Winter's gone, welcome to spring everyone

Hooray ! Time to burn the old garden furniture in the Chiminea and buy some decent new stuff !
LOL....happy days!!!
I can wear less layers of clothes when I shoot outdoors.

And put the Oakleys back on:yes:
Man Utd and Chelse losing today made it an even better start :yahoo:
It's been a fantastic weekend down here :arco:

I reckon it will come back and bite us on the *** soon though lol :cold:
Weather's been great! But!!! Spring means more birds pooing all over cars! That is exactly what happened to me earlier today! Washed the car in the morning, went to work, got back and found diarrhea all over my car! Wasn't happy! Apart from that, it's been great!
:) finally but weather report says there rain tomorrow lol
Yea it does, but it says that Tuesday is going to be good good good!!!
We've had days and days of clear sky with sunshine, and temperatures above 10 C. Best weather we've ever had in a while. :cool:

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