How many miles can you get off a full tank?????


Defo worth the wait :)
Apr 9, 2006
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Not bad for an S3 hey???!!!!????? :rockwoot::arco:

OK OK, i didnt actually get that many, I was just amazed to have that many miles showing and would be gobsmacked if i could actually get that much, but no chance of that hey!!!!!
if I got near that i`d have died of boredom on the way. stopped even looking at mpg just fill her up when theres under 50 miles left.
LOL....hence me saying i dint actually get that many, more like the 400 mark at the mo (luckily mainly motorway miles).
I've had mine saying 670 miles remaining once!!! I came out of the petrol station at the top of a steady 4 mile downhill stretch, and just cruised in 5th, and it went up and up and up!

never seen more than 410 from a tank though
Flippin eck 670!!!!

Thats what im talking about, agreed, i think 420 it the utmost max I have had out of the car.
Im getting 400 from near enough a tank of V-Power mixed driving.
I'm pulling silly vacuum with my setup. Regular average MPG of 60+ and estimate miles over 700....................right, whatever!

In reality I get about 350 from a tank, 380 if I'm lucky.
I dont fill up all the way, apparently it adds weight so you loose out on mpg lol.. But in all seriousness.. i dont think anyone buys a turbo charged car and still worries about MPG surely?
Turbo charging was initially designed for economy. Engineers wanted a way to produce volumeteric efficiencies over 100%. The offshoot was more bad thing there of course.

A turbocharged car driven with a light foot can be very economical..........but we don't like to do that now do we.
The maximum was 460 on a motorway run using V-Power. It's more like 380-400 on regular driving though.
Max Ive had is 400 miles. Usually do about 380 before I fill up but then I do no motorway driving.
I usually get around the 300 mark, but i never go in the red......doing an experiment this week to see if 400 miles is possible out of mine, i reckon i could get there but i'd need to run it right down to nothing, been a boring week though, once i've completed this long drawn out test it'll be back to normal driving me thinks.....:racer:

I'd rather enjoy myself for the week and be a little bit poorer !!:)
WTH! Something is definately wrong with either my driving or my car then. I mostly do motorway miles and I'm looking at around the 250 mark at best. Is the 1.8TQS not as economical as an S3 then?
I'd say so' you should be getting lots more than that, unless your doing 140mph everywhere
This is all good to hear. I was regularly getting 200-250 out of the M3!!
I dont fill up all the way, apparently it adds weight so you loose out on mpg lol..

We did the calculations on another forum and the extra weight of a full tank of fuel made no real life difference at all. It was something silly like 1% more fuel you'd use By the time you factor in the cost of driving to the petrol station twice instead of once and the extra hassle of queuing up again it made more sense to just fill up!

I've had the DIS show 550 miles to empty on a long flat drive averaging 60mph. Actually managed 500 miles out of the tank. That was with 2 people in the car and a boot full of campigng gear.


This is a good read and JBW.....i think we have a problem!!! - Get it checked out, you should be getting alot more than that (well not alot, but more than that anyway).
If you want the most for your money at the petrol station then fill up when the temperature is at its lowest, ie cold mornings when the fuel is more dense....

How much difference that'll make i dont know but thats what i've heard, probably save you about 50p a tank :)
If you want the most for your money at the petrol station then fill up when the temperature is at its lowest, ie cold mornings when the fuel is more dense....

How much difference that'll make i dont know but thats what i've heard, probably save you about 50p a tank :)

That's an urban myth. Fuel tanks are far enough underground that the variance in outside temperature during the period of a day has real bearing on the temp of the fuel stored inside them.

What you're saying about fuel being more dense in the cold is perfectly correct and you will get more fuel dispensed during the cold winter months compared to the summer, but it's something like thousandths of a gallon difference so you're never going to notice it by just filling up your car.

Are you lot taking the ****? i drive a 2002 a3 1.8 t sport, and i dont think ive had more than about 290 miles out of a full tank!
That's an urban myth. Fuel tanks are far enough underground that the variance in outside temperature during the period of a day has real bearing on the temp of the fuel stored inside them.

What you're saying about fuel being more dense in the cold is perfectly correct and you will get more fuel dispensed during the cold winter months compared to the summer, but it's something like thousandths of a gallon difference so you're never going to notice it by just filling up your car.


Yep this is also how i understood it when clarkson was talking abou it when he done the london - Edinburgh on one tank in a diesel jag.

p.s derv burners rule...
Are you lot taking the ****? i drive a 2002 a3 1.8 t sport, and i dont think ive had more than about 290 miles out of a full tank!

Nope. I get about 350 miles out of a tank on the S3. The tank holds somewhere between 55-60 litres if I remember correctly, but I think it's the same with the A3's?
Driving sensibly my S3 will get just as good a mileage as my old A3 1.8T...
thats unbelievable, 400 on a tank???? we always use shell super and it takes £50 from empty to full and around town we are lucky if it lasts 170 miles and on a run the other day we actually got 250 miles, is it because its a quattro? does the extra weight really make this much difference?
Nope. I get about 350 miles out of a tank on the S3. The tank holds somewhere between 55-60 litres if I remember correctly, but I think it's the same with the A3's?

I've had the car since august and cant think of a time when have had over 300 out of it at all.

On average i get about 270/280, i drive about 20 miles a day through traffic, manage to get my foot down to 60 for about 2 miles, rest of the time im either doing 20mph or moving a yard at a time in traffic.
WTH! Something is definately wrong with either my driving or my car then. I mostly do motorway miles and I'm looking at around the 250 mark at best. Is the 1.8TQS not as economical as an S3 then?

nope theres nothing wrong its a quattro! i have exactly the same problem 250 max on a run most of the time and 170 ish at a push round town!
Ive had both an S3 and an A3 1.8T Quattro and the S3 gets about 5mpg more, funnily enough. Probably just me getting old and driving slower though!
Yeah i get similar figures average is about 360-380 full tank till the petrol light comes on. This is 50/50 motorway and town driving.

best for me so far is about 410
thats unbelievable, 400 on a tank???? we always use shell super and it takes £50 from empty to full and around town we are lucky if it lasts 170 miles and on a run the other day we actually got 250 miles, is it because its a quattro? does the extra weight really make this much difference?

i'm getting around 250 - 270 miles to gallon bit more if i do motorway journeys, and mines an A3 Quattro Sport,
i'm getting around 250 - 270 miles to gallon bit more if i do motorway journeys, and mines an A3 Quattro Sport,

Wow Dan, do you have a donkey strapped to your car by any chance for some serious dual-fuel mile crunching??? :blink: Or did you mean that you get 25-27 miles per gallon, which would sound something along the lines of what I'm getting out of my S3 (with my lead foot) and that is not taken from the super-optimistic DIS.
around 350 on our remapped A3 TQS on a tank of Super unleaded

It usually tells us around 500 miles left on a tank on the pixel broken DIS
Yellowgti, I dont think the quattro has anything to do with it, the S3 is a quattro and thats what I am driving and getting on average 400miles every tank I fill up with V Power.
I get around 380-400 in my 1.8T, which includes a real mix of driving. I've seen it show over 500 miles left, but my god driving like that was boring.

I'm quite surprised that the S3s can pull off similar mileage to a tank, do they have slightly bigger tanks than the other A3s?
I filled mine up 2 weeks ago,to the click,click,click.. said 290,then after a steady drive,had that up to 350,just had the 30 miles fuel light come on,and im on 287 miles... nit bad for a maped apy S3??????
Parkers has all quattro based A3s, inc S3 at 62 litre tanks and non quattros at 55 litre tanks (not that I usually trust Parkers accuracy!).
I get about 330 miles and fill up in-between the 1/4 mark and the start of the red, so should be 400 miles to empty.
Some DIS readings are so unbelievably inaccurate its hardly worth using it. Only true mpg can be got with a fill up, note the milage and fill up again.
I do this most times at the pumps and I'm getting 29 to 32 mpg - very decent considering my Saab 900 2.0 with 120ish bhp used to do 28 mpg!!
I'm pretty sure that S3 tank is bigger than the A3 (non quattro), not exactly sure by how much though... S3 = 63L and A3=55L sounds about right though