Front Fog Lights


Staff member
Mar 28, 2008
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These aren't very good on my car - turn them on at night and you have a job to see any difference! Plus with my HID's they appear to shine very yellow.

Has anyone tried an HID kit for the H11 bulbs, or even just uprated bulbs? At about £40 for a set of HID's I'm tempted to try an upgrade, and just wondered whether anyone else even had?

Front fog lights are only ever meant to illuminate below the main headlight, they dont really show up much when its not foggy!
Quattrojames, the American guys seem to love putting in HIDs to their fog lamps, but I think its a complete waste of money, surely when its foggy the last thing you really want is a lamp so super bright you get a lot of bouce back from the dense air ?
Front fog lights are only ever meant to illuminate below the main headlight, they dont really show up much when its not foggy!

Yes point taken, but my previous cars have had brighter fog lights, my current lights make no difference at all even if it is foggy.

Quattrojames, the American guys seem to love putting in HIDs to their fog lamps, but I think its a complete waste of money, surely when its foggy the last thing you really want is a lamp so super bright you get a lot of bouce back from the dense air ?

I had thought about that, hence asking if anyone else had done it. I would have thought that the design of the lens would only spread the light in a beneficial pattern .... Thus a brighter light would spread under the fog as per the design of a fog light? I wasn't too sure hence my question. With HID kits available for £40 its worth a risk maybe???
my front fogs are pretty bright, and they light up a band in front of the car from verge to verge. To see them alone just put the sidelight on and pull out the fog light switch, they might have gotten filled with water from wading thru a deep puddle and rusted the reflectors.....mine fogged up (lol) with condensation after driving thru deep water so they are obviously in the firing line in the UK with the recent downpours.
Yeh thats a good point evil, they do look a bit yellow inside - I will have to hook em' out and have a look. Especially if yours are brighter :sob:
heres a pic that shows they look as bright as my main beams - daylight tho. I'll try to put up a night shot if the phone camera does it justice :)

Cool thanks!

Is that a photoshop or did you do that grille conversion?
Ahhh - lol - its hard to tell eh?

Its a photoshop pic i did and put in photobucket to illustrate the mod. People get snotty about painting the middle bit to look like the B7 but the "real" one is just a black bit of plastic too.....

Im still contemplating doing it!

Never thought my front fogs were dim, although I had the votex kit so wonder if they're a different unit?
Never thought my front fogs were dim, although I had the votex kit so wonder if they're a different unit?

Maybe? It might just be mine though, I will have a look at them and see if they have suffered water ingress before I do too much.
I would not HID my foglamps.

Absolutely useless in dense fog, the returning glare would practically blind you.
My front fogs have misted up and appear to of corroded the reflector.
Will I have to replace them or can you take them appart and clean them up?
Also is there a guide for removal somewhere? I hope I don't have to take the front bumper off
To answer my own question;
I have just taken one out and taken it apart. It is corroded inside beyond repair.
The fogs came out easily, pop the black plastic grill surround off using a flat headed screw driver, then 2 torx screws either side and it just pulls out to one side.
I phoned TPS and they are £60 EACH!!!!!!!!!
I have seen them on ebay for just over £20 each. Will give them a go
To answer my own question;
I have just taken one out and taken it apart. It is corroded inside beyond repair.
The fogs came out easily, pop the black plastic grill surround off using a flat headed screw driver, then 2 torx screws either side and it just pulls out to one side.
I phoned TPS and they are £60 EACH!!!!!!!!!
I have seen them on ebay for just over £20 each. Will give them a go

Just had a quick look on the bay and looks like you can get two for the price of one going by tps prices!!
Does anybody think it would be possible to replace the reflector part inside?
It's a while since I did mine, but I can't remember any adjusters no.
there is a screw adjuster thing on the inside side of the fog, I thing it is possibly to adjust how far to the left or the right they sit but am not sure
I wouldnt bother with a hid fog kit just uprate the bulbs instead, saying that i hate fog lights and never use them
you have obviously have never had to drive in heavy fog, they are a god-send.
Although I hate people who drive with them on constantly

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