Radar Detectors


Registered User
Mar 30, 2004
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I know this will be the wrong place to post this type of query, but can anyone tell me where to find any information on Radar Detectors..... it seems a minefield out their but I have decided to buy one and am after a little advice.

Cheers /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif
The new road angel has a 3 year subscription for £99 - the old one had a lifetime subscription for £99. Check out www.blackspot. com for info.
Thanks for all the input, having got some specialist advice today, the New Road Angel seems to be looking favorite
carlosthejackal said:
This is a serious question. What is the point of having a radar detector? surely,they can't be 100% accurate,there are so many types of radar/specs/gatso etc,it only needs to miss one speed trap and you have wasted your money and points on your licence. Or am i getting it wrong?

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Very true - sort of.
If all goes as it should, it will take longer before the luck runs out and you get hit by radar that the detector missed.

In reality, it's always a gamble. Detectors do their best to even out the odds, that's all.
Totally agree with AndyMac, They go off for any reason so in the end you don't trust them! Even worse..You end up switching them off because they do your head in!

DickyS3 said:
Totally agree with AndyMac, They go off for any reason so in the end you don't trust them! Even worse..You end up switching them off because they do your head in!

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Best ones to go for are Road Angle and the like. No false alarms, and do specs too and tell you your avg speed over the distance.

the only place where it is totally safe to speed. Safety cameras? I think not.

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You mean police "Cash Cameras"! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/burningmad.gif
Black S3 said:
the only place where it is totally safe to speed. Safety cameras? I think not.

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You mean police "Cash Cameras"! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/burningmad.gif

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Thats the ones!

Has the LRC100 ever been triggered?
I just need to know mine works, and short of deliberately speeding through a trap (you can never find one when you want to), I'd like the reassurance that it will do its job if needed.
Mine has not been triggered either. Only had the laser diffuser for bout a year but I am not concerned as I have not driven through a 'mobile speed check' for it to be triggered. Mainly work nights but still drive about plenty through the day. Noticed there are'nt as many mobile laser traps as perhaps was couple of years ago.
End of the month is when they tend to spring up, can't think why? Obviously "safety" becomes more important in the last week of each month or quarter.
Just another urban myth, like if you're stopped by the police there has to be 2 of them to issue a ticket, and they have to be wearing their hats etc etc.
They can basically do anything they want if your speeding. I'm surprised they don't start charging motorists for "going equipped" and "attempted murder" as soon as they get behind the wheel. When you get treated the same as a drunk driver for a speeding offence you know the world has gone mad. They've lost the plot. I vote we have a go slow day (a Monday morning would be good). Where everyone does 20mph on the motorway. Actually that's pretty normal on the M3. I seem to have drifted off thread.... Nurse? Nurse?
borrowed my dads car once and hes got one and it does work thank god! went berserk at me slowed down a little, wasnt goin that fast, looked up at the bridge and there he was nice little policeman on a bridge!
enjoy ur purchase.

cheers tony
Hay AndyMac i tottaly agree with you, i work shifts and ive tried staying at 70mph after a night shift and i fell like i'm going to nod off. But when i go about 80-90mph i do concentrate better. Plus if you stick to 70 you end up getting stuck with all the lorrys and vans and thats like pin ball.The average speed should in my opion be put up. And finaly do you ever see police pulling up lorry drivers for tail gating each other???. No you dont.
Also, you'd never be allowed to put a car on the road that had the horrendous braking distances of a fully loaded lorry.
We should take a tip from the Germans who restrict HGV's to the inside lane only, during peak times. In the UK at rush hour cars are restricted to the outside lane only while HGV's pretend to overtake each other. I'm not against lorries in general, but I do think the gov't should concentrate on getting goods onto public transport before trying to get us out of our cars. More M6 Expressways please, actually I'd like a lane on the M3 just for people who know what the f*ck they are doing!
An awful lot of hypocrisy exists around speed cameras, on both sides of the argument.

Firstly, let's dispel the myth that law-abiding motorists are being persecuted. They are not. Breaking the speed limit is not law-abiding. If I choose to break the speed limit (which I do, when I believe it to be safe), I do so in the full knowledge that I risk being caught and punished. I am not a victim. That said, I do not want to get caught. Nor do I wish to breka urban speed limits. These should be enforced with great vigour, to protect the lives of pedestrians & cyclists (after all, I am a pedestrian as well, and have been a cyclist too in recent times).

The other great source of hypocrisy is that "safety" (i.e. speed) cameras exists to reduce accidents & improve driving standards. They do neither of these things. Speed cameras can do only two things, detect speed and raise money. They do not detect dangerous driving. They do not detect uninsured drivers. They do not detect drivers under the influence of drink or drugs. They do not detect stolen cars. They do not exercise judgement, nor do they educate and inform drivers. The only thing that can do all of these things is a visible presence of real live Police officers patrolling the roads. The problem is that they cost money, whereas speed cameras raise money. It is alleged that the money raised is used to increase visible real live patrols, but experience suggests otherwise.

About 15 years ago, I was driving through an unfamiliar town in the West Country, Salisbury, I think it was. I didn't know my way, & was concentrating heavily on direction signs rather than speed signs. I was on a dual carriage-way through the town, which I believed to be an "urban clearway", which usually have a 50mph limit. I overtook a Police dog van at about 47mph. Moments later, I was flashed by the van to stop. The officer informed me that I had just overtaken a Police vehicle, while doing 47mph in a 40mph limit. I explained the circumstances, and apologised for what I described as a honest mistake. He did a few checks, from which he discovered I was a long way from home, & obviously didn't speak with a local accident. He decided that I HAD made an honest mistake & sent me on my way with a friendly warning to be more observant in unfamiliar surroundings. A speed camera would have fined me £80 & 3 penalty points.

More recently, I was driving through Southern Scotland on a near-deserted motorway, in perfect weather conditions, at 85mph. Nothing about my driving in those conditions constituted a danger to myself or any other driver. I then noticed a mobile camera van positioned on a bridge about half a mile away, so I had to brake sharply to get below 70mph as quickly as possible (those things have a huge range). That sudden braking manouevre probably created a hazard when none had previously existed. About 60 miles further down the road, in much heavier traffic, I was travelling well below 70mph, when a moron in a 4x4 veered across lanes into my path, while gabbling away on his mobile phone. I had to brake & swerve to avoid being wiped out altogether by two and half tons of out-of-control metal. The mobile camera would not have detected that incident as it took place below 70mph, but which was the more dangerous incident?

The only way to improve driving standards is to get Police back on the roads again, but this won't happen while cameras are raking in money for them. If everyone had a detector, revenues would fall & Police would have to revert to proper policing. That won't happen, of course, but in the meantime time, I will use my Road Angel to help me judge when I am at risk of detection.

Very well put Jeff.
Quote "obviously didn't speak with a local accident"
While a Salisbury accent may sound like an accident to you northeners, to us locals it be a lurvely sound.
AndyMac said:
Very well put Jeff.
Quote "obviously didn't speak with a local accident"
While a Salisbury accent may sound like an accident to you northeners, to us locals it be a lurvely sound.

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Pesky keyboard! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh_roll.gif
AndyMac said:
More M6 Expressways please..

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A word of advice, Andymac. If anyone asks you what you think of the M6 Toll Expressway, tell 'em it's cr@p (know what I'm saying, huh?) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
the new road angel 2 is out now, and availiable from your local stealers, at the costly price of £399.00, cheaper on ebay!!howerver they get them at the low price of £250 and mark them up by £150 each, nice little profit there.
I got my RA (Classic, not the new one) on Ebay for £200, including a three-year subscription /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/groovy.gif
There is another point I want to make, that I didn't include in that huge screed up above. We do not just need a fundamental re-think of how we enforce speed in the UK, we also need a more intelligent way of setting speed limits on the first place.

The national limit of 70mph is too low. As a starting point, it could comfortably be raised to 80, maybe even 90mph, but alonside that, there should be greater provision for the imposition (and enforcement) of flexible lower limits when conditions dictate. Much of the camera-based enforcement on out-of-town through roads (i.e. non-trunk A-roads) is superfluous, and the resources could be put to better use on urban enforcement. I think there is also scope for reducing urban limits to 20mph in certain areas (especially near schools, so that I am less at risk of being killed by a pre-menstrual mum in a soft-road 4x4 weapon of mass destruction.

BUT, far more important than speed enforcement, we have got to increase the level of traffic law generally, so that uninsured drivers are caught, un-taxed cars are sent to the crusher, and spotty-seventeen year-old drivers are surgically separated from their mobile phones. Britan has become lamentably lax in its attitudes to motoring law, and a few years of zero tolerance really wouldn't go amiss, provided that enforcement was carried out by actual Policemen, supproted by technology, and not by the technology alone. Contrary to what many out there mighht believe, this would actually go a long way towards improving the pleasure of driving again.

It will never happen though. All of the above is the kind of idea that political parties often come up with when they are in opposition (eg. listen to what the Tories were saying recently about speed limits & camera enforcement) but never when they are in government.

My apologies of this sound like the Peter Hitchins column in the Mail on Sunday. For what it's worth, I'm actually quite liberal in other subjects, /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/lol.gif
You can upgrade your Classic RA for a new one, for 200 quid.... I am tempted

Only thing holding me back, is with the rumours of laser/radar detectors being made illegal, the new RA incorporates a built-in laser detector - anybody got any thoughts on that one :s
I went for the new RA because of the integrated laser detection (even though I bought an LRC-100 diffuser at the same time).
I wouldn't bother upgrading if you have the classic RA, there's very little difference and the subscription is worse (only 6 months with the unit and no unlimited option), but they may have changed this on the old one as well, anyone know?
They can't make GPS based systems illegal so don't believe the hype in the papers, just scare tactics. They can make laser/radar detectors illegal (again) as these only perform one function. GPS systems operate in exactly the same way as Nav systems, so they'd be unable to outlaw them.
I can't believe that Nav systems don't tie up with someone like Blackspot to provide dual functionality, anyone know if this is available?
Laser diffusers are already illegal but the charge won't effect your driving licence as it is "preventing an officer doing his job" rather than a traffic offence. If they do outlaw detectors then it will be a complete U turn on their so called "safety message" and they will be admitting, finally, that they are just after the revenue and have no interest or valid plans to increase road safety. So they'll be in for even more stick. With an election coming up and the Tories bullsh*t about reducing camera's and increasing the speed limit they can't afford to do it for over a year anyway.
I'd prefer a heavy fine than points any day, (having been banned for 12 months on m'way totting up offences I speak from experience and it was a horrible/expensive year)
Interestingly enough I hired a van last week and checked that having points for speeding was OK (as 10 years ago it wasn't). The hire company said that everyone has points these days so they have to allow it, or go out of business. So much for increasing safety, I guess everybody just turned into rampant dangerous drivers overnight. What a joke.
Audi Girl,

Save your self a packet and get tomtom gps reciever - £80 on ebay. Hook it up to your ipaq/pocketpc/palm and visit the pocketgps.co.uk site. Download their safety camera poi sync database which is free!

Then you get gps protection (not as good as ra but free) and satnav all in one go.

Mine even tells me where the nearest shell garage is!
You should also still have some space on the dash for a laptop linked to iTunes via GPRS, a cheap alternative to an iPOD.
Sorry, don't mean to take the p*ss, but the whole point of relying on an RA or similar is that the database is paid for, accurate & continually developed. As a freebie, how long before this is out of date or discontinued?
Well I know people who actually prefer the free site 'run by the users for users' camera map.

I guess you make your choices and thats that. But even the best subscription ones can be out of date and nothing is reckoned to give over 80% coverage.

At least with the free one, as a user you can correct with exact gps fixings every month. Plus the people who run it do make use of additional info as and when it becomes available.

Whats better to trust? Someone who's took your money and is running a business (with usual business constraints of costs etc..) or one potentially run by 1000s of people who actually rely on it to save them from accident black spots?)

Afterall were know where the cameras are in our own areas, its only when you stray into other countys that you need alerts. So if someone on the network actaully lies in that area, you should have uptodate info.

Anyway its free! Have both!

Ps. how can you talk about fouling up the dash! What with your radar detector, ra, laser beam splitter etc!!!
If you'd bothered to read my post, I don't have a radar detector, the laser diffuser is a device the size of a matchbox that fits under the number plate on the front bumper, so all I have is a single unit on the dash to the right of the steering wheel. Which is still one too many IMO, but now unfortunately a necessity.
Thanks Lee - thing about the RA is I can leave it plugged in all the time. I do have an ipaq with Navman/TomTom, but don't want to have it wired in all the time.

The new car has a small windscreen and limited dash space - the ipaq will take up most of it - part of the attraction of RA is its size.....

Andy - is there not much difference then, I was tempted by the fact it auto-mutes if you are going slowly and it looks a bit funkier /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif Does it still make the same irritating beepy noise?

My Classic RA is broken - intermittent satellite lock - so it has to go back for some work and its out of warranty. I am thinking well, do I bother paying for it to be fixed bearing in mind it's 3 years old now, or just upgrade to the new one.... it does also include the laser detection which is tidy...

My worry about the detectors being illegal, was that if they do that, would the new RA be affected as it includes detector components.. if RA had any sense in that situation I guess they update the firmware to turn off the detection part!
Yeah that'll work and look really cool as well, or a dustbin lid, anything basically
I'll be sure to post some pics of my minimalistic vent mounted brodit satnav gps saftey camera installation soon.

Which is by no means left in vehicle, as it's a PDA too and useful elsewhere..
If you don't like the way I drive, stay off the pavement!

why not strap a cop to the front grill. he should protect it from insects, minor bumper bashings and serve to cover your license plate...

In South Africa we just stick a plastic bag over the license plate. just make it look like it 'stuck' there on its own. that way if you speed they can take all the photo's they like, they can't send the fine to anyone, and if anyone actually bothers to pull you over, what they going to do, at worst, fine you for covering up your license plate... at the end of the day which is the cheaper fine? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/lol.gif
Like it, I also like your butane powered vehicle anti hijack devices.
Bit worried about strapping a cop to the front grill, won't this mess up the handling?
nah, if you are loading chickens on the roof, then you even up the weight distribution.... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/lol.gif , and don't forget, if the hijacker arrives you can cook the chickens at the same time, two birds with one torch....

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