest i wasn't that happy
about it. When i had my A3 1.8T remapped in Bicester it was a
custom rr map. I assumed it would be the same.
However it has done wonders for the car and i'm well pleased...
Out of interest Simich...what map are you running ?
You seem to be very anti Amd,did you used to work their or something ?
...... and then get sacked.....Lol

I never worked there!! But I do know some guys that did and therefore I know what happened to the place in the last couple of years they ran in Bicester.
Interestingly enough, I was a customer of the OLD AMD back in the late 1980's, when it was run by a ledgend in the mapping world and pioneer of remaps on GTis and the like, Geoff Everret, when they ran at Oddington. It was just a small one man band style company then, but he knew his stuff!! (understatement!) It just got a bit big and corporate later on in life!

You can buy the generic amd maps for a pittance if you know where to look! Some people allegedly did some naughty things when it was all dying on its preverbial and the maps were released!!! LOL
I think you will find that when AmD was in Bicester supplied generic maps also, but they could tweak a few of the settings like boost or timing to suit the car, not too disimilar to the Revo SPS4 dongle, but once set, it would stay that way I think? What they did offer was before and after rolling road print outs, which kind of made their - expensive at the time - remaps a bit more value in my opinion.

Simch is anti any company who has mad a mistake in the last 10 years. :)

Well I dont know about BBT, ie the new AMD, I met them at GTI many years ago, looking for some parts, and did not buy them there as the guy i spoke to seemed ot not have much of a scooby!! Having said that, this can happen at busy shows when they get people on the stand that maybe aren't experts.

I am certainly anti any company that takes a customer's cash after doing a second rate job on their car. UNfortunately, it is a sad fact that mistakes made by some tuners and specialists are incredibly dangerous, some merely inconvenient. If you think it acceptable to relive someone of £7k only for them to loose all their braking following a conversion (twice), well I dont! (Not AMD btw!!) If you think it acceptable for a company to forget to do up front subframe bolts so the whole thing drops out, motor, gbox suspension etc as the customer drives home, well I dont!! Such companies are happy to pedal their wares, often Free of Charge on the internet, so if things go wrong, and customer posts on the net, then tough!!

I received poor service at AMD along with a huge amount of other people, (thankfully mine was only parts supplied which i managed to get elsewhere having waited for months!!). Go to and do a search if you want to find out many more horror stories of poor quality work and service from the old AMD! You will then get the idea why they went POP in the end!

As for how the BBT guys are doign with the AMD brand, well I dont know. Hopefully they are working to restore some customer goodwill, or maybe they are targettign their business elsewhere. I wish them well though, and hope they have lots of happy customers!

I use two tuning places, one local one not so local. I get great service from both. Fingers crossed it will continue, if not, you will all be the first to know! ! !LOL

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