Little Sh*ts


Registered User
Nov 20, 2006
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Why Why WHy! Noticed today that some little sh*t, thought it really amusing to scratch into my bonnet with a key "HA UR gay", I am guessing these are the same little sh*ts who go past Cabriolets and spit in the seats, would jsut love to get my hands on them, but would probably end up in more trouble than they would ever get!
Sorry to hear the bad news, people really dont have any respect for other peoples properties.

Like you say nothing you can do about it now, and no one else is interested either.
...And you know the worst thing? If you were to catch them and give them a proper hiding you'd be to blame. They'd be seen in the eyes of the courts as poor let down societies rejects raised in a broken home and driven to vandalism by boredom, you'd be seen as the thug with a nice car who can probably afford to have it repaired....So you get the court fees and they get another ASBO. Marvellous.
easiest way out

Concrete shoes, big river and no witnesses, soon solve the crime situation
Sickened for you mate, it's just totally mindless!!
I had a similar thing done to my old Leon outside a friend's house, only they slashed two of the tyres as well. It was a Sunday morning and I ended up missing my Son's birthday party and I had to blag a lift for some new tyres 20 miles away. Trouble is, if you catch them and give them a good hiding, you'll be the one banged up.

Good luck getting it sorted out.
It would make a good TV show skit to park a freshly detailed, brightly coloured nice car in a **** area, catch, name and shame the little shits that key it!
That video has just set me up for the day safely in the knowledge that bad things do happen to bad people!
The only way that video could get any better is if it had fully cut off his foot....Justice Iraqi style!
Be a real shame if he lost his foot i'd be real sympathetic seeing him limp down the road NOT!
Had someone sit on my bonnet and leave 5 dents on it!!!!!! They just dont care...
Come on, we all know what happened as a result of that video.
He wasted £xxxx of our money calling out the fire brigade and ambulance, then got legal aid to sue the owner/manufacturers of the fence.
If only he'd been headbutting it...
Same thing for me last Saturday, straight across the colour coded bumper.Managed to get some of it out, but I know its there. What is a matter with people. It makes you wonder if it is worth having anything decent. I work hard for what I have got and the problem is, that I also work hard for the things that those that don`t work have got. Thats it rant over
Complete mindless idiots, and exactly what can you do?? NOTHING. Those of us that work are ***** off to have a nice car end up spending all night sh**ting it that some little chav is going to key it up or torch it.
And then what happens when they do... the loyal police force we pay for tells us 'they will be long gone by now' but they will take our details and come back to us, which of course they rarely do, unless its to ask a 'questionaire' about how they dealt with the situation. So hang on, you've got time to call me for a f**king questionaire, but youn havent got time to go out and hunt for the little ba**ards or midlessly damaged my car!! Ok im done, back to the point sorry to hear about your car. Hope they try and kick down a concrete wall! (Good find):w00t:

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