help smart top


Registered User
Mar 9, 2009
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sunny bognor regis or sunny spain
i want to get a smart top for my motor, but my missus dosent,
is there anyone out there to convince her that we need one
she doesnt listen to me but someone else she may do?
cheers hopefully tony
do you mean the one-touch closer gadget?

That would be handy I can tell, especially when parking and not having to stand and wait till the hood went up. More so if it rains after you park.

Tell her we said you have to be allowed to get one, that should work. :icon_thumright:
Hi Tony
I've had one for over a year now and am soooooo pleased I'd fitted it. I use the remote function EVERYTIME I take the roof down. I think as a ratio I've used the button inside about 1:10 compaired to using the remote! And even then, as its a one touch, I don't have to keep my finger on the button - I just press it and drive off (as theres not a 5mph speed limit). Of course when I park, theres no need to press the button as I just need to close the door and walk away as usual and then press the remote while the roof starts to close, windows go up and then locks itself. You can't help feeling a bit like Batman and his armoured car!

In the summer I used the remote window function on a more regular basis. Its always handy to open the windows before you get to the car to let the warm air out.

I not going to say I've had no problems with it before... but nothing that was anything that that couldn't be reset - rather just embarressing. one time whilst it was opening I decided to try and stop it half way through by pressing one of the buttons on the remote - it happened to be the lock button and it just stopped half way. I had to use the key behind the dash to close it manually and it worked again. The only other time in the 14months of having it was whilst driving out of a petrol station using the one touch button - I think in my impatience I kept pressing it and it stopped as I was driving away. You just learn not to mess with it once its in operation!

The five functions are:
1 - Workshop/Diagnose mode. Makes the module invisible to diagnostic tools. on\off
2 - One-Touch operation for the center-console soft-top switch. on\off\deluxe
3 - One-Touch roof remote operation. on\off\deluxe
4 - Activate Hazards during remote roof operation. on\off (turned this off!)
5 - "Chirp" feature. on\off (horn! ... turned this off!)

All in all I think, as an optional extra, its worth every penny.
Its becoming more popular as when I bought it - I got it from america via ebay and delivered, it cost me £160. They stopped selling it on ebay for a while but I see its back on there now.
i wouldnt be without the smart top in mine. i got it after chatting to zeratul at some length about it (on another forum). i even bought mine while i was holidaying in the states (before i bought my cab!)

its i cant believe how much easier it has made using the roof. it means that you can walk to your car in a car park, and the roof is open before you reach the car!

its also a great help just to open the windows with the remote.

ok, actual reasons:

leave or wind windows down remotely when leaving/approaching your car in a tight parking space, makes getting in/out easier. then use the remote to close them after.

leave roof open for rear passengers to get out easily, then use remote to close while walking away. (similarly for getting in)

when parked in a car park, remote range is just far enough for roof to be about 80% open by the time you reach the car.

not having to hold button in car to close the roof.

a BIG plus is being able to use the roof at speeds up to 19mph. no more having to pull over, just slow down a little (maybe in some traffic, or at lights) and let the roof do its thing. also great for when driving into a car park. flick the button and let the roof close as you look for a space.

i can honestly say its the best thing i've done to my cab. get one, you wont be disappointed. (its good to show off with too :D)
well done!

take your time fitting it and triple check all the connector changes that you have to make. i very nearly connected mine up incorrectly as i accidentally followed a few steps of the TT only wiring... then realised i had done it wrong before i went too far!

you will wonder how you ever got on without it!
I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

The instructions are quite thorough. The tricky part was getting the side panel off, (it would help to have someone help at this point to just hold the back seat away from the side panel while you remove it). Also, when replacing it, check that the panel sits in place at the point by the hinge (its a good idea to check it against the otherside).

other than that - just take your time with the wiring.

All the best.
i payed 249 euros which i think is about £219ish from mods4cars

they (i think) were the only ones that were selling it with the extra harness thrown in

im gonna need all the help i can get lol

wish they had that harness when i bought mine! looks like its doddle to fit now. should cut installation time down to about an hour!
hi all, just thought id let you know that a package arrived today.
but it was in an old padded envelope?
open it up and yes it was a cab module but from kufatec, the pro one.

what happened was i got the good lady to order the smarttop from mods4cars, but unknown to me she found this on ebay the day before and thought she would surprise me(that she did!). so i got a bag of bits and some instructions so wish me luck!:scared2:

anyone else heard of this module? i know kufatec are a well known company so should be ok?

but all in all she only paid £122 for it so cant be all bad!!

not familiar with the kufatec ones, but i would check the website to make sure that it does all the functions you want.

it appears the kufatec site sells 2 different modules. one for 150 euros, the other 250.

it seems the 250 allows "one touch" operation using the roof switch, remote opening and opening at up to 40kmh, the cheaper one only alows remote opening.

imho, i think i would wait for the smarttop to turn up
oh wait, just realised you said it was the pro one, maybe it does have the same features after all!

good luck :)
i think the only difference between the two is that the smarttop has a small amount of configuration, ie making horn/indicators activate when roof operating etc, but tbh, i left mine stock.

my indicators flash when the roof is operating, and thats it.
certainly looks good in black!!!:thumbsup: would have been a very close second colour choice. but last car was black so thought id have a change

how come you say half leather? surely half alcantara is better lol!

nice wheels, i been looking at them too, still not sure what i want tho!

im gonna get my seats retrimmed so i got alcantara, full leather is hot in the sun and cold in winter.
i originally wanted full leather, but have found the leather/alcantara combination better (imo) for exactly the reasons you say. i said half leather only because the audi brochures seem to treat full leather as an upgrade from the half/alcantara ones.

i was lucky to find one with the wheels that i wanted, i think it makes the car look really smart. it was a toss up between those and the 10 spoke "rs4" style wheels.

i always wanted black on black. it took me 8 months to find one i liked. even then, this one was about 90% of what i wanted, as i would have preferred a symphony stereo for an easy(er) sat nav upgrade.
ive done the rns-e upgrade from a single din to double, fairly straight forward mate, get the new cage for about £35 and your all set, only takes acouple of hours, if that.
well worth it !!
i really wish i didnt know that.

my bank balance is getting nervous lol...

did you buy another climate unit or just trim down your existing one to fit?
just trimmed it down myself mate, easy job, you cant go wrong.

let it get nervous mate,if you dont the wife will !!! lol

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